As a deist, “you make many assumptions.”It’s actually rather simple. The creator brought the universe into existence,in my belief… the rest is pure conjecture. If anyone has some tangible evidence…I’m wide open for it.
Primarily, that the paradigm of a watchmaker assembling a watch or Henry Ford “manufacturing” automobiles is the most fitting to describe what God does when he creates universes.
Would it be fitting to ask if obsolescence is a built-in feature of the universe? Is there a shelf-life or warranty? (Energized to run for 20 billion years?)
Could it be that being smitten by human technology makes you incapable of seeing beyond engineering as the only possible way that God could or does create?
It is not clear, to me at least, what possible evidence there could be to establish with any kind of certainty the manner in which God creates. We only have analogs from human endeavors to serve as speculative models. There is no more “evidence” in strictly naturalistic terms to support a deist view of creation than there is a Thomist view. However, Thomistic metaphysics are much more robust, explanatorily, than deism, which relies heavily on Occam’s slash and burn methodology.