Fight the Da Vinci Code!!!

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You’re most probably right. But let’s hope and pray you’re wrong. Yes? 😉
:yup: :gopray: :gopray2:
Actually Fr. Mike Barrett (the priest that appears on NBC explaining Opus Dei) said something in an Evening of Recollection that made me optimistic. He said that, now that DVC has brought orthodox Catholicism front and center, it is a widespread opportunity for us to engage in dialog and conversation. In a way, this has helped accelerate conversations and awareness of orthodox and heretic ideas faster than without it. He added, with this book we are now several years ahead in the conversation, and we should take advantage of it. I agree.

For those who left the church, they will find emptiness without the church anyway, the DVC doesn’t lead to edify anyone. All the suggestions lead to deadends.

And if you open the conversation, it’s not deemed as ‘oh so religious,’ but rather taken in as contemporary and the walls are not so high.

in XT.
This is true, but it’s also true that the atmosphere that has inspired so many recent attacks on the Church by the media and in politics (we only have to look at the recent vote in San Francisco for evidence) aren’t to be swept aside as inconsequential . We are being attacked on every side, from within and without, in a manner not seen in quite some time. I can’t think it’s merely consequential–can any of us?
This is true, but it’s also true that the atmosphere that has inspired so many recent attacks on the Church by the media and in politics (we only have to look at the recent vote in San Francisco for evidence) aren’t to be swept aside as inconsequential . We are being attacked on every side, from within and without, in a manner not seen in quite some time. I can’t think it’s merely consequential–can any of us?
I agree Della, we cannot be naive. But in the end, what else can a single person do but continue their apostolate where they find it. Attacks from within and without have been the modus operandi of the Enemy since the beginning anyway, so we’re not that special…the other generations had it bad or worse than us I think.

By the way, I learn from your responses and most of the time I find you write what I’m thinking. For better or worse, that’s what I’ve experienced! Hahaahah!!!

God bless.

in XT.
This will hopefully be a prime opportunity for us to plant some good seeds. A lot of people will see this movie, and a lot of them will talk about it. If we are prepared to talk with them (not AT them!) in an informed manner, we’ll have a chance to share the truth with them. That means we all need to get informed NOW about the facts. Let’s get studying, kids! 🙂

Personally, I will be taking myself, dh and seven children to see Over the Hedge that weekend. I like Barb’s analogy to an election-- staying home means not voting. I plan to go vote with my wallet for something other than the DVC. I do not plan to picket or protest in anyway, which just constitute free publicity for the other side.

Also, a personal prayer request-- I am speaking as part of a panel discussion this Saturday on this very topic. Please pray for a good turnout, and that my talk can be a source of good fruits in many souls.

Hope along with measures such as above, more of us, may be all Christians would see this as blasphemy against The Father ( and indirectly against The Church …)

There in also may lie a great opportunity …

The Lord calling the disciples as ‘children’ at The Last Supper , when as He is about to share His very life with them …and again after The Resurretion , when he waits with breakfast …

He has shown us The Face of The Father…that He and The Father are One …in a union of The Spirit …
He asks us to call God as Father…and that to include Him …all three Persons …

Some of our growing up might have to include that erroneus image of many as The Father being seen as as “Very old” ( Michael Angelo’s depiction…) …

The Lord’s earthly life of 331/3 which is 1/3 of 100 !and the icon
of The Trinity that depict all Three Persons being of same age …all this too could help us to see this diffrently …

In our times when a strong gender identity and strong father realtionship are needed , esp. for men , may be we need to grow more into this Father relationship and love …in and through The Lord …

In the Old Testament, Israel is called as The Bride and now The Church …but not any individual person as such … ; ( True Bl. Mother has the unique role - as the’ spouse’ of the Holy Spirit )…for the rest , would it not be more important to remain as ‘children’ (well - the priests /fathers , representing The Father Love of The Lord) and as to the 'spousal relationship of nuns etc: - may be that is more like a little oedipal love , likeof a little girl …

May be this movie and the crisis of homosexuality in The Church and the world would all be agents that can help to move enough hearts - to look at the Lord and see The Face of the Father …and … may be , as St. John , the youngestof the disciples , who also probably related the best to the Father Love , there will be a deepening of the same , in The Church and beleivers too…

Let us hope - “all things work good for those who love God …”
This is a tough balancing act. We certainly don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to this book and movie but we do need to educate people about the serious errors in this book. As Sandra Meisel (historian and co-author of The Da Vinci Hoax) points out, nearly everything in the Da Vinci Code is wrong! Somehow we need to let people know why.
In my parish, our men’s group runs a literature rack where we put up copies of articles covering a variety of topics. Every week, for the last two months, we have placed 40 copies of this article de-bunking the Da Vinci Code:

Every week, they have gone like hot cakes (so far this works out to more than 320 copies given away) . We intend on placing them there until after the release of the movie. A little leaven affects the whole lump–if we can reach some, they can reach others. As they used to say in the 70"s: “Think globally, but act locally”!
Yes, the free market is for a non-religious country. Everyone knows America was founded with the intention of being strictly Catholic.
I believe it was Jeffery Lyons who pointed out that films (like the DaVinci Code) get made not because of box office, but in order to impress the powers that be in Hollywood, as “serious filmmakers,” so that those who make them will get accolades from their peers. They could care less how many people go to see it, especially if it is a message film in which Hollywood values are supported. Such a sad comment, but all too true! :mad:
I know most best-selling novels are made into movies with no greed in mind. That’s also why novels that don’t sell worth a darn but make a good statement get made into movies all the time.
In my parish, our men’s group runs a literature rack where we put up copies of articles covering a variety of topics. Every week, for the last two months, we have placed 40 copies of this article de-bunking the Da Vinci Code:

Every week, they have gone like hot cakes (so far this works out to more than 320 copies given away) . We intend on placing them there until after the release of the movie. A little leaven affects the whole lump–if we can reach some, they can reach others. As they used to say in the 70"s: “Think globally, but act locally”!
What a great idea. I think I’ll suggest the same tactic with my Men’s group. Thanks.
I wouldnt see it if it were free. Blasphemy!
AMEN! :amen: There’s no way any Christian could see such a slanderous film in good conscience. I’m glad I’m not the only one here who feels that way. 👍
Yes, not seeing the film is a good idea. But I think Fr. Benedict Groshel’s suggestion last week that we boycott Sony is not a good idea. They have too much of a presence in the media.
Pass out material. Atleast the regular movie goers will be informed as they are the most likely to tell their friends or co-workers whether to see the movie or not.

When the Kinsey movie(produced by Fox Searchlight)came out, Concerned Women of America had a simple handout.I and others copied it. I copied one-half page about his young child studies out of Judith Reisman’s book, Kinsey.

Also I copied one page on
David Reimer who had just killed himself.(Dr.Mooney was involved with Kinsey and many of the college students had read the book As Nature Made Him) Held a poster,stood at movie line and passed them out. **Could not keep copies in my hands. ** The college-age were especially interested. Theaters did not like the poster or controversy as they want to appear family friendly and keep movie goers light-hearted. . Must be on sidewalk but many movie theaters are still on main streets.
Pass out material. Atleast the regular movie goers will be informed as they are the most likely to tell their friends or co-workers whether to see the movie or not.
No offense, but if I were heading into a film to which I am going to A) relax and B) for most people, probably because it has Tom Hanks in it, and you tried to tell me I shouldn’t see what I want to see because you disagree with it, I’d either

A) ignore you

B) politely take the pamphlet and then throw it away the moment I’m in the door, thus making the only effect of the protest wasting trees


C) if I’m less nice, tell you where you can stick the pamphlet.

You guys think it is all about this crusade and about you getting the Catholic version of truth to the people. But if you’re coming off an eight-hour shift or a long day at the office, and you’ve decided earlier that you are going to reward yourself by seeing a specific movie, and you’re heading in to kick back and relax, well, chances are you don’t care what someone who hasn’t seen the film thinks about your seeing it, and nine times out of ten the person trying to push this view on a tired movie going public is going to get one of the above responses. This weekend I would have LOVED to berate the intelligence of everyone going to see Benchwarmers. My every fiber of being was crying out to take them aside and say “Hey! There’s a lot better ways to spend your time than a crappy Rob Shneider movie!” But I don’t do that, because they don’t want to hear it. It isn’t all about you and your viewpoint.

Jon Stewart put it best in his book America, when he half-joked on the hidden agenda of the environmental movement. “To bother people on the street when they are late for work”. This really applies to every cause people have. Most people never learn that the most effective way to make yourself heard is to be the invisible man, the “silent partner” in a cause. Instead they have to put themselves front and center and be boisterous and annoying about it, and they not only end up getting in people’s way, they discredit themselves and their movement because nobody listens to people like that.
Totally disagree. No I would not bother a regular movie goer if the issue didn’t strike at the core of a religious belief. That is what must be decided. Will the DaVinci Code movie affect how people feel about their faith or will it not? If not then don’t bother people but if so, then do something about it.

People were not annoyed. They actually wanted to know what the controvery was about because they had heard it in the news. Most took the information as long as it was simple to read and understand. I doubt that they threw it away because the managers came out later on and asked if they could see a copy. (I took 100 copies per show and often ran out)The young were open to discussion. They thought it was good that people stand up for something. One fifteen year old brought me a hot drink. Kinsey movie fizzled even though it had good actors, Liam Neeson and Laura Linney

If people were silent and invisible on important issues, we would not have the America we know today.
Totally disagree. No I would not bother a regular movie goer if the issue didn’t strike at the core of a religious belief. That is what must be decided. Will the DaVinci Code movie affect how people feel about their faith or will it not? If not then don’t bother people but if so, then do something about it.

People were not annoyed. They actually wanted to know what the controvery was about because they had heard it in the news. Most took the information as long as it was simple to read and understand. I doubt that they threw it away because the managers came out later on and asked if they could see a copy. (I took 100 copies per show and often ran out)The young were open to discussion. They thought it was good that people stand up for something. One fifteen year old brought me a hot drink.

If people were silent and invisible on important issues, we would not have the America we know today.
A silent partner isn’t silent. It means you’re doing the work but not requiring credit.

And they took it in hopes of being informed. There is a difference between “This film is controversial among Catholics” andd “This film is wrong because Catholics say so”. There are facts, then there are opinions.
Never tried to stop them from seeing the movie yet the box office figures showed that the Kinsey movie only made back about half the cost of making it. Don’t expect that with the DaVinci Code because most people want to see the movie since they have read the book. Just try to inform.

Not sure seeing another movie will have an effect. It will show that people want more family movies but Hollywood already knows that. Just be giving them more money.
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