
Where is the ACLU when you need them?In public and government schools every one is required to learn their religion from primary through high school.
Where is the ACLU when you need them?In public and government schools every one is required to learn their religion from primary through high school.
Mr. murtad,
The more you wirte, the more you express your ignorance about Islam/Islamic terms.
Justice2006, from the above you show us that you do not even know Islam and its history. As a former Muslim, I have studied the acts of the FOUR RIGHTLY GUIDED CALIPHS (ie. Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali) in Islamic Studies. These four Caliphs invaded the following provinces of the Byzantine Empire, named:Who told you that “the term “idolator” refers to every non-Muslim who refuses to convert himself into an Arab”???.
Then you know first hand what we in the west have to look forward too.I grew up in a muslim country as a christian. I have a good friend back home who at one time was a solid muslim, by the grace of God,accepted Jesus Christ as his savior. He is still hiding from his muslim family because they told him that if they find him they will kill him. He is now a paster, praise God.
I’ve learned some of the things from their quraan. In public and government schools every one is required to learn their religion from primary through high school. They are teaching in schools that allah and God of the bible are the same thing just different language, I grew up believing that until recently when I became a born again christian I started hearing that it’s not true.
Here is a website that has some interesting information on that. If any one has different findings on this, please email me at <<calina_vicari@yahoo.com>>
May God of Abraham, Isacc and Jaccob show mercy on all the muslims and show them the meaning of true love and grace…amen
I urge everyone not to send email to any member that you do not know for quite sometime. It is better to use PM that Forum has provided. Its all for your own safety. No offence Jesus_Freak! Hope you understand!.If any one has different findings on this, please email me at <<calina_vicari@yahoo.com>>
This is one of the examples of less credible sources. Ibn Warraq is a fake name, and used to author books like “Why I am not a Muslim”, which to me reminisce of “Why I am not Catholic” from Jack Chick types. No credibility at all.Ibn Warraq on Islam:
The Allah-hubal connection exists only on the internet at fundamentalist christian websites. It has precisely zero scholarly backing. It is a garbage theory of history. Even the Popes acknowledge that muslims worship the same God as Christians.Here is a website that has some interesting information on that. If any one has different findings on this, please email me at
This answer makes no sense given the perserverance of the Jews under Muslim rule. Most of them converted because Nestorian and Arian Christianity, the most common beliefs in that time in those regions, is more amenable to Islam than Orthodox Christianity. There are still millions of Copts today, btw, and of all Christian sects there were many more before the Saudis became important in the 1920’s.My answer is this: Its due to forced conversion to Islam, imposed via poll tax (jizyah) and land tax (kharaj) those who could not pay the tribute taxes, were declared idolators and had one two choices: convert to Islam or die. So, many Copts, Assyrians and Greeks chose to become Arabs rather than die.
Maronite -Catholics are only in Lebanon and Christianity in Lebanon isfor example a good way to evangelize would be that the evangelization in the arabic population would be with the maronite rite that is in arabic, but it´s only a proposal. I would like to be better formed, I want to read more to answer better.
Greetings and welcome home.
The pen name Ibn Warraq is no more a “fake name” than your name “pro_universal”. Such pen names are used by book authors whose controversial writings can endanger their lives. Such is especially true for those who live in contemporary Islamic societies, where there is a death penalty for leaving Islam.This is one of the examples of less credible sources. Ibn Warraq is a fake name, and used to author books like “Why I am not a Muslim”, which to me reminisce of “Why I am not Catholic” from Jack Chick types. No credibility at all.
Every true member of the Catholic Church who faithfully follows the CCC and the Bible is a fundamentalist. The word “fundamentalist” derives from the root word “fundamental” meaning “basics”, so a fundamentalist is one who follows the basics of Catholic faith. Obviously, you are not since you reject its teachings.The Allah-hubal connection exists only on the internet at fundamentalist christian websites. It has precisely zero scholarly backing. It is a garbage theory of history. Even the Popes acknowledge that muslims worship the same God as Christians.
The same could be said of Jews living in Catholic Europe or Orthodox Russia, who co-existed in harmony with Christians until the Nazi Holocaust called by a godless Atheist, Adolf Hitler who massacred 6 million Jews. On other hand, Islamists were no different from Atheists in the persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt who were forced on the pain of death to pay Jizyah and Kharaj or become Arab Muslims, if they could not. Even if there were millions of Copts today, why are they just 5% of Egypt, when Muslims (Arabs) make up 95% of Egypt? This is proof that there was a cultural genocide against Coptic people.This answer makes no sense given the perserverance of the Jews under Muslim rule. Most of them converted because Nestorian and Arian Christianity, the most common beliefs in that time in those regions, is more amenable to Islam than Orthodox Christianity. There are still millions of Copts today, btw, and of all Christian sects there were many more before the Saudis became important in the 1920’s.
Pro-universal, you show off your ignorance of English language, which was, is and will always be a Christian language. The term “race” means language for every human is biologically and genetically similar as we descend from common parents Adam and Eve. Anything else is ATHEISM. So, my breakdown is not worthless as I am showing how Arab racism by Islamists forced majority of Egypt to become Arabs.Your breakdown of percentage races is worthless, because it is not based on genetics but rather language…
This is not true as Jewish people were dominated for a long time by Christians and Muslims, yet they did not convert to either. They remain Jewish and worship in Hebrew, the language of Israel. If Irish speak English, then they are actually English. Anything else is blatant lie by atheists.Any time a country is dominated by another for long periods of time, people learn the language of the dominant nation. That’s why the Irish speak english. It doesn’t mean all Irish are actually english
Pen names are used by fiction authors. Plenty of people criticize islam in academia, and they do so with their real names. There is no reason not to use your real name except to conceal a lack of credentials with such a book.Such pen names are used by book authors whose controversial writings can endanger their lives.
On the contrary, I am schooled in its teachings and I love and appreciate the study of what it means to be Catholic. That is why I understand that there’s more to Christianity than “Jesus good, muhammad bad.”The word “fundamentalist” derives from the root word “fundamental” meaning “basics”, so a fundamentalist is one who follows the basics of Catholic faith.
Follow the teachings of the Church: good scholarship, just like good science, is universal. That’s why we fund and host thousands of real scholars in our Universities. Our standards of academic are straight in line with those of secular schools, and for good reason. Rationality is universal, hence, it does not matter if one is a Christian or some other faith, when considering the rationale behind his or her points.We need to carefully judge the personality of men and check for contradiction in their personality and expose this to the rest of human society
I have no clue where you got this idea, but it is completely wrong. Read Lumen Gentium. It does not even use the word “muslim”, but rather, Mohammedian. Are there Mohammedian trinitarians too? You are simply trying to trick your way out of the plain meaning of a Papal Encyclical and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with this point. Muslims means Muslims, not some “trick sect” like Jews for Jesus.While every Pope since Vatican II say Muslims worship the same God as Christians, they were refering to Trinitarian Muslims, meaning those Muslims who confess the Nicene Creed and not the Islamist Muslims.
This is false. The Czars persecuted Jews with almost as much rigor as the communists.The same could be said of Jews living in Catholic Europe or Orthodox Russia, who co-existed in harmony with Christians until the Nazi Holocaust called by a godless Atheis
The Jizya tax of the past actually let christians persist, which is why there are still so many Copts. Your history is simply inaccurate, and it’s doubly misleading when you compare the practice of Jizya year for year with the European standard which was: convert or die, period. There was no third “pay a tax and live as you wish” option in Europe. By the time Europe finally stopped persecuting religious minorities (ie, after 1945), the jizya was long gone.On other hand, Islamists were no different from Atheists in the persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt who were forced on the pain of death to pay Jizyah and Kharaj or become Arab Muslims, if they could not.
Well, then I guess all black Americans and native Americans are the same race as the Irish, since they both are relatives of Adam and speak english, right?e. The term “race” means language for every human is biologically and genetically similar as we descend from common parents Adam and Eve. Anything else is ATHEISM. So, my breakdown is not worthless as I am showing how Arab racism by Islamists forced majority of Egypt to become Arabs.
Yes they did. Most of them are dead. In medieval times, the vast majority of the world’s Jews lived in Muslim Spain. Later on, during the Enlightenment, they managed to regain some ground in Europe, but their populations took a huge toll under the Nazi genocide. That’s why Hebrew is still a language and not just yiddish; because millions of Jews persisted in the middle eastern cultures. (For clarity’s sake: Yiddish is the language of European Jews; Hebrew, being so similar to Arabic, is the language of middle eastern Jews)This is not true as Jewish people were dominated for a long time by Christians and Muslims, yet they did not convert to either.
Tell that to the Catholic brothers of ours in Ireland who are fighting to keep Ireland ethnically Irish. Are they phoney Catholics, all those Irish who claim that they are not English?If Irish speak English, then they are actually English. Anything else is blatant lie by atheists.
Mr. inJESUS,Maronite -Catholics are only in Lebanon and Christianity in Lebanon is…the focus should be on other countries but unfortunately not without peril like Irak or Egypt or Palestine…i think Syria and Jordan are good choices…my opinion only.
VATICAN CITY - A day after reaching out to other Christians and to Jews in his installation Mass, Pope Benedict XVI met Monday with members of the Muslim community, assuring them the church wanted to continue building “bridges of friendship” that he said could foster peace in the world.
Benedict made the comments while meeting with religious leaders who attended Sunday’s installation ceremony, saying he was particularly grateful that members of the Muslim community were present.
“I express my appreciation for the growth of dialogue between Muslims and Christians, both at the local and international level,” he said.
Mr. inJESUS,
I agree with you that Syria, Jordan, and Egypt can be a good start for evangelism of Muslims. However, we need to take into account the cultural norms when we perform evangelism. One way is to establish a Muslim Rite, like the many Eastern Rite Catholic Church, Coptic Rite, Syriac Rite, Greek Rite and Russian Rite.
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI himself said that Christians and Muslims worship one, mercify God. This is true only if Muslims believe in Trinity by confessing Nicene Creed. Then, they will be true Muslims, who will call themselves Trinitarian Muslims.
These types of Muslims are no different from Jews for Jesus, Trinitarian Jews who confess the Nicene Creed.
Its easy to see the reason you call critics of Islamism, “fiction authors” because you are Islamist masqurading as Christian. When you claim we lack “credentials” can you explain to us what do you mean by “credentials”? Today as I see it, atheists and islamists alike have learnt the way to lie and they claim that their fake “Christian” or “secular” scholars are reputable, despite the fact most of these “scholars” have dubious backgrounds (such as personality, character, etc), despite their so-called Ph.D qualifications.Pen names are used by fiction authors. Plenty of people criticize islam in academia, and they do so with their real names. There is no reason not to use your real name except to conceal a lack of credentials with such a book.
If you really “schooled” in the teachings of the Catholic Church, then you will surely know why we have Eastern Rite Catholic Churches, like Coptic Rite, Syriac Rite, Greek Rite, Russian Rite and Hebrew Rite! But as you do not know, you prove to us, Christians, you are hardly a true member of the Catholic Church, and so definitely not Christian. Today, within the Church, we have a concept called Ecumenical Evangelism, which means politically correct evangelism. We usually call fake Christians (ie. Protestants and Eastern Orthodox) as “seperated brothers and sisters”, rather than the rude word heretic. The same goes for Jews and Muslims.On the contrary, I am schooled in its teachings and I love and appreciate the study of what it means to be Catholic. That is why I understand that there’s more to Christianity than “Jesus good, muhammad bad.”
As in contemporary English, the word “secular” means ATHEIST so a “secular” school comprises of scholars who have an atheistic worldview of science, whether biology, chemistry or physics. Such scholars are hardly real scholars since they do not confess their atheistic bias but masqurade as religious. This discredits them just as you, “pro-universal” are discredited. I wonder why you have not replied to my challenge to you to reveal your real name, phone number and postal address? Are you afraid? If yes, then you have no reason to tell Ibn Warraq to reveal his/her real identity.Follow the teachings of the Church: good scholarship, just like good science, is universal. That’s why we fund and host thousands of real scholars in our Universities. Our standards of academic are straight in line with those of secular schools, and for good reason.
The issue here is language semantics and not theology. In the early days, the Church used the term “Muhammandian” that meant a people who worshipped according to Arabic Rites but today, the word “Muhammadian” is politically correct, so to appease the Muslim race, the Pope uses the word “Muslim”. This is no different from the word “Jewess” or “Jew woman”, which is often rude and considered Anti-Semitic. BTW, Jews for Jesus is not a trick sect, they are real Orthodox Jews who are ethnically Jewish according to Halacha (ie. mother is Jewish) and who practise Christian faith.I have no clue where you got this idea, but it is completely wrong. Read Lumen Gentium. It does not even use the word “muslim”, but rather, Mohammedian. Are there Mohammedian trinitarians too? You are simply trying to trick your way out of the plain meaning of a Papal Encyclical and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with this point. Muslims means Muslims, not some “trick sect” like Jews for Jesus.
I explained above that “Muhammadian” and “Muslim” mean the same thing. Its just language sematics not theology. Whether we call ourselves Christian or Catholic or Latin, it means the same thing as they are not three different religions.If you wish to dispute this point further, please refer to Lumen Gentium’s use of the term “Mohammedian”, and explain to me how “Mohammedian” means “trinitarian.”
This is yet another blatant lie from you, “pro-universal”. The world war 2 was hardly religious but a war waged by secular nationalist German regime to Germanise the 25 European races. Muslims, especially Yugoslav Muslims and Ukrainian Muslims colloborated with Adolf Hitler as shown by the Russian records. Europe abolished “persecution” of Jews in the early 19th century, which coincides with the rise of secularism. That is long before Islam abolished jizyah/kharaj after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War 1, in 1924.By the time Europe finally stopped persecuting religious minorities (ie, after 1945), the jizya was long gone.
You are correct to say White Americans, Black Americans, Irish Americans and Native Americans are all of the same race if they love the English language with all their heart, soul and mind. In our Catholic parish, we have Chinese, Malays and Tamils, yet we are all one race as we worship in English, an international language.Well, then I guess all black Americans and native Americans are the same race as the Irish, since they both are relatives of Adam and speak english, right?
Thanks but no thanks. I definitely cannot do an honest research from those biased “secular” sources, whose self-proclaimed “scholars” are really atheists who try to conceal their atheistic bias by pretending to be religious! That is not “scholarship” but dishonest lying.I think perhaps you need to do a little research on the english use of the term “race.”
You show your gross misunderstanding of history of the Jewish people. During the time spent by our Lord Jesus (who was an Orthodox Jew) on this Earth, his natural language was Aramaic not Hebrew (which was dead as a dodo). It was only in the 19th century C.E., Hebrew was revived as a spoken language by the Zionist movement and in 1948 C.E., Israel was esblished a Hebrew State with Hebrew as its official language. So as you may see, a dead language can be revived as a spoken tongue if a community has the religious zeal to do so.That’s why Hebrew is still a language and not just yiddish; because millions of Jews persisted in the middle eastern cultures. (For clarity’s sake: Yiddish is the language of European Jews; Hebrew, being so similar to Arabic, is the language of middle eastern Jews)
Not all Irish are Catholics but many of them are godless atheists. It is these atheists who keep resisting the English when the Christian thing to do is to accept English as the official language of Ireland and think everyone (that is the 4 colours of humanity, Black, White, Yellow and Brown) as one race for we descended from common parents Adam and Eve.Tell that to the Catholic brothers of ours in Ireland who are fighting to keep Ireland ethnically Irish. Are they phoney Catholics, all those Irish who claim that they are not English?
You think it is absurd most likely because you are an atheist and your limited intellect proves this. I called you an Islamist in the past but now think you are more likely an atheist. Islamists know the truth but they purposely lie to conceal it, while atheists with limited intellect are fools who fall into the trap set by the lies of Islamists.The linguage=race point is absurd and won’t be revisited, as common sense, basic english, and science are against you on this. Feel free to expect a response on any challenges to my other points.
You seem to misunderstand what the English phrase “forcing your faith” means. Its correct meaning is to evangelise through the pain of bodily torture or death. The English phrase “making disciples” means “dialogue”, which is to evangelise through non-violent methods (ie. social engineering methods).Forcing your faith on another in not sharing the truth and making deciples it is asking for confrontation and misunderstanding.
This is false and shows us that you have not read the Bible. In the time of our Lord Jesus, there were three faiths, Saducees (aka Judaism), Pharisees (aka Islamism) and Christians (aka Catholics). He told the Saducees that “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29) and to the Pharisees he told them this “Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites! for ye pay tithes of mint, anise and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy and faith” (Matthew 23:23). Our Lord tried his best to show people the light meaning to get the Saducees and the Pharisees convert to Christian faith and he was martyred for preaching the Gospel through his crucifixtion. So, were his 12 Apostles, including the greatest of the 12 Apostles, St. Paul of Tarsus, Apostle to the Gentiles.Jesus never went up to someone and said your faith is false follow me or go to hell. He used his words and shared the truth through dialogue and showed people the light.
Just wanted to point this out… Paul wasn’t one of the original “twelve”; he came later on. He was an apostle by succession, but not directly from Jesus as the original 12 apostles were.So, were his 12 Apostles, including the greatest of the 12 Apostles, St. Paul of Tarsus, Apostle to the Gentiles.
Just my 2 cents. Feel free to criticise them either positively or negatively.
It’s interesting to me how you refer to the Pharisees as the “Islamists”. Is there a particular reason behind it? I’ve always noticed that they are rather similar in religious practice (i.e. “cleaning the outside of the cup while the inside is dirty”) but was this the same thing you had in mind when you made that connection?This is false and shows us that you have not read the Bible. In the time of our Lord Jesus, there were three faiths, Saducees (aka Judaism), Pharisees (aka Islamism) and Christians (aka Catholics). He told the Saducees that “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29) and to the Pharisees he told them this “Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites! for ye pay tithes of mint, anise and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy and faith” (Matthew 23:23).