The only alternative to the problem, that I can think of, is to avoid all thoughts of heritage (burn your family trees, do not participate in cultural events, etc…).
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Love Christ. He is your heritage.So, we can love our heritage, correct? But, we can’t be partial in love.
In some sense, that’s not off. Consider Jesus’s words in Matthew 10:35, in light of the answer above.The only alternative to the problem, that I can think of, is to avoid all thoughts of heritage (burn your family trees, do not participate in cultural events, etc…).
Count me among the deluded then. Bigotry, including racial bigotry, is alive and well.The notion that “white supremacy” (whatever that is) is pervasive today is most certainly a paranoid delusion. This is obvious.
Indeed. Not that there are more of them but that they can get together and make a louder noise.Stronger might not be the right word - I’d say “emboldened.” Part of it is the wide dissemination of information via the internet, making it easier for white supremacists to connect with people of like mind, as well as increasing their visibility.
We can’t count the entire non-Italian world as mission territory.Because those regions are still Mission territory for the most part… It makes sense there would be less Catholics, and therefore priests, and therefore cardinals, and therefore Popes from those regions.
Sounds good to me.And a Kiwi Pope would be just grand !!
How about a Maori one!
Sorry about that. My response was intended to be a general reply, not directed at you in particular.Where are you possibly coming up with that from post? What do you think I am suggesting?
I’d say the vast majority of sane people are.But that’s not to say it shouldn’t be eradicated. I’m on board with any eradication of white supremacists.
The last 3 Popes have not been Italian. One of the reasons most Bishops of Rome have been Italian is because it was much harder to travel once upon a time, and the majority of Cardinals were Italian. But as the College of Cardinals grew internationally, that has changed. I seriously doubt we will see another Italian Pope within our lifetimes.We can’t count the entire non-Italian world as mission territory.
Cardinal Sarah could easily be a Pope.expecting to have an African or non-vietnamese/Philipino Asian pope would be unrealistic
I agree.Cardinal Sarah could easily be a Pope.
“Cardinal Sin”?I was always rather sad that Cardinal Sin did not get a chance to be Pope.
http://www.newadvent.org/summa/3101.htmNo human heritage matters
Who’s causing physical harm to whom? What are you talking about?Freedom of speech and causing physical harm or death to others are 2 different things. Maybe you should learn the difference.
This is certainly true, but no in the way you understand it.Bigotry, including racial bigotry, is alive and well.
Thank you. However, I guess didn’t make my point clear enough. I agree with everything you write here, and did not mean anything different.We humans are not capable of eradicating evil. God alone, is capable. God could have eradicated the Devil, but chose not to.
To say that racism and supremacism should be “eradicated” is fool-hardy. Free will is a natural right, and some will always choose evil. To “eradicate” that choice is to eradicate what it means to be human.
As Christians, we are called to a much more difficult task, to convert the evildoer through charity. Love the enemy. Evil cannot be destroyed, only repented.
I’m still not sure what groups you’re referring to, since you’ve repeatedly refused to say which groups you’re referring to. I highly suspect that whichever ones you have in mind don’t in fact inflict physical harm on people.Are you daft? Are you trying to say the above mentioned groups don’t harm other people?