Football kneeling effect you

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I’d argue that playing the anthem made the field a place of politics. It was just embraced because patriotism is socially acceptable and displays of dissatisfaction towards one’s country is not.
I’m of a few minds on this.

I’ve never been a football fan anyway. And, yes, we might lament the millionaire players doing this, but on the other hand, they are using their celebrity status to draw attention to what they feel is a worthwhile issue. And it is working as they have certainly drawn a lot of attention. If it was an issue we agreed with them on, we would be praising them using their fame in such a way. So for me, it’s hard to begrudge them taking a stand.

If it were me, I think I’d have chosen a different time to make such a statement other than during the national anthem (out of respect). But I think our brave men and women of the military have fought for the freedom even for those who protest in ways we don’t like. That’s part of what makes our country free.

So even if I don’t agree 100% with their message or their methods, I’m not really angry at them for taking a stand for what they believe.
Joe, your thoughts are very close to mine, though you articulated them far better than I could.
I had an interesting discussion this morning with a friend after Mass, in response to the homily and the significance of kneeling and genuflecting. If they chose to kneel and pray during the national anthem, that would be a totally different case. What they are doing is only a sign of protest, therefore reducing the religious meaning of being on one’s knees. If anything, the true meaning is one of submission. 😖
Hi, Jette!

I think you’ve missed my point.

Bringing confusion and rebellion into such issues serve only to cloud the purpose; they should use their status (fame and fortune) on a better platform (talk show; books; community activities; support of civil right groups; interaction with communities; anti violence ministries/action groups…); one that does not promote hate and calls to become unpatriotic.

Consider what they are purporting to support–is it “Black Life Matters” or “Black Life Matters–but only when the police is involved?”
FACT 3. Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years.

DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of homicides.

FACT 4. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined.

There have been almost as many deaths in one American city as there have been in the two major wars carried out by the U.S. military this century.
Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.

FACT 5. It would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest crime data from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control and found that an average of 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012.

Professor Johnson’s research further concluded that 112 black men died from both justified and unjustified police-involved killings annually during this same period.

Follow Jerome on Twitter: @jeromeehudson (
Yes, fight injustice!

No, do not promote more chaos, more hate, and upheaval as the means of seeking justice.

All life matters; not just the ones that the media can use for self-promotion.

Maran atha!

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Isn’t that hollowood’s mumbo jumbo, ‘takes evil to do good?’

Maran atha!

Hi, Denise!


With their clout (fame and fortune) they can become ambassadors against violence in our society; compelling anti-patriotism does not speak much for any cause–specially when most of those who chose such venues never volunteered or served in the military or even neighborhood watch groups. (general rant/observation)

Maran atha!

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Wait, so removing the national anthem from public assembly is the correct answer?

Maran atha!

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Hi, Joe!

…the problem is that the trickle down economy does work when acts of disobedience, rebellion, and anarchy are put forth… a professional athlete having a stance against violence is a great deal (specially where violence and aggression is upheld and acclaimed as ‘fantabulous’); yet, commanding the mind of the people to emulate anti-patriotic rhetoric and acts is devoid of true “good-faith” value.

They should take their butt, fame and fortune and apply them to actual means of eradicating violence not showmanship and anti-patriotism.

Maran atha!

I agree and so does the owner of the KC Chiefs.He told his players he was paying them to perform and the football field was his stage.
He would not tolerate them taking a knee,to protest on their own time👍
This is how the entire NFL should have handled this in the first place!
The players have been co opted by BLM.Not sure these guys really even know themselves why they are protesting.Which is pretty pathetic and a sad commentary on this entire sideshow.
Hi, Jerusha!

Actually, I don’t think that many of them are thinking in terms of peace and submission to God. All that I can observe from their gesture is blatant disrespect for the nation, which includes all those whose lives, bodies, and minds have been taken by the plight to keep the “right” and “peace” that the US enjoys.

If they truly wanted to promote anti-violence and life they would buy (probably even get it for free if the leagues would pursuit such venue) air time to battle against such injustice.

We can’t poop on the nation and call it exercising free speech!

Maran atha!

I didn’t say that; I said that singing the national anthem introduced politics to the field. Picking and choosing what politics is then allowed is dangerous to everyone’s liberty.

I may not like certian behavior but I respect the right to peaceful protest as an important part of democracy.
Initially the supposed reason for the protests and taking a knee was because Frances Scott Key was a salve owner and a racist. Then it evolved into a protest against the disproportionate number of black men being arrested,and shot by cops. So which is it?
Jette, but isn’t if hypocritical to claim “constitutional rights” based on the flag and nation that you reject by your actions?

Maran atha!

Not at all.

Were suffragettes anti-patriotic hypocrites for demonstrating for the right to vote? I mean, my goodness, they addressed audiences of both women AND men! Hardly, they were so patriotic they wanted to make sure their voices were also heard. Americans of color feel similarly oppressed and are behaving in a similarly “improper” way so that they are heard.
Wait, there were people taking knees for their right to vote?

Maran atha!

I’m not entirely sure that kneeling is exactly disrespectful. It’s not like they’re making rude gestures or even remaining sitting. The way I read it, it’s meant to say “I believe in what the flag stands for, but I don’t feel that it’s being applied to everyone.”
Suffragettes acted in a way others found just as disrespectful, if not more so, then kneeling during the national anthem.
I’m not entirely sure that kneeling is exactly disrespectful.
As a Catholic, I most assuredly do not. 😁

That is why this whole thing doesn’t bother me. I have seen disrespect. This ain’t it.
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