Father James Altman: You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period

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“I didn’t leave the NFL, the NFL left me”… as in the talk about "I didn’t leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me’. Abortion on demand is right in the Democrat platform but we are all free to make our own decisions on this.

Also, with all presidents, I don’t find a problem with Trump’s personality, negatives can be said about them all, Clinton this, Bush this, Obama this. Actually both sides do this apparently.
I sometimes feel all these guides to voting are a little patronizing. I’ve been voting just fine since I was 18 without needing help making up my mind. Part of being an adult is being able to make a decision and own it.
Be patient with “patronizing” – these days, the days of educational “dumbing-down”, of college “safe spaces” for the thin-skinned “me” generation, of trophies for all, win or lose, and “triggers for micro-aggression” - in these days many need the guidance of prudent “parents” to explain reality in simplistic terms. I’m sorry to say this, and many may get offended, but this is the case. The country needs a lot more grown-ups in government, not to patronize but to lead and teach and help form sanity - common sense - among us.
You’re right, I always need more patience. I also had the benefit of good parenting, from two parents who were more familiar with political shenanigans than most people, due to their respective careers.
No. My point is that the people who vote for this candidate or that one may still be personally and purposely very involved in charities and boots on the ground actions and ministries that reduce abortions.
And at the same time they are voting for a party that wants tax-payer funded abortions for any and for all, for any reason or for no reason, at any time up to the time of delivery of the baby, approving of “letting die” any living baby who survived an attempted abortion! - that sounds like insanity. Helping with one hand and killing the innocent with the other? What rational person could do that?
Possibly putting words in my mouth is one of the more unbecoming things that sometimes happens here.
You’re the one who said there’s “no such thing” as “honest factual fact checking.”
Nobody put words in your mouth (or keyboard) except you.
Today’s Democrat party would be unrecognizable to that of past generations of Democrats.
Democratic party.

And the Republican party would be recognizable to past generations of Republicans? 🤣
To be honest, I think today’s republican party could be mistaken for the democratic party of the not-too-distant past, and the democrats of today have slid totally out into left field.
To be honest, I think today’s republican party could be mistaken for the democratic party of the not-too-distant past, and the democrats of today have slid totally out into left field.
In many ways, you’re exactly right, I think.
@Weserthy’s response to @MikeInVA’s excellent question is one of the most solid refutations of the whole “abortion is only one part of their platform” deflection that I’ve seen and so far no one has had the guts to respond to it. Which is good, because there’s no moral way to pretend it’s alright.
It has been disappointing to me that the Dem party is “all in” for abortion. Some few exceptions have existed recently, but I’m not sure any are left in office now. The last Democrat I voted for was (as I recall) for County Commissioner. He was Catholic, and from an unusually Democrat part of the county. He was also prolife, which doesn’t mean a whole lot for a County Commissioner, but it matters to me. I will not vote for any Democrat that I do not know for certain is truly prolife. Other than that one guy, there has not been one on my ballot for many years.

I was a very active Democrat once, held office in the party, held rallies and dinners, ran phone banks, provided transportation for voters, lots of things. But support of abortion became mandatory, that was it for me.

Since then, the party has taken some unfortunate turns in other ways, so I don’t know that I would ever go back, no matter what. It’s just not the same party anymore.
It has been disappointing to me that the Dem party is “all in” for abortion.
I don’t like it either. However, as a pro-life Democrat, I’m not sure how I help the situation by leaving. Seems like it would send a clearer message to just sit there and continue to express that I don’t like it. That way I at least have some influence, however miniscule.

I also don’t relate all that well to Repubs from a sociocultural standpoint. That doesn’t mean I dislike them, I actually enjoy talking to a lot of the smart political ones (plus my husband was lifelong Repub, which was about what I expected from him and his family being basically WASP), but I don’t really want to join their club. If I were to leave the Dems I’d just be an independent.
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I don’t like it either. However, as a pro-life Democrat, I’m not sure how I help the situation by leaving. Seems like it would send a clearer message to just sit there and continue to express that I don’t like it. That way I at least have some influence, however miniscule.
I felt that way for a time, but since I was well known as a Democrat, I felt I could not effectively speak against abortion and politicians who support it by remaining.

I never became a Repub. I don’t think I’m well suited to be one for a number of reasons. Two of them are the propensity so many have to be interventionist, and the readiness with which so many support open trade and open borders. Of course nowadays the Dems are the very same way. So I guess I’m just an old fashioned populist now.
I don’t work for the party. I don’t donate to the party. I just stay on the rolls.
In my state, we don’t register as party members, so that’s a difference.

I always research the candidates. If they’re pro-abortion I wouldn’t vote for them for any reason.
This country is on the edge. The Lord had mercy on us, which we did not deserve, 4 years ago. Now, we deserve that mercy even less. We have done nothing to change our ways. The Dems, if they win control, will turn America first into Chicago, and then into Venezuela, and then into one more “People’s Republic” - now “of New America”. And the whole world will fall into the hands of ambitious tyrants.

I see one way to change this trajectory: if the Church will wake up, and be Church, and be the worthy witness of His Truth which is our vocation given by the Lord. Then, the lost can hear true Good News preached authentically by worthy witnesses, Truth that the human heart was created for, and many will believe and come into His Life, and the earth can begin to heal.

If not, I believe the end is very, very near.
Praying for Father Altman and all of our priests.

Jesus said in Luke 12:51

Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division;

Our Lady of Akita:

As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity
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We should look carefully at the lessons of Nazi Germany.

When the Germans elected Hitler, they did know he was antisemitic and authoritarian. A great many of them were not in agreement with this but felt he was going to sort out the economy and the injustices imposed by the Treaty of Versailles and that authoritarianism and antisemitism were a price worth paying.

Of course they never imagined that authoritarianism meant another world war, and antisemitism meant gassing six million people. By the time they understood that, it was too late.

How can we apply that to modern politics? Just as the Germans resented the injustices of Versailles, we may be horrified by the injustices of unrestricted capitalism. I certainly am. But just as that was no reason to vote for the NSDAP in 1933, so it’s no reason to vote for the Democrats now.
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