It’s funny how when we theists talk about fine tuning and design in nature, atheists like Braskii give us the lecture about how our primitive pattern-seeking brains are tricked by the illusion of intentional causation.
Then, in a feat of amazing mental gymnastics they perform the backwards somersault of denying their own pattern-seeking behaviour when it comes to what evolution entails.
Evolution and natural selection are a process of unguided unpredictable chance. It is purely materialistic, blind, relies on spontaneous mutation, and mindlessly unintentional outcomes. It is the epitome of purposelessness - thus, it is arguably an atheistic alternative to teleology.
How do I come to this view? I’m not making this up myself.
Seriously. Read Jerry Coyne, Richard Dawkins, PZ Myers, Douglas Futuyma, Francis Crick.
Then, in a feat of amazing mental gymnastics they perform the backwards somersault of denying their own pattern-seeking behaviour when it comes to what evolution entails.
Evolution and natural selection are a process of unguided unpredictable chance. It is purely materialistic, blind, relies on spontaneous mutation, and mindlessly unintentional outcomes. It is the epitome of purposelessness - thus, it is arguably an atheistic alternative to teleology.
How do I come to this view? I’m not making this up myself.
Seriously. Read Jerry Coyne, Richard Dawkins, PZ Myers, Douglas Futuyma, Francis Crick.
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