Evolution and Creationism

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Ok, please me a give example of an “environmental pressures”.
How about four random offhand possibilities?

1 - Plate tectonics sending your living area into a different climate zone.
2 - The lake you live in slowly changing to be more salty.
3 - Average temperatures rising or falling over time.
4 - Mountain formation making your temperate forest into a desert over a few thousand years.
In the real world, if an ecosystem gets too hot cold,or salty or dry everything dies, there no waiting millions of years for evolution to come and save the day.
How about four random offhand possibilities?

1 - Plate tectonics sending your living area into a different climate zone.
2 - The lake you live in slowly changing to be more salty.
3 - Average temperatures rising or falling over time.
4 - Mountain formation making your temperate forest into a desert over a few thousand years.
And the response to every one is micro-evolution, aka adaptation, which was designed in from the get go.

Inuits are human.
Africans are human.
the world I described is exactly this real world. Those exact things have all happened more than once in the history of the planet.

Evolution doesn’t “save the day”, it is a process by which changes that occur in populations that are beneficial, especially in times of changes to the environment, are retained and spread throughout the population by being preferentially passed to offspring over, yes sometimes millions of years. And if an ecosystem changed that much in a matter of days, the current population likely would die off. But if the change is much slower, like plate tectonics for example, evolution can mean some populations survive, albeit in an altered configuration.
How about four random offhand possibilities?

1 - Plate tectonics sending your living area into a different climate zone.
2 - The lake you live in slowly changing to be more salty.
3 - Average temperatures rising or falling over time.
4 - Mountain formation making your temperate forest into a desert over a few thousand years.
And the response to every one is micro-evolution, aka adaptation, which was designed in from the get go.

Inuits are human.
Africans are human.
Right,about as far as evolution goes, animals shedding when it gets too hot or grow fur when it gets too cold… that’s about it.
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it is a process by which changes that occur in populations that are beneficial, especially in times of changes to the environment,
And when the environmental pressure is relieved they return to the mean. Adaptation has limits around the archetypical mean.
It’s very apparent that you haven’t searched for answers to your own questions. One assumption seems to be that any organ that an animal has must have sprung complete as it currently is. This is not true. We have the evidence. One time it was the eye…what good is half an eye? Well, it turns out it’s very useful and we have examples of the eye evolving in several different species…some have even lost the eyes they used to have.
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Your other mistake is assuming an organ needs to function as it currently does. Often the organ had another function and evolution gradually changed it to a new purpose with greater survivabilty as well as loss of the old function…tip of the hat to you, Buffalo…
Here, Kenneth Miller, PhD biologist, and catholic describes the development of flagella …new function …from its predecessor…different function.

Some likely would. Some would likely die off or migrate away. Other populations might migrate in (If the Amazon climate is becoming like Canada is now, what is happening to Canada at the same time?). There are no absolute guarantees of any particular result for any specific species, and species do go extinct for a variety of reasons.
Here, Kenneth Miller, PhD biologist, and catholic describes the development of flagella …new function …from its predecessor…different function.
Hmmmm - show the proven step wise path. Smallest increments. Has to have proven survival advantage at each and every step, without detrimentally overloading the system.

A better answer is design using common building blocks.
Well, it turns out it’s very useful and we have examples of the eye evolving in several different species…some have even lost the eyes they used to have.
Convergent evolution is an argument against evolution. How many times does the same thing evolving does it take to move from blind unguided chance to purpose? Any card player knows when certain cards keep showing up the fix is in.
Lets look at the facts
All elements are created in stars in Novas and in the collisions of stars nothing could exist before that happened - do you deny that?
There are dinosaur bones all over the planet please explain them.
Geology shows the earth has been here billions of years should we ignore that too.

But the book says! Fundamentalism is a scourge just as the Pope says.
But…if the environment changes from us picking berries (big leg muscles useless) to chasing down game (big leg muscles usefull) then he’s ahead of the game.
What kind of environment change is going to come along and only be an advantage for his big leg muscles ?
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Staying in that shallow water…ok.
What does that even mean?

You should know that evolutionary theory doesn’t work like that. There is no way to predict when a mutation or example of an outlier within range is going to happen, or what form it will take. There are also many different solutions to the problem of cold climate, and each can be just as effective from the standpoint of species survival. So which one a species might take on its path is up for grabs. Or maybe the line will split and different parts will use different mechanisms in the end.

I could just as well as you where a particular newly-grown leaf on a particular tree in your yard will land when it falls and at what precise day and time; it would be simpler to answer than the one you asked.
So which one a species might take on its path is up for grabs. Or maybe the line will split and different parts will use different mechanisms in the end.
Yes, Darwinism is all just pure speculation, no details will ever be forthcoming.
Yes, Darwinism is all just pure speculation, no details will ever be forthcoming.
That wasn’t even a particularly good attempt at a strawman. Show me one “Darwinist” who ever claimed that it could specify which species would evolve and in what way.
It is fantastic storytelling. Just look how many have bought into it and not critically examined it.
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