Hi Myhrr,
It doen’t really matter what gods any people have worshiped and how long before anyone. What matters is that GOD (as you want to call Him) exists and is there. .
That’s ever so slightly tongue in cheek because I agree it’s what matters, to me anyway, since I believe in a personal God. But, here come the buts, the question is still ‘can there be more than three to the trinity without contradicting Church teaching’ which RacerX noted has never said that GOD is three only?’
My suggestion here is that since the Trinity was formulated specifically to explain Christ’s Divinity in relation to God the Father it is not actually making any statement about GOD.
GOD then could be more than three and one way this could be so is that God the Father is only part of GOD, the Godhead, and that in a particular place, heaven, and so my mention that historically the Church via Melchisedek also worshipped the Queen of Heaven until this worship was outlawed by some. This outlawing of God the Mother worship in her various aspects, (mother, consort, wisdom etc), happened according to Jewish sources around the time of the formulating of the Babylonian Talmud which was the first time the Jews concentrated on defining GOD as a transcendental being, and I suggested this could have been influenced by some who also were of the ‘patriarchal mindset’ and who had previously objected to GOD being worshipped as anything but male.
It should be remembered that the women in Judaism do not have equality, they are considered chattel, belonging first to the father and then to the husband as all the laws relating to women show.
In showing that Christianity had a different understanding of the place of women I gave the example of Christ’s relationship with women which is remembered in the Church by remembering the women who were Equal-to-the-Apostles, this has been forgotten by the RCC, and it appears to be for the same reason that the worship of the Goddess was destroyed in Judaism, because of a certain patriarchal mindset that rejected women as equals even though we’re clearly taught that men and women together were created in the image and likeness of GOD.* And, this Christian understanding goes back to pre-prophet denunciation of women as any part of the GOD, to Melchisedek. Christians need to remember that Christ is eternal King and High Priest in the order of Melchisedek. This was an important understanding of Christ in the early Church.
Hi Myhrr,
Now, as for what we read in the entire history of salvation as shown in the Bible, GOD, decided to choose the decendants of Abraham to bring his Salvation to the world. I don’t doubt that He might have hinted other nations on His identity and maybe guided them a bit so they can be ready to accept the good news of Salvation once here, meaning to receive the Gospel when the time came. As for this last I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s possible. In reality it doesn’t matter.
Yes exactly, the key words here are ‘descendants of Abraham’, not ‘descendants of the Babylonian Talmud’. And Abraham acknowledged the Highest God of Melchisedek as his GOD. Where did Melchisedek come from? The Jews say he is Shem son of Noah, and, Abraham is also a descendant of Shem.
From my research into that connection to Terah’s origins from the other side of the Flood I also suggest that the religion of India, Sanatana Dharma the Eternal Righteousness, should be considered if trying to understand the reasons for Christ’s incarnation with respect to Salvation of the world. But, interesting as it is the subject of Salvation, its history and how different Christians and Jews understand this is really another discussion.