
MariaG, In reading your post you seem to make alot of assumptions. I believe you need to reevaluate your thoughts just because they are not catholic.You only assume and I only say this in the spirit of love…One point to consider about Catholics not being as welcoming to new people, My parish is in a tourist town. We get a lot of tourists. I think Catholics more so than Protestants, go to church on vacation. I know I go online and get a list of Mass times for the cities I will be visiting. Most of the “New faces” I see in church are just here on vacation. While that doesn’t excuse not reaching out, I will say that at first after coming back to the church, I would reach out as I had in the Evangelical church, and the response is very different. Mostly because of the vacation thing and not a new person who is hungrily seeking the truth. Still, this should not be an excuse, and Catholics need to do better.
I also am frustrated at the lack of ability to reach those who are lukewarm or not even warm at all. In the Protestant churches it is much easier, with altar calls. But I wish I had the answer on how to reach those lost sheep in the Catholic Church without having to drag them into a Protestant one first.
And don’t feel guilty about pulling out some of the Catholic faith. If you were able to pull them out, they did not have a strong faith in the first place. At least now, they have the truth even if it is not the full truth as I feel is in the Catholic Faith. Better they get to heaven as a Protestant than go to Hell as a Catholic.
God Bless