They weren’t debunked. For one thing the few issues raised were all false. For another thing the position is accepted in the medical community as a whole. Or have they all been duped and just not been privy to the “thorough” debunking in this thread.
THe studies you posted on the twins were flawed. The sample was self selected and resulted from advertising in homosexual publications. The sample needs to be both large enough and random for the results to be significant. The studies that claimed a string of genes were more prevalent in homosexuals than heterosexuals were shown not to be statistically significant.
Again please post a definitive and verified study that has been published in a major journal, where results have been duplicated that provides strong evidence of a “gay gene.” Tlaloc I grew up with two PhD scientists as parents. I understand scientific research and whether or not it is significant.
Seriously Lisa you need to study some biology because your views here are very misinformed. Having more individuals procreating is not always beneficial. Often it is with lower order animals like mice that have sever predation. Higher order animals like primates often can not afford to have as many children as is possible. They require a very large ecological footprint and so have to carefully manage their populations. Whereas mice rebound quickly from a bust (as in boom and bust populations) cycle humans are not so lucky.
‘scuse me but what does this have to do with anythng? The survival of the species is the objective. Behavior that promotes survival of the species will be rewarded in the evolutionary cycle so to speak. Animals whose behavior is not condusive to reproduction are less likely to carry on the family name. But I really doubt if populations of mice have council meetings and determine whether or not to breed in a particular year. I actually grew up with mice in my parents’ lab. I do know their behavior patterns. OTOH I am not sure what that has to do with whether homosexuality is natural.
As to your attempt to be scientific ‘ecological footprint’ good grief. So you are saying that the gorillas decide to go gay one year because there aren’t enough bananas to support next year’s gorilla crop? PUH-LEASE
False. It has been presented, and furthermore it’s accepted by the scientific community. You can ignore it if you like but it’s still there waiting for you when you feel like educating yourself.
No it is not. Again please provide verified, replicated research in a well respected journal of genetics that confirms homoexuality is genetic in origin. And don’t bother with the fruit fly study where the genes were manipulated to create a bunch of “fruit” flies. That one was pretty amusing but didn’t really add to the discussion.
False under some circumstances having adult members of the tribe who cannot procreate can be a selective advantage for the group. Again spend some time learning biology, I didn’t make any of this up…
Huh? So that is your excuse for being homosexual? For the good of the tribe? Have you been watching Survivor reruns? How many tribal societies create a group of designated homosexuals?
What it sounds like to you is irrelevent. It occurs among animals. It has a genetic component, it provides in some circumstances a selective advantage for the group…
Homosexual pairings do not occur in animals. You might see transient homosexual behavior as a result of abnormal conditions or stress. Homosexual rapes of males in some species are a factor in dethroning a male in order TO GET THE FEMALE. You will not find normal animals gravitating to sexual relationships with other animals of the same sex if conditions are normal. Again please show me a study that demonstrates your premise.
Not my opinions Lisa. Biology isn’t a matter of my opinion. It’s a rigorous science, and remains so no matter how you ignore it.
I know. I grew up with discussions of RNA and DNA around our dining room table. I worked in my parents’ lab. I did statistical analysis for some of their papers. Again you cannot fool me Tlaloc. You are merely trying to justify your actions.
Lisa N