Back to square one. If anything you say above has any truth, then show us where and when the Church abrogated the 1616 decree. The Church has laws you know, canon law. She cannot willy nilly go defining and declaring a heresy and then dropping it as a mistake in a similar fashion similar to the way Protestants did it.how did you get that idea. you are confusing me with the atheists, i think G-d did it all.
that doesn’t help you with modern observational technology we can see that even other star systems are heliocentric. we can account for all the relative motion too, otherwise we couldn’t have sent probes all over the solar system accurately. that idea is patently false now in application.
we understand, its just wrong now. other star systems rotate around their stars. you are counting on hundreds of year old ideas to defy what we can now witness, its like you are telling us the sky is orange, no matter how many times you say it we can see it isn’t true.
thats the problem, that is not what the Roman Catholic Church believes. by differing with what the church believes you make us all look foolish, you give our enemies ammunition, you should stop.
if you care to do this for fun you could join the flat earth society, but there are people who come here and will be turned away from the faith because they may take you as a serious representation of Catholicism, and though you seem to believe that is alright, it works at cross purposes with the church. you are working against the church. no matter your purpose that is wrong
yeah, 400 years ago. but we bnow have all the evidence to the contrary.
what grip on the mind? it is purely a matter of evidence. its not a cult, we can actually observe these things now.
how are you more loyal a Catholic because you deny the obvious? no one in the church agrees with you, most especially the Papal Academy on the Sciences. the church does not agree with you, so how does that make you more loyal?
it is not beyond mans ability, we can now physically observe the fact of heliocentricity from our own space probes, and from the heliocentricity of other star systems.
because the church made a mistake, they were flat out wrong.
it is not a matter of faith or morals, and regarless of the opinion of 400 year old dead men it never will be.
now i see that you only deny H because you are unwilling to admit the church made a mistake in matters of science.