I’ve never seen any of them. I’ll just follow your lead…We might need to start a Godfather thread
I’ve never seen any of them. I’ll just follow your lead…We might need to start a Godfather thread
Hollywood has given us a lot of great car chases over the years, but I’ve never seen one to beat the long chase from Lake Wazzapamani to Daley Plaza, in The Blues Brothers.Perhaps the greatest car chase of all time.
I agree. We’ve had shakes at various places that you had to eat with a spoon. If I’d wanted a tall cup of ice cream that’s what I would ask for. Our regular McDonalds no longer offers shakes, which is too bad as they were my favorite.She hated thick milkshakes
Whaddaya mean “unnamed”? He’s right there in the credits:Favorite scene? When they replace the unnamed bass player with a professional session musician (played by real life bassist Larry Antonio) who wows the band with a quick riff.