Football kneeling effect you

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No, I never watch football. I am simply amazed that these people think they are making a difference.
It’s very childish.
I’m not sure; I’m disappointed that with so many demonstrating the continued racism they feel is happening in the US that the conversation is still overwhelmingly about their “disrepect” rather than why they feel the need to protest at all.
I’ve never been a huge NFL fan to start with. Though I do follow the Detroit Lions, and sometimes watch/listen to their games. (It’s rare that they are on the TV here in West Virginia, though apparently they will be this coming Sunday, on the Clarksburg FOX station.)

Re the kneeling; I saw a quote recently that said, “Patriotism isn’t about making everyone stand and salute the flag. Patriotism is about making this a country where everyone wants to.”
It does bother me. These players are making million/s in this country and could at least show respect for their freedom and ability to do so.

I believe there are better ways to approach the issue of racial discrimination than making a big statement during the National Anthem given the expensive price of tickets to many games.
Does kneeling at football games effect you?
Yes it does. My family and I don’t watch NFL games anymore due to the politics. Last weekend we went for two hikes, took part in a marksmanship event, visited a local history museum and BBQed as a family in place of watching football on TV. Kneeling or not, I now know there are far better ways to spend our time.
Couldn’t care less about football - but I have at different times in my life watched soccer, baseball, hockey so I know what it is about - being a fan of a particular team and supporting them through the season, playoffs, etc. It is a lot of fun, planning for and watching all the games - if they win that is. I don’t get into US football as a sport.

I am embarrassed by what a big deal this is. But I frankly think what the players are doing is really stupid. I stand with those who speak out against it. It is so disrespectful - expressing their frustration against the very nation that was created to address those frustrations. It is appalling, appalling ignorance. I just love it when I see one or two of them standing with their hand on their heart, everybody else kneeling. To be honest, I am not super patriotic myself. This whole thing makes me more patriotic than usual. Were I at a game, I would stand with my hand on my heart and sing.
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Sometime I root against the team that is the most obnoxious, but it usually makes little difference. All the press and hoopla have aggravated what should have been a passing fad.
I used to watch a game for fun. Then I started playing fantasy football. It, along with Sunday night and Thursday night games. led to me watching way too much. I got burned out, thankfully.

Now I can’t really stand to watch it. There is too much stopage. And since I’ve gotten rid of cable I can’t stand the obnoxious commercials.

So it doesn’t impact me because I just don’t watch. But, I had for a while been disliking the reality of football. By that I mean the millionaire owners getting sucker taxpayers to build them a stadium, the hooligan players, and the complete corruption of colleges (this is a more general issue but the pros feed this).

As for the kneeling I wish they didn’t play the anthem before sports in the first place. It is just jingoism. If the players were abstaining because they disagree with five black robed usurpers mandating same sex marriage or abortion then I’d approve. Their cause however seems to be a rather dubious one.
It does bother me. These players are making million/s in this country and could at least show respect for their freedom and ability to do so.

I believe there are better ways to approach the issue of racial discrimination than making a big statement during the National Anthem given the expensive price of tickets to many games.
I agree Mary. I am not a big football fan anyway, but to see these overpaid, spoiled and coddled athletes protest like this during the national anthem is disgusting. They are there to play football not play politics.
Do their protesting in their own free time not just for publicity.
I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that people are boycotting the games and either not
attending or turning off the games on television.
I am so tired of the liberal agenda thrown in my face e erytime I turn around.
I really would love to see the NFL go out of
business for good.
Let’s see, $75.00 for a ticket, $27.00 to park, $9.50 for a beer, $6.00 for a hot dog, $7.50 for nachos, $4.50 for a soft drink. Then take a couple of kids who want to like football and the day costs about $400.00. There’s a lot to do on weekends other than watch this spectacle. If I want to see a protest, I can go to D.C. just about any day and see one for free. Don’t need to pay $400.00 to see one.

Besides, the beaches are great in September and October in the South, golf courses are generally in better condition in the fall, lots of various festivals, craft shows, antique shows, etc. etc.

I think these athletes better realize their selfishness may just be killing the golden goose.
I don’t even watch the NFL and it bothers me. It bothers me because I know there are thousands of people out there buying into it.

I understand NFL players are not the sharpest knives in the drawer so I’m not really upset with the players. But the owners who have allowed it to continue are to blame.

The kneeling hasn’t drawn any more attention to it’s cause than the overloaded amount that was already there. But the kneeling has managed to draw attention to another problem in the US…an unbalanced, unhealthy, almost worship like, google-eyed affection for the NFL that is so out of whack that the owners decided it was okay not to do anything about it.
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Doesn’t bother me.

But isn’t kneeling a sign of respect? One player just sat out the National Anthem, literally sitting on a cooler. Kneeling is much more respectful.
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Yes, because it upsets my elderly parents, so they are not happy as we start the game. The point is family time together and having a good time, and lo, politics has inserted itself into what ought to be a family, unifying event.
Hi, Dan!

…not really; I don’t get it though–if a person has a particular goal, say peace, how does it translate to forcing his/her way on others?

Maran atha!

Hi, Jette!

Why use such vehicle to make the purported push against an evil they want to slaughter?

Maran atha!

I kind of feel like there’s no “acceptable” way to demonstrate peaceful protest. Or rather, any way that would widely be found acceptable and not be considered somehow disrespectful or disruptive, would be the kind of thing no one would pay attention to.
I sort of feel like political statements are wrong in most workplaces, and the football field is the workplace for the players. I’d rather they left it to their own time.
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I’m of a few minds on this.

I’ve never been a football fan anyway. And, yes, we might lament the millionaire players doing this, but on the other hand, they are using their celebrity status to draw attention to what they feel is a worthwhile issue. And it is working as they have certainly drawn a lot of attention. If it was an issue we agreed with them on, we would be praising them using their fame in such a way. So for me, it’s hard to begrudge them taking a stand.

If it were me, I think I’d have chosen a different time to make such a statement other than during the national anthem (out of respect). But I think our brave men and women of the military have fought for the freedom even for those who protest in ways we don’t like. That’s part of what makes our country free.

So even if I don’t agree 100% with their message or their methods, I’m not really angry at them for taking a stand for what they believe.
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