Also, your quote: “You can be sure that anyone whose reaches the level of faculty at places like: Angelicum (Rome), Gregorianum, Georgetown Univ., Catholic Univ. of America, Notre Dame, Blackfriars Hall, Oxford Univ, et al., will not make egregious errors in fundamental theology and doctrine” doesn’t help your credentials any. Lets pick Georgetown University just for starters, you think that Donna Brazile (from the GU website: Adjunct Assistant Professor for Women’s Studies at GU. Donna Brazile, is Chair of the Democratic National Committee’s Voting Rights Institute. Brazile, a veteran campaign strategist and former Campaign Manager for Gore-Lieberman 2000, has served as Chief of Staff and Press Secretary for Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, and worked on the campaigns of Carter-Mondale and Rev. Jesse Jackson among others) won’t make any egregious errors?