Generally yes, but in a few cases those oddball amino acids are beneficial.Mutations are mistaken RNA copies of DNA - introducing oddball amino acids into a Genome which are generally either always null or deliterious…
As far as we can tell it was a change in the proportions of existing genetic variants in the population. That meets the definition of evolution. It does not meet the definition of macroevolution, but that has not been claimed by the scientists who did those studies. Those finches are an excellent example of evolution adapting organisms to a changing environment.Darwin’s Finches Natural Selection? Did not include any New mutation
I will need a reference for that. You are claiming a lie while showing us no evidence. Show us your evidence or withdraw the accusation please.Only a Darwinist would attempt to spread the LIE that That Event proves Macro-Evolution…
Your source used the word “proves” incorrectly. That leads me to think that your source was not a scientist.