What people don’t realize is this country was based on a dedication to god . the Jewish god.
Further, after deciding to picket the White House and while the US was engaged in WWI the women started using signs that compared the president with the Russian czar and the German kaiser.Although many women moved freely in the public
sphere–including those who worked outside the home in paid and
volunteer positions–the prevailing notion among middle-class
circles in the early 1900s was that only women of supposedly
poor character (for example, prostitutes) walked the streets.
Watching women of all classes parading down public thoroughfares demanding voting rights was disturbing to many men and even some women, including initially, moderate suffragists. Carrie Chapman Catt, for example, declined to participate in a 1909 parade saying: “We do not have to win sympathy by parading ourselves like the street cleaning department. The controversy within the suffrage ranks over the propriety of parades reflected why such events were newsworthy–they challenged existing conventions of how women should behave in public.
No one who has done this has said they are doing it to be irreverent. So how is it you know this intent you speak of?I think that you are missing the intent; the knee thing is not about God or the Church or reverence. It is actually about irreverence; for Catholics it is the equivalent of someone popping a soda and gulping it down while the Celebrant is Consecrating the bread and wine–now, tell me you would simply get your own drink and toast to that person’s health or yell out ‘G’day, Padre!’