What is “in actuality”?
I think we’re so far from knowing anything about the distant condition of the universe that it’s as idle to speculate about it as it is to speculate how many angels there are and what each one of them does.
I recall watching a program in which some astrophysicists were discussing how the “Big Bang” could have occurred. Well, said some, prior to that the universe was composed of “membranes”, each corresponding to a different dimension. (The various physicists differ, it appears, on how many of those there are) And some believe the intersection (banging together) of parts of two membranes caused the Big Bang and therefore the universe we know. Of course, according to them, all sorts of other universes might be out there, and probably are.
And what’s the time frame for all of that? Whatever number of years is bigger than Vingtillions? (I don’t even know if that’s a number, but I think it is).