End Times Speculation XXIV ver. 2.0

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How often does any pope speak ex cathedra though? I thought it was done rather infrequently.
I’m not passing any judgement on the people who aren’t paying attention to the signs. The media has done a good job of promoting fear and division with this pandemic and so many people are to scared to do anything more than stay stuck in survival mode. I have too many friends that used to be joyful and go to Mass, and be social that have bordered themselves in and believes whole heartedly whatever narrative is promoted. This spills over to the Church, especially when so many Bishops rolled over when the lockdown was started and the hypocrisy became even more glaring with “essential businesses“ including liquor stores and abortion centers but not Churches. So I’m merely pointing out people are giving into fear and thus may be overlooking the signs right in front of them. I’m not presuming anything more than that. And I’m not presuming ALL people have their head in the sand, or aren’t watchful of signs. Plenty are. And I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know what to do about things besides prayer, fasting, and penance.
Cardinal Burke and Mueller thought the same with the dubia asking for clarification regarding *Amoris Laetitia.
On the one hand we have the right and duty of every Catholic to question a pronouncement which seems to be contrary to Sacred Tradition, and alternatively a reluctance to be divisive or accused of fomenting a schism. In the case of the Dubia the Cardinals were quite right IMHO to ask questions and expect answers which were not forthcoming. I cannot imagine the faithful disciples asking the Lord a question involving the salvation of souls to be met with a resounding silence .
How often does any pope speak ex cathedra though? I thought it was done rather infrequently.
You might say that. Since the dogma was explicitly defined at the First Vatican Counsel it’s been invoked only once, in 1950 when Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary as infallible doctrine. There have been other examples where it appears set without an explicit declaration, as when three consecutive popes declared the use of artificial birth control as sinful. That is now considered by most Catholic theologians to be an infallible doctrine for this reason, without the pope speaking ex cathedra on the subject.
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Perhaps this:

As for the times and epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While they are saying “ Peace and security “ then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child and they will not escape.
  • 1 Thess. 5: 1-3.
I’m thinking the 2nd financial stock market/ economic fall (if we call the first the Feb-April time frame) is the one that doesn’t rebound (as the first did).

Did that begin today? Pretty massive fall for 1 day with no apparent reason. Next week or two should be telling.
Revelation Ch.20 - Satan chained -
In WW2 the Allies declared victory on VE (Victory in Europe ) Day. However the victory was actually secured on D Day ( the Normandy Landings ) It was a foregone conclusion. Everything from D Day to VE Day was just the mopping up exercise.
In the Mel Gibson movie ’ The Passion of the Christ ’ In the scene where Jesus dies on the cross , the focus shifts to Satan . Satan recoils in horror. You could say ’ He has shot himsel in the foot '. It was, he thought his moment of supreme victory - but,
the moment Christ died the balance of power shifted , and Satan was no longer in control. This was the Binding of Satan announced in Rev. 20 V 1-4. the start of the thousand years. A thousand years in the Bible signifies a long indefinite period of time. Though, at this present moment, it doesn’t look as if Satan is bound - He Is bound. At this present time we are in the period between D.Day and VE Day .

Two Events That Will Precede the Lord’s Return: Are We Seeing Them Now?
CCC 841 , quoting the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium 16 , from Vatican II, declared:
The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.
Vatican II ushered in this identity.
I’d like to take a quick poll: Does anyone else here believe a truism that what a nation has done to Israel will be done to it in return? An example is Babylon conquered Israel and carted the elite off to Babylon; later on Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylon, carried off the elite to Persia, and let the Israelites return to Israel.

In more modern times, during WW 1, after British forces liberated Jerusalem from Ottoman (Turkish) rule, Great Britain issued the Balfour Declaration which declared its intent to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. Britain then sat on its hands for over a quarter of a century. A territory that was originally going to stretch from Lebanon to Saudi Arabia and from the Mediterranean Sea to Iraq was sliced apart, piece by piece, as politics dictated. In the end, Britain simply walked away. There was no ceremony as in other places where the British left to hand over sovereignty. And ever since that day, the British Empire, upon which the Sun Never Set, has experienced some quite drastic sunsets, where pieces of Empire were simply sliced apart, piece by piece, as politics dictated.

Does anyone else believe this?
I hope that the truism is bona fide and that Our Blessed Lord sees America’s modest contribution by two of its citizens in the 1948 rebirth of Israel as worthy of His Tender Mercies…

I am not an historian, but surely many dignitaries over the years had tried and failed yet it took a simple, unlikely Kansas City haberdasher and his old Army buddy to finalize a homeland for the Jewish people. America’s president had taken the long view. The United States became the first government to recognize the legitimacy of Israel. Had he not been a man who knew how to honor a commitment, the Middle East would surely be a very different place today.

I believe that Israel will always have a place in God’s Heart.
Has the prophecy of Rabbi (and Christian) Jonathan Cahn been discussed here? I find it rather fascinating but am not enough of an Old Testament scholar to verify whether it has something to it or pure quackery. He’s on numerous Youtubes.
I’ve never heard of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. I will look around the internet to see what I can find

update Rabbi Cain is promoting a time of global prayer and return to God.


Anyone know if the Catholic Church is involved with The Return?
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Actually, the issue was that “Palestine” was a territory of the Ottoman Empire. Pius X was desperately trying to keep the Ottomans from massacring the Christians (aka the Armenian Genocide). Pius was worried that coming out in favor of a Jewish homeland at the time would interfere with his efforts to stop the genocide.
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I hope that the truism is bona fide and that Our Blessed Lord sees America’s modest contribution by two of its citizens in the 1948 rebirth of Israel as worthy of His Tender Mercies…
That knife cuts both ways. During the Obama years I freaked out a goodly number of my Protestant friends by doing some calculations one Friday night. This was when Obama was trying to force Israel to give up more of its land to create a state of Palestine. I figured out that if Obama was able to strong-arm Israel into this deal, Israel would be giving up about 24% of its land area.

I then did some more calculations, and a LOT of research. If the New Madrid fault were to go today with a 7.7 magnitude earthquake, it would destroy or damage every dike and bridge and dam from the Arkansas/Louisiana border up to north of the Wisconsin/Illinois border. What doesn’t get talked about a lot is that the same geologic features and effects that would mess with the Mississippi extend well up the Ohio River system, probably up to the Pennsylvania border. If you look at a map of the Ohio river system, you’ll see something called the Tennessee–Tombigbee Waterway. It’s a set of canals that link the Tennessee River (which flows into the Ohio) with the Tombigbee River (which flows into the Gulf of Mexico). It’s a major water way that carries hundreds of millions of dollars of traffic each year. And when the next New Madrid quake occurs, it, along with every other river that feeds into it, will be impassable.

I’m going into this long detail because I did some calculations. When the New Madrid goes again, the entire southeastern part of the US, from the Ohio river to the Gulf, and from the Mississippi River to a stretch of land along the coast will be cut off. No bridges, no boat traffic, no nothing. The amount of land the US would be losing would be about 24% of the land area in the continental United States.
IF Obama had gotten Israel to give up land (again) for a Palestinian state,
Here’s his Trump prophecy. He’s a New Jersey guy so he talks really fast 🙂

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