Hi,Having no other better thread to look at and respond to, I found yours (lucky for me). Homosexuals are irrational and subversive by their very nature? Are you sure you want to go with that? How many irrational and subversive by nature homosexuals have you known?
This is a blanket statement that reeks of stereotype. I have a family friend who is a practicing homosexual. He is neither irrational or subversive by nature. He is both intelligent, rational and kind by nature. I don’t understand the hostility given to people who simply aren’t like you in any sense.
I hate blanket statements which leave no room for individuality and are in themselves subversive - like yours.
Yes I want to go down ‘that’ road. Yes homosexuals are irrational and subversive by their very damaged psyche’s as homosexuals. Yes I worked with homosexuals in shipyards, boatyards, construction sites, in the U.S. Navy, on tugboats, fishing boats, universities, and in the theater; and yes homosexuals are irrational, self-destructive, profoundly moody, have a high alcoholic problem, and generally difficult to get along with. These are the psychologically accepted characteristics of homosexuality (and there are more anti-social aspects to their behavior) and are not a blanket stereotype! It is imperative to keep homosexuals away from occupations that require emotional stability and clarity of thought, like the priesthood (and many more professional occupations). Otherwise it is none of my business what a homosexual does with their daily life, as long as I’m not victimized by their dysfunction.