
You make some highly logical and well-stated points. Clearly the Catholic Answers’ voter’s guide for Americans should make as its highest priority: stopping all war on planet Earth and giving other people’s money and food to the “poor” of the world. Personal morality is out and food distribution and social services are in…slick…how about instead of the Catholic Church, we call it the Catholic sugardaddy…or the Catholic Pimp…?The “five non-negotiable positions” do not address several far more significant and morally important issues that affect the lives of billions of people already living on this earth. By focusing on these ‘non-negotiable positions’ it appears we Catholics are not concerned with the crimes our elected politicians are committing against humanity.
Far more significant to the poor, the starving, the sick and the downtrodden are the illegal and immoral wars which kill millions of innocent people, the avarice of the powerful elite which starves millions of others, the exploitation of poor countries, and the military expansionism which is used to subjugate other countries and is burdening this country with intolerable debt.
It appears that Catholic Answers, by recommending the ‘five non-negotiable positions’ as guidelines for the selection of candidates, backed a regime which started the Iraqi war, a genocidal war of aggression, has supported evil regimes throughout the world, conducted assassinations, and supported policies that keep two thirds of the people on this planet in abject poverty. Does Catholic Answers and the Catholic Church feel any responsibility to prevent these crimes?
I am Catholic, but I certainly do not think that the five non-negotiable positions describe what our first priorities and considerations should be when selecting a political candidate. It’s just too convenient a way for Catholic Answers to support a regime while ignoring its crimes against humanity.