Thank you Maria, He (son-in-law) must stand up to his mother. and its true he must realize everytime she makes a dirty comment about “Hispanics” HE must tell his mother that Hispanic blood flows in “his children.” So in a sense she is mocking and cursing her own grandchildren. My daughter has always been proud of who she is. The problem I think, he is, at the very least, has been so verbally abused by her growing up (only child) I’ve known him since he was 16 and watch this boy get so nervous if she called looking for him. I never seen any “marks” on him that showed so I can’t not say that type of abuse. Oh and get this!, when he was a teenager she told me on the phone “It is MY responsibilty to make sure he gets home on time for dinner” :banghead: (funny I don’t recall giving birth to a son in 1977
) But no matter what he is 28 years old and married father of 3 and needs to stand up for his wife and babies.