Evolution and Darwin against Religion and God

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Really? Why this statement from Catholic Answers?

“While the Church permits belief in either special creation or developmental creation on certain questions, it in no circumstances permits belief in atheistic evolution.”
What’s “atheistic evolution”?

Evolution has nothing to do with whether or not God exists.

I’m 100% sure you don’t actually know what evolution is. Is biology not taught in schools anymore?
Okay, I have no problem continuing to reject pseudoscience. And it’s quite sad that pseudoscience isn’t going anywhere, isn’t it?

I wish that there was some test at the end of high school that tested the basics of English, math, science and civics. Maybe there’d be fewer anti-intellectuals out there.
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What name did I call you?

Why do you keep trying to deflect and change the subject? I would be more than willing to read any and all peer reviewed papers which you can produce which endorse intelligent design, but you’ve literally not produced a single one despite my continued requests.

I will not be bullied into accepting intelligent design. No one gets to tell God what to think. God is not a magician.
Really? Why this statement from Catholic Answers?

“While the Church permits belief in either special creation or developmental creation on certain questions, it in no circumstances permits belief in atheistic evolution.”
And you will find no peer reviewed or primary literature that promotes atheistic evolution. While I will concede some atheists do grab the science ball and take it to a completely different tennis court and play soccer with it. You will find that I object to these sorts of people just as much as you do.

And that’s the sad part of all of this. I suspect that I and a number of folks here are probably not all that far apart. My atheism (as weak as it is these days) is not based upon any science, and I cannot imagine any line of scientific inquiry that could have demonstrate that God had no hand in any natural phenomenon. My atheism may stem from a materialistic world view, but I make no pretense that science can demonstrate the truth of it.

But as others have pointed out, what the Church has not done is make any positive noise about intelligent Design. At best the Church’s more formal statements are more a defense of Theistic Evolution, which is a creature quite different than ID.
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Here is a roundtable discussion at the Royal Society Meeting in 2016

19 minutes - no empirical evidence and leads to destruction. - And then Jablonka says “without God, we are excluding God”.
What does this have to do with intelligent design and why should some random audio clip make me think that evolution doesn’t occur?

I still have yet to see any peer reviewed papers which endorse intelligent design.
The Church tells all Catholics the truth. God created life and guided its development.
If you had actually read my post, you would have noticed that didn’t call you anything and just mentioned my disgust at the existence of anti-intellectuals in general.
Intelligent Design tells some of us that certain structures in life were designed.
Bio complexity?! hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Are you kidding? That journal is literally run by an astroturfing young earth creationist political group. You truly are reaching here.
Who’s “us”? Where’s the evidence to support the intelligent design conspiracy theory?
Intelligent design seems to be a front for promoting an anti-science, anti-intellectual political agenda and forcing it on Catholics.
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