I don’t know about you, but my faith is not subject to the humanity of those in the Church. Sounds like a “Traditionalist” hurt you somewhere along the line and your goal is to “get even” somehow.My goodness, is our faith to be governed by such analyses as these? This material is highly, highly interpretive, is generally premised upon opposition to the magisterium of the Church, and is characterized by public encouragement of schismatic attitudes. We are called to “avoid profane and silly myths” and to “train … for devotion, for … devotion is valuable in every respect, since it holds a promise of life both for the present and for the future” (I Tim 4:7-8). We should “be absorbed in them [these matters of spiritual growth] so that ]our progress may be evident to everyone” (1 Tim 4:15). Traditionalists seem to be in some ways backwards; frequently they lack charity. They are vitriolic not infrequently; and they utterly lack docility to the Holy Father. How does indulgence in fantasies about the Church help one’s spiritual progress? Is any improvement evident in those who follow this course? Many traditionalists are new converts to the Faith; new converts are at particular risk of conceit and the devil’s punishment (1 Tim 3:6). Is more prayer (cf. Calls by Sr Lucia) and less exuberance in bizarre ecclesiological theories and relationships warranted?