I believe him when he says he was born that way as he has no reason to lie to me.
With all due respect your friend has no way of knowing whether he was born gay. All he knows is that, around puberty, he began to feel same sex attractions. Now, it is imperative that he be dissuaded of this notion (that he was born gay) as soon as possible, for if he chooses to become a practising homosexual he will lose between 8 and 20 years on his life, miss out on the joys of raising a family, and drive a wedge between himself and his creator. In sum, he will lead a far less happy existence, in this life and in the next. He needs to seek help. To engage in a bit of self citation:
“The first question we must address is whether homosexuality is an inborn trait. If it were, the government would have little right to deny legal recognition to homosexual unions. However, it is my opinion that it is not, for the two most widely publicized studies which have purported to scientifically demonstrate that this is so, those of Drs. Hamer and LeVay, have yet to be replicated by other researchers [4], even though many have tried [5]. In their research paper “Human Sexual Orientation: The Biologic Theories Reappraisal,” which can be found in the Archives of General Psychiatry, Drs. Byne and Parsons state “Critical review shows the evidence favoring a biologic theory to be lacking. In an alternative model, temperamental and personality traits interact with familial and social milieu as the individual’s sexuality emerges [6].” Indeed, there is a great deal of evidence that homosexuality is not inborn. For example, there are several documented cases of genetically identical twins who have different sexual orientations as adults [7]. Also, individuals who grow up to be homosexuals often share similar childhood psychological histories, such as hostile or distant fathers, overprotective mothers, subjection to great amounts of teasing by their peers, parental loss through death or divorce, etc. [8]. Several studies have shown that adult homosexual attraction can grow out of childhood gender identity disorder[9], which the American Psychiatric Association has defined as strong, persistent cross gender identification, a discomfort with one’s own sex, and a preference for cross sex roles in play or in fantasies [10]. However, gender identity disorder can be cured if it is detected early and given proper professional treatment [11]. Similarly, among adults, treatment for unwanted same-sex attractions is about as successful as treatment for similar psychological problems: about 30% are completely cured and 30% experience improvement [12]. Dr. Lawrence Hatterer, who spent a great deal of his career treating same sex attractions, has stated” I have ‘cured’ many homosexuals… Any other researcher may examine my work because it is all documented on 10 years of tape recordings. Many of these ‘cured’ patients have married, had families and live happy lives. It is a destructive myth that 'once a homosexual, always a homosexual.” It has made and will make millions more committed homosexuals. What is more, not only have I but many other reputable psychiatrists have reported their successful treatments of [homosexuals] [13].” Sadly, the media has chosen to ignore much of this evidence; however it is there for anyone who is willing to search.
"The second question we must address is, so what if homosexuality is not an inborn trait, what interest does the government have in discouraging it? Well, for one thing it is in the interest of public health. Frankly, homosexual behavior is dangerous. Due to the high level of promiscuity and instability prevalent in homosexual relationships [14], and the inherent problems with having intercourse using body parts which were not designed for that purpose [15], homosexual persons are at a far greater risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases than the general population. For example, male practitioners of anal-genital intercourse are at an alarmingly high risk for anal cancer, chlamydia trachomatis, cryptosporidium, giardia lamblia, herpes simplex virus, human immunodeficiency virus, human papilloma virus, isospora belli, microsporidia, gonorrhea, viral hepatitis types B & C, and syphilis, some of which are virtually unknown in the heterosexual population [16]. Homosexuals are also at high risks for serious psychiatric problems. According to recent study done in the Netherlands, a country where homophobia is virtually non-existent, males who engage in homosexual sex are far more likely than those who do not to experience depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorder [17]. The health effects of homosexuality are truly devastating. In fact, an epidemiological study done in Vancouver, Canada found that practitioners of male homosexual sex lost between 8 and 20 years on their life expectancy [18].
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