Afer pointing our that it was scientists like Einstein, etc. who popularized intelligent design.
Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein:
"The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation… His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."
Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking:
“The laws of science, as we know them at present, contain many fundamental numbers, like the size of the electric charge of the electron and the ratio of the masses of the proton and the electron… The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life.”
So, now we make a logical conclusion. If intellligent design is scientific and is accepted by the best scientists is the world in regards to the origins of the universe, then it could also be scientific when applied to the origins and developement of life on earth. Whether you think Darwinian evolution is correct or not, you cannot exclude intelligent design for the evolution of life on earth on the grounds that it cannot be accepted as a scientific explanation. If intelligent design cannot be accepted as a scientific explanation, then tell Einstein, Hawking, and etc., they are wrong for accepting this explanation for the origins of the universe.
Thus, you must defend Darwinian evolution on its merits alone.
You cannot defend Darwinian evolution on the priniciple that intelligent design is not scientific, when the very best, the most well respected scientists in the world accept the principle of intelligent design as a scientific principle.
The problem is that Darwinian evolution was an old theory, that once sounded plausible, because at that time scientists were ignorant of certain scientific facts. Newer studies make in clear that Darwinian evolution is impossible. There are just too many scientific facts that contradict the theory.
That is why more and more scientists, like molecular biologist Michael Behe and others are proposing that evolutionists are going to have to accept the facts, and become objective like Einstein, Hawking and others did in regards to the origins of the universe. Evolutionists are going to have to stop believing in the materialist philosophy which is not a scientific philosophy, and they must be open minded and accept ALL possible scientific explanations in regards to the developement of life on earth.
Now, we are getting more and more objective scientists who see some aspects of evolution as possibly true, such as a common ancestor, but at the same time they know that scientific facts exclude Darwinian evolution. Since good science does allow intelligent design as a scientific explanation of known facts, then they see no reason intelligent design, using a common ancestor, could not be the best explanation.
Some people, like Hawking think a common ancestor must mean Darwinian evolution.
Those more open, such as Behe, see a better explanation, which can explain all the Darwinian contradictions with the scientific accepted explanation of intelligent design, combined with that of a common ancestor.
We may well notice that in the physical sciences it was a Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre
who opened the mind of Einstein and others to intelligent design, and in the biological scientists it is again a Catholic,
Michael Behe who is beginning to open the mind of evolutionists to intelligent design.
One finally got his material in peer-reviewed scienfic journal.
But, anyone can see the how hard other scientists tried to censor his article, even though it was approved by three scientists.
It is because the sin of pride that we become blind to what is true. Only the humble can learn. The proud think they know everything already.