FBI and DOJ agree with DNI Ratcliffe's assessment that Hunter Biden's controversial laptop and emails are NOT part of a Russian disinformation campaig

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The repair guy did just that, he turned it over to the FBI months ago after he discovered it & the FBI did nothing. He grew concerned about that & crimes being covered up so then contacted Rudy etc.
Did you ever consider that the FBI consider it a Nothing Burger. Is not the FBI run by Republicans now?
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Wishful thinking.It has been authenticated as belonging to HB as well as all the info on it
The FBI didn’t even investigate it. What about the explicit images? Is that a nothing burger?

To simplistic saying FBI run by Republicans. There are many never trumpers, deep staters/ Globalists. Those that hate Trump with a vengence & work against him. Sorry to say but there is corruption in the FBI. I think that people who say differently are either naive or disingenuous. Plus I guarantee if the laptop was Donald Juniors it would not have sat at the FBI for months on end with nothing happening. It would be leaked straight away & the MSM would be having a field day & the FBI would go after Don Junior & the president & have impeached him already again as well as trying to jail them. Luckily for the Biden family they are Democrats so that didn’t happen.
The FBI didn’t even investigate it.
Do you have proof?
If so, provide a source.
To simplistic saying FBI run by Republicans. There are many never trumpers, deep staters/ Globalists. Those that hate Trump with a vengence & work against him. Sorry to say but there is corruption in the FBI. I think that people who say differently are either naive or disingenuous. Plus I guarantee if the laptop was Donald Juniors it would not have sat at the FBI for months on end with nothing happening. It would be leaked straight away & the MSM would be having a field day & the FBI would go after Don Junior & the president & have impeached him already again as well as trying to jail them. Luckily for the Biden family they are Democrats so that didn’t happen.
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Yes, he should not have tried to repair it on a computer repair shop and then when he did and saw it belonged to a famous politician’s son (long after the tome lapsed on contract to pick it up…) he should have at least returned it or destroyed it!!!
I thought I heard or read that he did try to turn it over to authorities
Maybe there can be an investigation into this after the election. At least the motive of election influence will not be clouding the matter.
The repair man tried to contact Hunter to return it but got no response before he even looked at it & only did after it became his property & Hunter never paid him.

Unbelieveable that people are more concerned by the repair man looking at what was on the hard drive than the actual emails exposing corruption & disgusting explicit images.
I haven’t seen that either party claimed the story was untrue.
The false claim that it is an attempt to portray it as untrue and Russian disinformation. But you are right that no parties involved have claimed any of the emails or other material from HB’s laptop are fraudulent or inauthentic.
Twitter prohibited distribution invoking its hacked materials policy
The hacked material policy is applied in n a biased manner. The Trump tax returns were “hacked.”
That policy has since changed and they informed NY Post of how to unlock their account.
Yeah. Delete Tweets regarding the matter. :roll_eyes:
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Yeah. Delete Tweets regarding the matter. :roll_eyes:
There are actually 6 tweets that would need to be deleted. I do not know that all 6 of them are about this matter. But the tweets that concern this matter can be sent again without invoking a violation.
The repair man tried to contact Hunter to return it but got no response before he even looked at it & only did after it became his property & Hunter never paid him.
He did try to return it to Hunter Biden. He received the damaged computers in April 2019 and called 3 or 4 times and no one came to pick them up so he put them aside. After 90 days, the computers are the repair man’s property., they become unclaimed property…

It wasn’t until December that he realized that what was on the hard drive had something about Ukraine and called the FBI. Even then the FBI seemed not interested and did not pursue immediately.
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Yeah. Delete Tweets regarding the matter. :roll_eyes:
There are actually 6 tweets that would need to be deleted. I do not know that all 6 of them are about this matter. But the tweets that concern this matter can be sent again without invoking a violation
Why would they want thee NY Post to delete the tweets only to send them again.?
Why would they want thee NY Post to delete the tweets only to send them again.?
Previously discussed. Lessons from “Back Page.”
Twitter Refuses To Unlock NYPost Account Unless Paper Deletes Tweets About Hunter Biden World News
Such protections may not be applicable to a post if a company plays a role in the production of the content. The protection is not a blanket protection for all content available through online service providers, but only applicable to user generated content for which the service provider is not involved. When the service provider has involvement, they are considered one of the speakers/publishers of an item of content in question and have liabilities for it. Online service providers have suff…
Since there are six tweets in question though, it is not known if all the tweets concern this matter.
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There are actually 6 tweets that would need to be deleted. I do not know that all 6 of them are about this matter. But the tweets that concern this matter can be sent again without invoking a violation.
Do the Tweets incite violence ? Are they obscene or involve children in that way?

No. It is about their reporting on the Biden laptop.
Prediction? “We won’t unlock the NY Post because we do not want to influence the election.”
But what most will hear is “We won’t unlock the NY Post because the story is so damaging to our guy.”
Pnewton, so you are good with perverts who prey on minors being protected from discovery by computer repair techs …good to know
This is the most uncharitable post I have seen ever at CAF. No one ever on this place, except here, has accused another poster of such atrocity.

Please do not ever again accuse another person of being accepting of sexual deviancy. It is a terribly hurtful thing you did. I do not know what was on the hard drive. Initially the narrative was all about email. I later wrote:
And yes, I am serious. Do you know what real people do if they come across pictures they really believe to be child pornography? They turn it over to the police or the DA. They do not contact political campaign officials and give it to their lawyers. This man would be guilty in my state for failure to report this to the proper authorities, if there is actual truth in this mess. So I am skeptical of the whole affair.
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But what most will hear is “We won’t unlock the NY Post because the story is so damaging to our guy.”
However, the Post still can’t reach its 1.8 million followers on Twitter. Why? That’s a little complicated. While Twitter is now allowing the story to be traded around, the Post says Twitter won’t unlock its account until it deletes tweets from Thursday, a period in time when the story was breaking Twitter’s rules. “We don’t change enforcement retroactively,” the company told the Post .
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