Amy Klobuchar is marginally, just marginally, more desirable than most of the other Democratic primary candidates — at least has a door open to pro-life voters, isn’t “too old to be President” (she’s my age, that’d
better not be too old to throw in the towel on life!
), and would be a middle-American, Midwestern foil to Trump, whereas Bernie and Mike Bloomberg are just two other, ahem, blunt-spoken New Yorkers. I have already given Tulsi too much of my support (made two very modest campaign contributions and have two bumper stickers on my car!) to turn my back on her now — the least-objectionable Democratic candidate with a few conservative and libertarian credentials — but if not for that, I’d be very tempted to vote for Amy. I just took it for granted that she was Catholic (Slovenian American), but apparently not — is she a fallen-away, or has she always been Protestant? Anyone know?