I have only a few things to say, but can in all honestly apply them mostly to myself.
I have not been a very good Catholic/Christian. While I claimed to be Catholic and struggled with my own questions, I was seperated from God and the Church…any Church. I could not bring myself to attend any other religious service, but did attend Mass occasionally. I let myself be led by liberal people around me who subscribed to situational ethics…and were proud of that.
I let myself be led by the nose by people who had never even met Jesus. And I let my faith falter.
I was like those lukewarm Catholics or Protestants, and I fear that I was partially responsible for some of the poor reputation of the Catholic Church.
However, through the Grace of God I am finding my way, slowly and nearly blindly sometimes, and I hope that through people like you, Bengal FAn, otherse can also find their way. I came back through the intervention of anti-Catholic literature, aided by my own investigative nature. (That’s just a polite way of admitting I’m very nosy and I HAVE to know what’s going on!

I don’t mean to defend…oh…yes I do. Who’s kidding who? I DO mean to defend some Catholics. We are by nature somewhat reserved, and currently we in the Church are in crisis. We will get through this as we always have, but every battle has casualties. God gave us free will, and some of use are excercising it for the good of the Church, some are leaving…and of those, some will come back like I did.
We Catholics are not perfect, and only very few of us are saints (I am not one of them). Please, please don’t judge the Faith on the majority, but by the minority who really try.
Take time to ask God…he’ll direct your steps and help you find the right people. The shepherd knows his sheep.
And as a Protestant Minister, maybe you can remember the exact story/verses: I can’t remember the person, but it was in the Old Testament. God had directed someone to go into a city (or was this Acts?) and find 7 good people and God would spare the city if he could find them. That person pleaded with God, finally “bargaining” him down to only 1 good person…if he found 1 faithful person, he was asking that God spare the city, and God promised this.
Please remember this story…you are considering the Catholic faith. Don’t condemn it for the many, but accept it for the few, and make the few stronger with your own faith and knowledge.
God Bless, and I’ll pray that you find your way!