Ex-officer Brett Hankison indicted in connection with Breonna Taylor's death

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I suppose it doesn’t to someone who doesn’t care about facts. Just a couple of days after Miss Taylor was killed one of her family members corrected that false information.

Just gets old seeing news outlets aping each other without bothering to check facts.

Day after day for six months ?
That’s what they always say. They said that for George Stinney too. But his conviction was later vacated - decades after he was executed.

You mean her boyfriend who was awakened in his home by someone entering his home with a no-knock warrant and fired at what he thought were intruders using his licensed firearm that he kept for protection?
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What happened to him is exactly what the real problem is. Kentucky grants citizens the privilege of invoking stand your ground and castle doctrine in cases of home invasion.

Throw in judges granting no-knock warrants and people get killed senselessly.

The two don’t mix.
What happened to him is exactly what the real problem is. Kentucky grants citizens the privilege of invoking stand your ground and castle doctrine in cases of home invasion.

Throw in judges granting no-knock warrants and people get killed senselessly.

The two don’t mix.
Wow, what a miracle, you and I agree on something this month.
Kentucky grants citizens the privilege of invoking stand your ground and castle doctrine in cases of home invasion.
The “privilege” of protecting themselves? Really?

The issue is with “no-knock” warrants. Unfortunately, this will be overshadowed by rioters looting and burning in the name of “justice”. It’s going to be impossible to address aggressive police procedures when the race card is played every time.
Forgot to add in my first reply to your question… his lawyers argued that he fired in self-defense thinking it was a home invasion and also claimed that without proof of ballistic findings the cop that got hit in the leg may have been hit by friendly fire.

The AG said today that the bullet was a 9 mm which is what Miss Taylors’ boyfriend used.
The cops fired 40mm.

I don’t know if he will be charged again or not. Witnesses say they heard the police identify themselves.
The civilian witness may have heard that, but perhaps Kenneth Walker didn’t hear that announcement because he was asleep, and woke up only in time to become aware of the break-in. If this were not the police but were some thugs, he would have been perfectly within his rights to shoot to kill. If you are going to have no-knock warrant in the middle of the night, you can expect this sort of response.
The boyfriend did fire first were the officers supposed to just stand there and say “Don’t do that again, sir?”
They should not have entered under those conditions in the first place. Whatever happens after that is their responsibility.
Here is the thing. Do people want change? Yes, then if a person comes up with a solution, why are they not heard?
Here is the thing. Do people want change? Yes, then if a person comes up with a solution, why are they not heard?
Riots are the voice of the unheard”. (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Perhaps those with solutions are not heard because those in power do not want to listen.
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It’s taken for granted that a judge is an educated individual. How a judge can sign off on a no-knock warrant in a state that grants stand your ground and castle doctrine to its citizens is baffling.

I don’t know what is going on but 3 more LMPD members are now being investigated in addition to the 3 who served the warrant.

We’ll see.
These protesters see these fake news articles full of untruths and assume they are facts. And people have been murdered because of it.
You are quibbling around the edges and call disagreements on small details ‘fake news’. That’s inappropriate.

I don’t think the city will burn tonight, either.
No-knock warrants should never have been allowed in the first place.
They have already banned them in the city of Louisville. Paul is proposing to do at Statewide which I agree with.
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