i look forward to any proof you may have of geocentrisms validity in the light of modern observational technology.
Warp. for the last time, God created the universe in a manner that He, and only He can know for certain. And only if He tells us which order is the true one, could we ever know. This He did, in the Scriptures.
The universe is a lot of space with bodies inside it. Indeed this is one factor never explained in the Big Bang scenario. How can space be created from an atom? If you have it all figured out without God warp, answer me that?
Man has come to the right conclusion that unless one knows for certain of one of these bodies is at rest, then all movements are relative.
That said, some of these relative motions can be figured out by man. We can say for certain that the planets orbit the sun and the moons orbit their respective bodies. This fact was inserted into a geocentric model by Tycho de Brahe so can be catered for in either a G model or H model. But the relationship between the earth and sun cannot be established with certainty, nor the rotating relationship between the earth and stars.
It is these two essential part of relativity that you heliocentricists cannot get into your heads. You all think you can say the earth moves relative to the sun and rotates relative to the stars. You go along with all the so-called evidence for H proposed throughout the ages.
Geocentricists acknowledge that because of the universe’s relative nature man cannot establish for certain if it is G or H. There is however a body of evidence that FAVOURS G over H.
The first evidence we have is that we see its reality by way of having been created on earth. Is is likely God would have ‘deceived’ us, I say no. Rather He did so for a reason, all those reasons that were inserted in the doctrine on geocentricism built up by the Fathers and completed by St Thomas Aquinas. Was it likely God would have allowed such an understanding of Him, the universe and the Scriptures to be, knowing it would all come crashing down if proof for H were to be found. As regards empirical evidence, well the Airy test and the M&M test threw a large spanner into the so-called H proofs, but it has to be admitted these do not prove G either.
So, for the geocentricists it all comes down to a matter of FAITH for their certainty. We know God knows. We believe God revealed it G in the Scriptures. Not once are the Scriptures ambiguous. We find the Church defined and decreeed it so in 1616 and 1633. We believe God is not restricted to the limits of human knowledge, but as is evident in many cases in Nature capable of designing the workings of the universe in ways man may well never discover (How does gravity work? How do electromagnetic effects pass through space?) Many Hs for example restrict God’s revolving universe because they say stars cannot travel faster than the speed of light. But nothing is impossible to God. Maybe it is the firmament of space that revolves taking the stars with it. like a goldfish bowl can turn around with the fish moving not at all. Who knows?
The emergence of modern geocentricism came as a result of taking the fact of relativity to its proper conclusion. If it is truly impossible to assertain the true relationship between the sun and earth, then the history of the ‘Copernican revolution’ had to be examined to see where and how they ‘proved’ heliocentricism. The search had to be thorough and low and behold every so-called proof turned out to be no real proof at all.
For me, this debate has been priceless, for I now have evidence that no matter how intelligent a heliocentricist - and I acknowledge all on this forum are intelligent people - the grip H has on the mind is impossible to break through. But I thought that a Catholic forum just might be different than the secularist ones in that the faith and grace that supposedly permeates through those of us loyal to the Catholic faith would be the instrument in getting some to reconsider the question on shall we say supernatural grounds. I hoped that some would say, well if it is beyong man’s ability to show whether G or H, then why not side with the Church that officially defined and declared G to be the truth of the holy Scriptures we all profess is divinely guided.
But no, not one even considered the option.