FBI and DOJ agree with DNI Ratcliffe's assessment that Hunter Biden's controversial laptop and emails are NOT part of a Russian disinformation campaig

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This could be very damning to Biden. I am literally expecting another Trump story to break through, and take all the weight off from this story.
Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik opens up about his work with ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani in investigating the possibly incriminating materials left behind by Hunter Biden and their connections to his father Joe. - 10/19/20

Former NYC Mayor and current attorney to President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, comments exclusively on new revelations regarding his investigation into Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter. - 10/20/20

I don’t doubt the emails are Hunter Biden’s. However, I wouldn’t trust Bernie Kerik to walk my dog. Especially given that his best friend was Larry Ray. If that doesn’t show a complete lack of prudential judgment, I don’t know what does.
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Larry Ray is that creepy manipulative abuser of those college students, right?
Yeah. Kerik is now on record calling him a “Psychotic con man” but they were best friends for years. Ray was even the best man at one of Kerik’s weddings.
The 14-year-old girl in 1/3 of the photos is Hunter’s niece, thus she is also a Biden family member.

I’m sure her parents are upset about this situation also, and they are Biden family members.
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The denial and then the shutdown by Twitter and Facboook of the NYPost was unheard of. The NYPost is still lockout from Twitter…
Initially they claimed the story untrue, and that was the excuse for the censorship.

What now, since the emails are shown to be true?
From the article:

Senior federal officials told…

Insiders said…

Law enforcement sources also reportedly confirmed…

Trump said Barr must appoint someone…

This is the way to read these type of articles. Nobody specific has said anything except the president and Ratcliff, in this article. Ratcliff not know if this is a Russian thing, nor does the president know anything. This could just as easily be some repair shop guy looking for fame and a pay day. It likely cannot go anywhere as it came from a repair shop, you know, IT guys that could monkey with anything they want before they pass it on. Not only is there no chain of custody, there was ease and time with which to fabricate anything.

This is Nixon style of politics, but electronic instead of breaking in. The president likely has nothing to do with this, and I will not buy the whole collusion thing either.
Initially they claimed the story untrue, and that was the excuse for the censorship.

What now, since the emails are shown to be true?
Prediction? “We won’t unlock the NY Post because we do not want to influence the election.”
We have people trying to say it’s all Russian Disinformation in MSM (Democrat propaganda outlets) plus the likes of Schiff, Brennan & Clapper when even Hunters lawyer asked for Hunters laptop back after he forfeited it thanks to the contract signed when he gave it for repairs he never paid for. There is no question that it’s definately Hunters laptop. Plus I can’t believe a lot of people rather than focusing on what the emails etc expose are (apart from Russa Collusion narrative) saying for example how awful it it that the repair guy checked what was on the hard drive (months later) & that what the repair guy did was unethical when surely what is on the laptop is far more important. Laptop shows sickening explicit images of minors & of Hunter & emails show proof that Bidens are compromised & corrupt & sold out America to the Chinese Communists etc. for money. They should be in jail & this proves Bidens can be blackmailed also, a national security threat. Joe has no business being President.
I hope at least this repairman gets the press he deserves for not being trustworthy. You turn over equipment for repair, you do not expect the person trusted with the work to try and weaponize the equipment.
Initially they claimed the story untrue, and that was the excuse for the censorship.
I haven’t seen that either party claimed the story was untrue.

Twitter prohibited distribution invoking its hacked materials policy. That policy has since changed and they informed NY Post of how to unlock their account.

Facebook slowed distribution saying that fact checkers. Needed to validate the story. But they never named the story false.
Prediction? “We won’t unlock the NY Post because we do not want to influence the election.”
Twitter informed the NY Post that the hacked materials policy has been updated , that they can post the link, and how to unlock their account several days ago.
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They should be in jail
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. So you would be okay going to jail if you has enemies who brought forth questionable evidence? All of you clamoring for jail need to remember this if your time comes to be on the receiving end.
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I seriously find it hard to believe anyone with a brain would buy the Russian narrative. Plus a couple of emails from the laptop have even been released like the one where Hunter emails his daughter saying he wouldn’t make her give half his salary like ‘pop’ does (what kind of father makes you give half your salary? Sounds like shady Biden dealings to me) Plus when it comes to specifics Bidens never denied the actual authenticity of the emails while calling it a smear job. Plus sorry but what about the Hunter images like him smoking crack in one pic that I’ve seen from that laptop. You saying the genius repair shop guy looking for fame photoshopped them now? Seriously? Photoshopped Bidens sexually explicit selfies too? You saying the images of minors on them was the repair shop guy framing the Bidens.
I’d probably believe anything about Hunter Biden.

But, Hunter’s not Joe.
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