FBI and DOJ agree with DNI Ratcliffe's assessment that Hunter Biden's controversial laptop and emails are NOT part of a Russian disinformation campaig

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I seriously find it hard to believe anyone with a brain would buy the Russian narrative.
I feel the same way about election month coincidences.

And yes, I am serious. Do you know what real people do if they come across pictures they really believe to be child pornography? They turn it over to the police or the DA. They do not contact political campaign officials and give it to their lawyers. This man would be guilty in my state for failure to report this to the proper authorities, if there is actual truth in this mess. So I am skeptical of the whole affair.
Seriously?? Seems to me some people like yourself want Biden to win the presidency so much they dismiss the contents of the emails & the images, sweep that under the carpet & instead accuse the repair guy of being unethical never mind what the Bidens have done, never mind the corruption & abuse of minors instead you’re more concerned that the repair guy looked?? Would you then have preferred it to remain secret & Hunter could just carry on. Plus the repair guy only looked at the hard drive after it became his property when Hunter didn’t pay or collect it despite him trying to contacting Hunter a number of times.
Seriously?? Seems to me some people like yourself want Biden to win the presidency so much they dismiss the contents of the emails & the images,
@pnewton has a history of applying scrutiny to posts here that to me, does not appear indicative of promoting some goal. I am not always aligned with him/her, but I appdeciate the approach.
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The repair guy did just that, he turned it over to the FBI months ago after he discovered it & the FBI did nothing. He grew concerned about that & crimes being covered up so then contacted Rudy etc.
I’d probably believe anything about Hunter Biden.

But, Hunter’s not Joe.
I agree. Cancel culture cancels people for being related.

I think that there is more here. The way it is being presented is to fight the “Media Machine”

First, they attacked the story as Russian disinformation.

Then they claimed it was not Hunters Computer.

Now things are starting to shape up, and the story is still not being told by the media unless they are unbiased or right leaning.

I think they will throw a bombshell the day of the debate, perhaps mid day, giving less time to the press to defend it, and will have to be asked on the debate. By either the moderator who more than likely will not ask, or Trump who will ask.

And what it does seem to be, is that Biden did use his Vice President Position to enrich the family and fire a lawyer for investigating a corrupt oil company which his son was involved with, using tax payer dollars. Politicians are getting very wealthy after leaving office. Something I find weird since they hold no political position any longer. There are ways to pay back favors.

That is what it looks like. If what I understand is not true, then I will change my understanding, but there are a lot of questions to be answered.
Do you know what real people do if they come across pictures they really believe to be child pornography? They turn it over to the police or the DA. They do not contact political campaign officials and give it to their lawyers.
That’s because the guy at the computer repair shop, if he knew there was child porn on the laptop, engaged in distribution of said child porn when he sent it to anyone other than the police. Possession and distribution. And Rudy apparently still has a copy.
Seems to me some people like yourself want Biden to win the presidency so much they dismiss the contents of the emails
Then you did not understand what I was saying. I said specifically that I was skeptical. That means I do not believe it, not that I want it swept away. If illegal images exist, and if the evidence can be substantiated, something that this repair man may have just botched, then of course it should be investigated by the local police.

It is not that I am concerned that the repair man looked, but that he had a motive for looking. If he had a motive for looking, and decided to turn it over to a political campaign, he tainted potential evidence. More to the point sending someone child pornography, (thought I do not believe this happened) is a crime. One can send it to the police, or to the district attorney for prosecution. But what he did would have been distribution of child pornography. Again, I do not think there is any child pornography.
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I do not believe the evidence is questionable. I believe it true & believe justice should be served. Unfortunately the judicary is politicised plus there is a 2 tired justice system in America. Justice should be blind but it isn’t. If you’re a Trump supporter you’ll get armed raid in the morning like Roger Stone for alleged process crimes while if you’re a Democrat (so far) you get away with it. The swamp is very deep.
I agree. Cancel culture cancels people for being related.
Does that occur?

I’m not disputing it, I just have never seen it.

I have seen people distance themselves from relatives. Such as when Mindy Kalig (from India) distanced herself from her brother when he said he sometimes claimed to be black when he thought it might be beneficial.
Does that occur?

I’m not disputing it, I just have never seen it.
My search engine skills are in the negative numbers. I do not know Googlefu. I do vaguely remember a person was fired for being related to a person who said something in the 70’s or something like that.
How about Hunter paying half his salary to ‘pop’? You really think thats not suspect? Hunter getting those positions while having no experience because of who his dad is. Pictures of Joe meeting up with Hunters contacts. Hunter arranging those meetings. It’s been very lucrative for the Bidens. Joe sold out the US for money to the likes of China. Her can’t be trusted.

Plus on another note Joe U-turns on everything just look at fracking, at him saying not long ago that he’ll get rid of fracking & now saying differently. He plagiarises, he lies even about college achievements, he’s also embraced the Dem party’s more extreme abortion position than he had before. Him also refusing to answer key questions? What about court packing that he’s sure to impliment but is trying to straddle the fence & not say out loud to try keep both moderate Dems & hard leftists happy. What about socialism destroying the Country like it has others & being a stepping stone to full out Communism? Loss of freedom. Censorship against conservatives. What about him putting taxes up? Destroying the middle class etc.?
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Hunter getting those positions while having no experience because of who his dad is.
Do you know who sits on corporate boards? Hunter’s a lawyer and founded an investment and advisory company.
Pictures of Joe meeting up with Hunters contacts. Hunter arranging those meetings.
Politicians and businesspeople meet and have pictures taken with lots of people. Trump supporters say the same thing about all the actual criminals Trump’s had his picture taken with.
Joe sold out the US for money to the likes of China.
I don’t usually engage in whataboutism, but, seriously, there’s enough contact and business with China to go around. You know, patents and potential deals and bank accounts. Apparently Trump paid more taxes to China one year than to the US.
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Repair shop guy was in a dilemma. He sent it to the FBI & they sat on it for months & did absolutely nothing with it. He feared it being covered up & for his own safety. He even gave a couple of copies of the hard drive to friends in case he was killed as he was that worried about how explosive it was.

The situation isn’t totally black & white that he should just leave it with the FBI & that would be it & not give it someone for safe keeping & or investigation when the FBI did nothing. It’s obvious he wasn’t trying to distribute Hunter’s child porn for the intention of sicko’s getting off on it but so that the truth would come out. He contacted Rudi etc. for that purpose. I would do the same in his position.
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Pictures of Joe meeting up with Hunters contacts. Hunter arranging those meetings.
Remember too that Biden lied about that by omission when he said the meeting wasn’t on the official schedule of the Vice President.

But watch how all the defenders will keep on attacking the messenger. They’re not upset by the crimes they’re only upset that their boy was caught!
It’s obvious he wasn’t trying to distribute Hunter’s child porn for the intention of sicko’s getting off on it but so that the truth would come out.
Younger teens have gotten jammed up for “distributing child porn” for sending pictures of themselves to their friends. There is no exception to the law if you’re involved in trying to start a political scandal. Every non-law enforcement person with the contents of that hard drive is at risk.
Since when was Founding an investment & advisory company a qualification for getting the job with Burisma? Hunter admitted himself he basically knows nothing on energy & when he got asked if he thinks he got the position because of who his dad is he didn’t deny it in fact he basically admitted it. Then Joe getting the prosecutor fired who was investigating his son & Burisma? No way do I believe he got him fired because the prosecuter was allegedly corrupt, he did it to stop the investigation. It was quid pro quo & Joe Biden showed himself corrupt doing that. He was protecting his own & Hunter’s behind.

Granted not all pics prove malfeasance, but I am suspicious. Plus apparently in emails Hunter arranges different contacts of his to have meetings with Joe. Joe said he never talked to his son about his busness interests yet he has pics with them, Joe lied.I do believe Biden’s are compromised & a national security threat & have sold out the US for self interest. Joe literally has rolled over for China, said they aren’t a threat while China steal the US blind like intellectual property. Joes lined his pockets.

Also check out Peter Schweizer detailing Biden corruption.
Interesting,isn’t it? The Dems projected their own corrupt actions onto Trump the past four years,going so far as to impeach him under false pretenses.Now here we have actual corruption,quid pro quo on the part of the former VP and the Dems say,move on nothing to see here is not authentic.
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Since when was Founding an investment & advisory company a qualification for getting the job with Burisma?
It is typical for outside directors to be from other industries. They might not have experience with the product the company produces. They are there for corporate governance. They are there to provide an independent look at operations.

And, yes, sometimes directors are there to lend prestige to the company. Sometimes they are someone’s friend. Sometimes they have a good track record.
Then Joe getting the prosecutor fired who was investigating his son & Burisma?
Everyone in Europe agreed that the prosecutor was corrupt and standing in the way of reforms in Ukraine. Joe was actually acting on American foreign policy.
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