So, you believe that God directly intervenes to discipline his creation? I believe that other human beings do that using the moral code that has developed over the millenia. There are many people who manage to live a moral and decent life without ANY belief in a deity. Slavery to sin, as you call it, is an individual failing.I suspect you will be truly shocked to find out that the “plan” of “this God” IS the absolute freedom of human agents. The problem with absolute freedom is that, in a moral sense, absolute freedom is not compatible with evil and abuse of absolute power. Ergo, absolute power and freedom abused to the detriment of others by irresponsible use of it means freedom will be rescinded. He who can be trusted in little things can be trusted in big things. This life is, in some sense, a life of little things where our capacity to handle freedom will determine whether that freedom will be fully endowed to us.
One of the reasons that “He who sins is a slave to sin” is that he who sins proves his inability to handle freedom and thereby relinquishes it. Sin reduces our capacity to act freely precisely because we distance ourselves from the source of freedom and power.
You are very mistaken in your belief that moral discipline entails a loss of freedom. Left to themselves the fleas can only rise to the level of fleas. Discipline and training from the Master of the Universe means the “fleas” can far surpass mere flea-like behaviour.
In this case, the “fleas” are trained and graced not merely to entertain small minded spectators in the Flea Circus Maximus – despite the proliferation of advertisements claiming such things – but to share the very life and freedom of the Master Himself.
So far as a plan…I see no evidence of any plan governing humanity. All I see is gradual development that is not reliant on an interventionist deity.