
The science of homosexuality is more politics than science. Groups like the APA have an agenda and it is not entirely scientific. These scientists who manipulate data and skewed findings are not starting from the stand point of an eternal truth. They starting positioned is flawed and that colors their outlook and agit prop.with regards to #1:
Before anyone reads this I want to state up front that I am Catholic. Because I am Catholic I abide by the teachings of the church. Therefore I believe homosexual activity to be sinful.
Now, that I have come back to the church after a 30+ year absence, I still cannot subscribe to this (#1). Actually I am not sure what the difference is between being, genetically-disposed-to, and, born-that-way. Whatever one is geneltically-disposed-to they were genetically-disposed-to since birth.
I do not suggest this is in any way to be a litmus test but; there are men who, via thier obvious traits towards feminity are apparently homosexual. This even transends to the physical in many people. Men and women who exhibit physical traits of the other gender. I believe it is obnvious that there are hormonal imbalances (or abnormalities) that pre-dispose one to sexual tendencies of the other gender. In other words people who are not fully male or fully female. Proof of this would be the fact that thier are people who have (we’ll say parts) of both genders. I believe there exists an entire spectrum of “sexual preference” amongst a given gender. With the vast majority being heterosexual by nature. However, having said this I certainly do believe there are many homosexuals who are born-that-way. Thier traits and tendencies make it apparent.
They have a tremendous cross to bare if they so chose to bare it. Their struggles are great indeed.
with regards to #2:
I knew I was heterosexual well before puberty. Even though I was too young to appreciate what this all meant. I have memories of crushes going back to my pre-school days, all of the opposite gender. Again, I believe our tendencies are with us since birth. I gather this from my most objective as possible observations. Being a Catholic and therefore praying that the homosexual does wish to pick up his/her cross and bare it throughout thier life (which is what makes them different from those of you in this thread who are single and claimed your issues are alike; they are not alike) I wish I could say I believed they were not born-that-way. It would much easier for me to deal with this. As it is, I struggle greatly with the idea that my homosexual brothers and sisters in the faith have been given this tremendous burden to bare.
Why does it matter if one is born with a disorder or one aquires a disorder? Either way, medicine exists to eliminate pathology, not endorse it and make it socially acceptable.
The idea that homosexuals, or anyone else, gets to define sin outside of reality is absurd. Just because someone declares they were born a certain way, or “feels” they have certain desires, in no way means those desires are virtuous or to be accepted.
I am a bit tired of so many claiming that homosexuals do not get enough support, or are not loved, or are being shut out by society and the Church. It is the exact opposite. Their perverted behavior is accepted, endorsed, celebrated and discussed to the point that I think many have taken leave of their senses.
In the past, the discussion of such foul things would be unheard of. Today, one is placed in the position of defending one’s self if they stand up for the moral order. We need to be blunt. Show mercy, but not water down the truth.
I do not know that the cross homosexuals bear is greater than anyone else’s. I do know they are masters of drama. They like attention. They have a persecution complex and many have embraced the concept of false compassion.