And so you say:
]“So to become a man (or a woman if He had chosen to do so but didn’t), he had to, in his earthly body get a gender. But, his body, is not something that is essentially God,”
“The Greek word ??µ???s??? indicates in orthodox theology that The Father and the Son are “of the same substance” or “of the same essence” because the Son is begotten of the Father’s own being (e? t?? ??s?a? t?? pat???)”
But I want to make it clear that I’m not negating the Most Holy Trinity and I’m not negating Jesus Divinity. What I’m saying is that Jesus had 2 natures, human and Divine. He was a perfect man (therefore with gender) and He is also God the son (as such, wholly simple).
So here I think we’re talking at cross purposes, I hold with the Orthodox that the person of Jesus is eternally begotten of the Father’s own being.
It appears to me that what you, the RCC, say here could be another description of the heresy that Jesus is not God in his humanity.
Perhaps the difference between the Orthodox and RCC is the explanation given that the RCC understands “knowing” God as rationalising about God while the Orthodox understand “knowing” God as a personal experience of God through acquisition of the Holy Spirit, a completely different approach to this.
As I said I don’t know enough about these arguments so an Orthodox well versed in this might correct me here, but an Orthodox objection to Aqinas and the RCC’s:
“I answer that, Our intellect, which is led to the knowledge of God from creatures, must consider God according to the mode derived from creatures.”
would be that we know God from revelation by the nous through GOD’s uncreated energies not by the limited capacity of the rational mind as is being described here, which you call intellect.
The nous is the “I” in us, described as knowing through the heart it is not feeling as opposed to rationality, but incorporates both in the ‘inward eye’. So this “mode derived from creatures” limits the intellect and this is where I think you misunderstand me because you don’t include in your reasoning that we are created in the image and likeness of God, and I can’t separate that from mine.
There is also a critical difference between the Orthodox and RCC understanding of ‘created creatures’ which shows itself in the disparate views of grace, etc., the RCC holds to the Augustinian view that grace is created, something created by God for creatures while the Orthodox hold that grace is an uncreated energy of GD. It seems to me that all your disagreements with my musings has separation from GOD as its source, as something utterly other from us creatures which is at odds with Genesis I.
Orlapubs has quite a lot on the different understanding of GOD with reference to created and uncreated energies, light, grace etc. a search such as the following will give this and other sources if you’re interested in this aspect of the Trintiarian arguments between the RCC and Orthodox.