Hi!Abortion, murder rates in general, passing unmanageable debt to the next generation, pornography, broken families,
Drug addiction, rising suicide rates, extreme ideologies, secular relativism and crony capitalism. Can the general public step on to the field and start advocating for the issues that concern them?
Only in their vanity do they believe that they are great social advocates for some unbearable social issue.
The problem is that society says that abortion is lawful so lets do it! …pornography is just good health (like abortion) so do it more and as raunchy as possible! …drugs and anything that caters to the ego, great and better than great, do it till you’re satisfied!
The values have been put on their heads: bad is seen as good and good as bad; disrespect and irresponsibility is the new ethics, so DO IT!
Commonsense went out with the dinosaurs and reason does not apply.
As those same “activists” to get involved and put their fame and money where it counts and they will promptly excuse themselves as having a tight schedule to keep, with all the parties, and sponsoring events–and their wallets are on the other pants, so they can’t really contribute financially, sorry.
Maran atha!