Family Members refused at Baptism Party

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I don’t hate my father in law. There isn’t a person on this earth that I hate. I don’t think it’s loving to perpetuate someone’s destructive behavior by giving him or her the opportunity to be abusive.

There are natural consequences for inappropriate behavior. People don’t want to be around you. As long as the abuser is enabled by those around him/her that tolerate the person’s abusiveness the person will continue to be abusive.

I pray for my father in law all the time. He lives in a sad very narrow view of life. And he’s need for controlling others comes from fear and insecurity. Since I finally put my foot down and stopped letting him get away with demeaning my husband and our family his behavior has improved over the last couple of years. He is a bully and no one in that family stands up to him.

Right now we’re in a situation where he’s angry about some decisions we’ve made. He went too far with his comments and for now we will not be visiting my in-laws because as soon as we do the comments will continue. He builds himself up by tearing others down.

I can love my father in law but I can love him from a distance where he can’t hurt my husband and our family.
You too, are doing the right thing. We are called to love our fellow man, but do not have to like them or their behaviors. In my case, I’m dealing with a “racist bigot” who will never change unless SHE wants too. (my daughter’s mother in law)
…she attended the 2nd child’s in 2003 very late, and sat towards the back. My husband said, only to me "Maybe she thought the roof might cave in if God saw her there;) "(he was joking, trying to keep it light)
That is funny. Yes, I’d RSVP with a “thanks but no thanks” and be glad that infants have poor memories. You’ll have a lifetime to celebrate and support their commissioning as Catholics. (And boy, oh boy, what a mission field the Good Lord is giving those little tykes! ;))
She is not Catholic and I could not make this up if I tried, her son is Catholic because her husband is. She sent him to Catholic school because the “right” type of children attend private school. Nothing to do with Religion on her part. Son in law went through the “motions” of the Sacraments but in 12 years I have only seen him at Chruch for “special events”. These are not what I consider “Catholic”
Not much consolation to know that she isn’t Catholic but at least that’s one scandal you don’t have to bear!

Hope your son-in-law steps up to the plate and starts to stand up for himself and your daughter.

Our marriage turned around the day my husband called my mother on her abusive behavior and announced that she would “never do anything like that to my wife again.” She walked out of our lives for 3 years. But she NEVER openly sniped at us again. She wasn’t “cured” but she stopped abusing us and trying to undermine our marriage. Good enough.
This woman is unbelievable. She sounds like Archie Bunker’s sister. I didn’t realize there were still such racist, bigots out there. Her son really needs to speak-up about this. His children shouldn’t be allowed to hear such hateful comments about their own family, and by extension, about them.
No. Archie was a stereotype, used to make a point, and funny. This woman is a living stereotype, and not funny at all.
When someone in the other side of the family asks where your family is simply say “They would have loved to come, but they feel very uncomfortable in the company of my racist mother-in-law and unfortunately my husband doesn’t have a spine yet.”

Should your husband object, tell him that if the truth hurts, maybe he should remember that when you marry, you are supposed to become one with your spouse, not hook onto mama’s apron strings.

It’s time to make him be a man, because he obviously doesn’t know how to be one on his own.
La Chiara:
I am concerned that many of the responses on threads about difficult or offensive in-laws and family members are to encourage the “victims” to cut off relations with the offending family members or in-laws. Shouldn’t we encourage each other in more loving, self-less, Christ-like responses to these difficult situations?
love does not mean accepting, tolerating, enabling and enduring abuse. Love sometimes means confronting the abuser with the natural result of his actions: estrangement from those closest to him
La Chiara:
We can all sympathize with this reaction. But let’s face it, this is really not the response we are called to by Christ and by our faith. Christ did not say “Love one another if the others are nice to you.”

I am concerned that many of the responses on threads about difficult or offensive in-laws and family members are to encourage the “victims” to cut off relations with the offending family members or in-laws. Shouldn’t we encourage each other in more loving, self-less, Christ-like responses to these difficult situations? Can’t we share more success stories of how a bad situation became more tolerable–rather than sharing stories of estrangements and encouraging others to cut off relations with family members?:twocents:
La Chiara, thank you for your response, as you can see I have been nice since my “15 year old” was dating her son, she is now “27”. My “niceness” help to fuel her vemon. Some people simply prey upon the ones who simply try to be kind, threy see kindness as weakness. Luckly in my life these type of people are far and few. You can Pray, you can hope but you can not change a Racist. My child in her eyes will always be “a half-bred little chiquita”:ehh: My own in-laws were wonderful people, they are all gone, except my nephews, and I miss them terribly. They were a little weary of the “Young American Girl” but warmed to me long before I walked down the Aisle. BTW—This woman’s husband is very kind to us if we see him alone in store or something, and we will gab and catch up on things, but he shys away if wife is around. By the way Baptim will be Nov. 6, following 12:00 Mass so I’ll let you know how it goes.
When someone in the other side of the family asks where your family is simply say “They would have loved to come, but they feel very uncomfortable in the company of my racist mother-in-law and unfortunately my husband doesn’t have a spine yet.”

Should your husband object, tell him that if the truth hurts, maybe he should remember that when you marry, you are supposed to become one with your spouse, not hook onto mama’s apron strings.

It’s time to make him be a man, because he obviously doesn’t know how to be one on his own.
I hope you are not seriously recommending this kind of thing.
I am quite serious,

Ye shall tell the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Did I say a word in that statement that wasn’t true? There will be some embarassement but I believe in calling a tree a tree. And obviously her mamma’s boy husband isn’t willing to stand up and defend his wife, who should be his FIRST concern.

Yes it is an unkind statement. But has the mother in law ever said a kind word. When it is over, everyone knows the truth and she can go home and associate no more.
When someone in the other side of the family asks where your family is simply say “They would have loved to come, but they feel very uncomfortable in the company of my racist mother-in-law and unfortunately my husband doesn’t have a spine yet.”

Should your husband object, tell him that if the truth hurts, maybe he should remember that when you marry, you are supposed to become one with your spouse, not hook onto mama’s apron strings.

It’s time to make him be a man, because he obviously doesn’t know how to be one on his own.
I know the truth will set you free but I as her mother I can never :nope: see my daughter saying this. I thought of something along the same line only smoother…“My Parents were just not comfortable with the situation” and leave it at that, Like a light went off in my head:hmmm: last night I figured her FIL’s family must know after 30 years what kind of woman he married anyway. There is no reason my daughter needs to stoop to her MIL level on what is suppose to be a very important day in her baby’s life. To her MIL is all about the “party” To me the “party” is not important, its My little Grandson recieveing his very First Sacarment. :love:
I am quite serious,

Ye shall tell the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Did I say a word in that statement that wasn’t true? There will be some embarassement but I believe in calling a tree a tree. And obviously her mamma’s boy husband isn’t willing to stand up and defend his wife, who should be his FIRST concern.

Yes it is an unkind statement. But has the mother in law ever said a kind word. When it is over, everyone knows the truth and she can go home and associate no more.
For Catholics, speaking a derogatory truth is known as the sin of detraction. When the “truth” is told in the way you suggest it only further poisons the water. One can be truthful without stooping to the level of the offender.
I am quite serious,

Ye shall tell the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Did I say a word in that statement that wasn’t true? There will be some embarassement but I believe in calling a tree a tree. And obviously her mamma’s boy husband isn’t willing to stand up and defend his wife, who should be his FIRST concern.

Yes it is an unkind statement. But has the mother in law ever said a kind word. When it is over, everyone knows the truth and she can go home and associate no more.
Actually, that line is “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” And Who is “the truth?” Jesus Christ.
First, I would very nicely send FIL’s family a reply card, thanking them for making you feel welcome, but that you cannot go as your family is not welcomed by the rest of the family because you are (quote the nasty MIL here, whatever awful word she used) say that you appreciate the offer but unfortunately it is not shared by (mother inlaw’s name) and that it is an embarassing situation for your daughter and her side of the family. You keep the peace by humbling yourself and not saying anything, but you thought they should know so that they could possibly make it easier on your daughter. Thank them, try not to allow your anger to be shown in the letter.

I think your daughter in law needs to stand up to her MIL. Does she give them money? It almost sounds as if they are dependant upon MIL’s money and she holds it over their heads.

I am so sorry you are going through this. I have a similar situation with my MIL but it involves us being Catholic and her being anti-Catholic, she refused to go to all three of my children’s Baptisms. This must be really painful for your daughter.

Our priest this past week as discussing what he calls “Yes” Catholics and what we call “Cafeteria Catholics” and how he was on a trip to Mexico City and sat on a bus or train with this elderly, obviously wealthy, woman who talked about how she goes to daily Mass, prays the rosary, touting how devout she was… yet made horribly racist comments about the people in Mexico, talking about how they should not be allowed to breed because they were poor etc. He was angry that a person could appear to be a devout Catholic, yet miss the whole message and be a racist.

Know that no matter how much this hurts your family, this wreched woman is hurting her own soul far more, and it is possible she will never change.

In my experience, at first I tried to get along with my MIL, but it finally got so bad that I had to take up for myself, my children and my family. I had to “Lay down the Law” It was hard on us, but she eventually changed a little. We have a policy, and she knows this, that the minute she makes any rude comments, we immediately pick up and leave, no arguing, no confrontation, we just give her time to think about what she has done/said. Almost like a time out for an adult. After 10 yrs of this, she has changed her tune and is much more careful with what she says/does.

The important part of this is I had to decide that no matter what I would not allow her to drive me to sin by allowing myself to act in anger, hate, or revenge for her actions. I also prayed for her and still do. Turns out she had an impoverished, difficult childhood, had depression and is very lonely in a miserable marriage. Who knows what has happened to your daughter’s MIL to make her such an awful person.

Focus on your family, keeping them loved and nurtured. Don’t allow this hatred to take away any part of who you are and what your family is all about. I know this is easier said than done, but the more angry you allow this awful woman to make you, the more likely she is to “win” her way. She wants you to feel like the scum of the Earth, be the strong and loving mother that you are called to be. Your daughter needs to learn to be the head woman of her own little family and step up to disallow this evil to have a control on her family. I know this is easier said than done, especially if your Son in Law is having his income supplemented by her.

Your daughter should also decline any Baptism party put on my her MIL. What good is a Baptism party if not to Share the time with your family? It sounds like your daughter is an a bad situation, but it is *her *situation and all you can do is be her mother, and the children’s grandmother. Try to be supportive without putting more pressure on her. She is probably already under alot of emotional stress from this, so try not to add to it with your own pain.

If you have the money to do it, throw the Baptism party, and be sure to kindly invite everyone, including the monster who probably wouldn’t come anyway! It doesn’t need to be fancy, just loving, and welcoming! You could even throw a" Welcome baby to the family party" if you can’t do the Baptism party. It doesn’t need to be formal, you could do it at your home, or a park pavillian. Try to focus on the Joy, and give your daughter a “home” where she can feel loved for who she is. Try not to push her into standing up to MIL or anything else, she needs to come to that conclusion on her own, just love her.
If you really wanted to, (depending on your personality) you could pretend that the note was a personal invitation and your extended family could go, when you get to the party stand up and personally thank MIL for throwing the party and sending a personal invitation to make your family feel so welcome. Then start a round of applause for her generosity, and how thankful you are that you can all be one big happy family!

I assure you this would put her in her place, possibly make her realize how wrong she was, embarass her for her cruelty. It sounds like she would probably try to “save face” and go along with it, at any rate it would be fun to see how she handles it.

If she happened to say anything out of line, just smile and ignore her and tell her how lovely a party it is. Kill her with kindness.

The key here would have to be that you would not allow any negative feelings to show on your part.
One thing is for certain: Christianity requires many deep breaths!! 😃

One other thing is for certain kaymart: We’ll all have you in our prayers.
In this case a Lamaze class may be in order!
La Chiara:
My goodness, Abby, the tone of your post–especially the sarcasm–is unnecessary, uncharitable, unkind, and unbecoming. And your problems with your in-laws is all about THEIR behavior? Hmmmm…
OH Boy here we go again!!! Try not to be so judgemental of other people’s posts, don’t pick out little bits and pieces and go off on tangents of picking apart and judging other ppl’s posts who are trying to help. Good grief! Very assuming, very preachy, very annoying! Aye! By trying to be “holier than thou,” by picking apart posts, all you are succeeding in is insighting hurt feeligs… and I think that your accusations are a bit on the pridefull side.

How do you expect Princess Abby to respond to your sudden assumption and judgement, needlessly attacking a post with nitpicky bits of personal pride? This makes many of us want to quit posting! Please try to refrain. You obviously don’t know what she has gone through with her inlaws so why jump to conclusions? Just apologize for being so self riteous and we can all go on with this thread! I have had this happen a few times… somebody picks out one word or phrase or emotion and attacks it. It is rather unpleasant, and leads to thread closure… think about that, maybe you are the one who needs to think about what you are posting.

We are all responsible for our own family and sometimes that involves a difficult decision to stay away for awhile. I certainly was concerned when my MIL started spouting off anti-catholic garbage to my daughter. The remedy for this involved a long process of letting her know that unless she changed her ways she was pushing us away.

It sometimes feels like the little kid sitting in the front of class is standing up and pointing a finger “Teacher, Teacher that kid was uncharitable!!! She used the wrong word, she obviously needs to pray for her *own *conversion!!”

The next time you feel the need to be this nit-picky,… write in on a blank piece of paper to get it out of your system and move on!

Kaymart, my sympathy and prayers are with you, I’m leaving this post quickly before there is more “tit for tat”
OH Boy here we go again!!! Try not to be so judgemental of other people’s posts, don’t pick out little bits and pieces and go off on tangents of picking apart and judging other ppl’s posts who are trying to help. Good grief! Very assuming, very preachy, very annoying! Aye! By trying to be “holier than thou,” by picking apart posts, all you are succeeding in is insighting hurt feeligs… and I think that your accusations are a bit on the pridefull side.

How do you expect Princess Abby to respond to your sudden assumption and judgement, needlessly attacking a post with nitpicky bits of personal pride? This makes many of us want to quit posting! Please try to refrain. You obviously don’t know what she has gone through with her inlaws so why jump to conclusions? Just apologize for being so self riteous and we can all go on with this thread! I have had this happen a few times… somebody picks out one word or phrase or emotion and attacks it. It is rather unpleasant, and leads to thread closure… think about that, maybe you are the one who needs to think about what you are posting.

We are all responsible for our own family and sometimes that involves a difficult decision to stay away for awhile. I certainly was concerned when my MIL started spouting off anti-catholic garbage to my daughter. The remedy for this involved a long process of letting her know that unless she changed her ways she was pushing us away.

It sometimes feels like the little kid sitting in the front of class is standing up and pointing a finger “Teacher, Teacher that kid was uncharitable!!! She used the wrong word, she obviously needs to pray for her *own *conversion!!”

The next time you feel the need to be this nit-picky,… write in on a blank piece of paper to get it out of your system and move on!

Kaymart, my sympathy and prayers are with you, I’m leaving this post quickly before there is more “tit for tat”
Oh, the irony.
Ond thing is for certain, if my mother in law ever made those kind of derogatory comments about anyone in my family, it would be the LAST time she saw her grandchildren.
A racially descriminatory person has no place around children and that’s all there is to it. A child who learns that Grandma can get away with it, learns that it is OK.
Tolerating it from her is just the same as endorsing it.
The most important issue here is not the MIL. The most important issue for you, your daughter and your grandchildren is that the husband allows this to continue.

If he does not stand up to his mother, support his wife, I would be very surprised if this marriage did not end up in divorce.

Your daughter needs to talk to her husband about how much this hurts her. It is your SIL job to stand up to his mother. Not yours. Not your daughters.

Until your SIL decides his wife is more deserving of consideration than his mother, nothing will change except possibly separate addresses.

Although nothing like this nightmare, I had to talk to my dad about things he was doing that upset my husband. My dad, my responsibility. We leave our parents to cleave to our spouse. Those words should be backed up with action if necessary.

God Bless,
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