Evolution and Creationism

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With the switch off mechanism, could parents [bear] offspring of a different species? I mean, like the parents have the tail and the offspring doesn’t so the offspring is a different species.
Just a tail? Unlikely. Their genes would still be compatible enough to allow for successful mating, though the offspring would likely be a mix of tailed and tailless. Whichever version had the selective advantage would increase over time.

The switching off of the tail genes happened long before humans evolved; gibbons, orangutans, gorillas and chimps all lack tails.
Are you talking about the ones dying in the fire ?
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Just a tail? Unlikely. Their genes would still be compatible enough to allow for successful mating, though the offspring would likely be a mix of tailed and tailless. Whichever version had the selective advantage would increase over time.
Just a tail? just eyes? just fins? just limbs? just wings? just a closed circulatory system? just a different body plan? just a brain? just a Rabbit? Who needs time?!

I mean, the parent had an advantage with that body part and within a blink of an eye, the offspring doesn’t have the same advantage but has other means of fitting in, it must be a new species.

Q. Is there point in time when parents bore offspring of a different species or parents have always been bearing offspring within their own species right from our common ancestor?
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Evolution may increase or decrease information, whatever is more advantageous in the given environment. There is no requirement that evolution always increases information.
How convenient, evolution has all its bases covered .
Natural selection means that you have an advantage in surviving. The very definition (by Darwin) explains this …
Did we really need Darwin to go to the Galapagos Islands to tell us about the survival of the fittest? “Move on people, nothing new here to see.”

Oh, your lights came on just a few posts later. Progress, good.
But the fact that it occured, which was known to anyone with eyes in their head, was the very basis for his theory.
Now, back the program …
If a creature by some genetic hiccough gets slightly better vision than his peers …
Here we go again. Atheist Playbook Rule #? Argue micro instead of macro. Micro always involves trade-offs.
I missed the bit in Genesis that mentioned funghi species.
That’s because it isn’t there. In Genesis, Adam only named the animals. Neither did he name the different types of soil. The bible is not a science book.
Nobody needed to know how it was done. Including Darwin. He just needed the fact that it happened to work out his theory.
Incredible! Please look up how science is done! If one already knows the “how” (cause) then the “fact” (observed effect) is merely academic. Fred, you got it backwards.

And again, just a few posts later and now you get it. More progress, good.
Observation is the basis for science.
And now, back to the program …
But any idea why God was so keen on making so many species? Seems like overkill to me. A few dozen would be sufficient, surely.
That’s why you’re not Him. He knew about extinction before it happened. He also knew exactly what “species” meant; knowledge which still escapes evolutionists today.

I gotta stop here. You’re posting faster than a scalded cat.
How convenient, evolution has all its bases covered .
Indeed it does. That is why it is still accepted science and has not been rejected, like Phlogiston and other failed theories. Evolutionary theory has passed all the required tests up to the present. If you want to replace it with something else then your replacement will have to pass all those tests as well.
I missed the bit in Genesis that mentioned funghi species. Why on earth do you think God created over 3 million of them. Would have taken Adam forever to name them all. But I guess…who can know the mind of God.
He didn’t and Adam did not have to name all of them, only the archetype. Species classification is a man-made enterprise.
A few dozen would be sufficient, surely. But three million…?
Now you get it! No need for all the lineage splitting man made definition of species. He created the archetypes, The fossil record shows abrupt appearance, stasis and variation within.

BTW, your comment supports the biblical narrative. At least you now understand IDvolution.
So your position is that there has never been a case where there has been an improvement in the ability to survive in any living creature at all, anywhere.
That’s your spin

Back to Natural Selection

Do you even know what the actual changes in the averaged Genome of a population of the famous Darwin’s Finches at Galapagos is?

You come across at not even knowing what Natural Selection is?

You don’t show it…

The only advantage that those who retained a longer beak length - was that they could continue to eat.

There was no NEW MUTATION involved …

Shorter beaks died… that’s all.

POINT? There was no evolution in the Darwinism sense.

Rains returned … the former averaged beak lengths regained their 0.4 mm ‘loss’
which was due to the deaths of some finches with shorter beaks. aka Arithmetic 😉

Finches stubbornly remain finches –

No reptiles emerged… 🤣 😂 😄
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You gave the answer yourself. When it’s decided that there have been enough changes in characteristics to nominate the arrival of a new species.
When who decides? Man?

Lineage splitting (aka speciation) occurs when the loss of reproductive capability once had is lost, putting them on the path to extinction, aka devolution.
There must must be clear boundaries for what defines a species otherwise the word ‘species’ is meaningless.
Read more at: Sweeping gene survey reveals new facets of evolution
“another unexpected finding from the study—species have very clear genetic boundaries, and there’s nothing much in between."

“If individuals are stars, then species are galaxies,” said Thaler. “They are compact clusters in the vastness of empty sequence space.”

The absence of “in-between” species is something that also perplexed Darwin, he said."
Sorry to jump in late. 58 replies on this thread this morning!
Yes… You’ve been very busy… 🙂

I never said the theory of evolution doesn’t include mutation

I talk about Mutations too… and what they Actually are.

Mutations are mistaken RNA copies of DNA - introducing oddball amino acids into a Genome

which are generally either always null or deliterious…

A malarial parasite did gain a lucky fortuitous advantage with one drug

Darwin’s Finches Natural Selection? Did not include any New mutation

Rains affected finch food supply and short beaked finches could not easily survive
which lowered the averaged beak length in populations of finches…

Rains returned - Averages too. Big Deal, eh?

Only a Darwinist would attempt to spread the LIE that That Event proves Macro-Evolution…

Evolution may increase or decrease information, whatever is more advantageous in the given environment. There is no requirement that evolution always increases information.
Genetic entropy over time, is corrupting the genome.
The cells in your fingers have all the genes to make eyes, but those genes are switched off in your fingers.
500 or so conserved core components of which all body plans can be built? We are now in agreement?

A rare admission but perhaps @rossum is coming around to front loaded design. Yeah! 😀
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