For Catholic Evangelization team in Boise, Idaho - SPSE

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Some take a Rosary only to be polite, but may God reward their courtesy and draw them to Himself and eternal salvation? So thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort!! Four (!) evangelists were there.
  • A couple from a country way south of here visited with us. He’s lived there for several decades, but came to town to visit her mother. He said “everyone is Catholic there”, and tried to pull up a picture of a nearby cathedral. He accepted Rosary and booklet.
  • A group of 5 children (ages 7-12) stopped for a free Rosary. Non-Catholic Christians, they each took a Rosary and its pamphlet.
  • First-time evangelist “Monica” joined us. After watching for a few minutes, she stepped forward and started offering Rosaries to passersby. She weathered the typical 9 rejections before a man in his late teens smilingly accepted. After that, God granted her another 3-4 yeses in a row!
  • A couple stopped out of compassion as they watched us receive a string of rejections in a row from the various groups passing by. The woman apologized for not having money to give us, but we assured her that the Rosaries are really free. Rosary makers generously donate them and we just want people to sit down and learn to pray with them. She then accepted Rosary and pamphlet.
  • A man stopped by, carrying a soda bottle now half-full of some light-amber liquid. He didn’t seem to track the conversation very well, but accepted both Rosary and pamphlet, as well as a map to area parishes. We invited him to catch the free tour at the historic cathedral a few blocks away, and he headed in that direction as he left.
  • Twins in their early 20s and dressed similarly, stopped when evangelist Chuck bantered gently with them. They each ended up accepting a Rosary, although we didn’t have a matching pair in the color the first twin chose. Her sister, though, found one in a variation on the theme.
  • A young man and boy stopped. At first glance, the man seemed to be in his late teens, but he could have been even 10 years older. The boy was perhaps 7 and chose a Rosary for himself, although the man didn’t. However, when an evangelist explained that the Rosary was a prayer of protection, especially for those who pray it together, the man became interested and also accepted one. Pray for them, please?
  • The 4 evangelists gave away about 20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as 3-4 maps to area parishes, with Mass and Reconciliation times listed.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.

Although 90% of the people passing our table seem content with their spiritual life, or lack thereof, we still call people to active immersion in the life of Jesus, through the Rosary. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and those you love!​

Go with the strength you have ” (Judg 6:14).

P.S. For more details and a photo or six, please visit our blog website.
For your good deeds…
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Fatima Prayer, AMEN!
For those with eyes to see, the Rosary makes its mark. So thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort! One evangelist was there.
  • Have I reported to you the logo was chosen by the business park, where each week we encourage people to start praying the Rosary? I see the logo as three trees, whose shadows are kneeling. I find the choice oddly appropriate, since 1) Boise is nicknamed the “City of Trees”, and 2) we pray for the salvation of everyone associated with it.
  • A woman, perhaps in her mid- to late-20s, had a bass ukulele strapped to her back and was vocally rehearsing some music as she walked by. She reached a stopping point, so I offered her a free Rosary. To my surprise, she came over. Not too familiar with Christianity or the Catholic Church (although she said she’d been a part of it for 17 years), she accepted a copy of the Catechism along with her free Rosary and its booklet.
  • Some attendees told me that the convention going on was for a video game. It seemed to attract men with bushy beards and prepper-style work clothes. One convention-attending man stopped in answer to my offer of a free Rosary. He remembered praying the Rosary as a child, and said he was still Catholic. Asked what parish he attended, he named some that aren’t around here. I showed him the map of area parishes and he indicated one (that didn’t contain any of the names he’d mentioned). Please pray for him?
  • While I was helping that man, a woman came to the table and gratefully helped herself to a copy of the pamphlet on how to pray it. I didn’t get to talk with her.
  • Two women in their early 20s stopped by. Though each accepted a Rosary, they refused the pamphlet. They politely stood there for the brief explanation of the devotion, but seemed impatient to leave.
  • A shirtless but nicely groomed man in his late 20s or early 30s stopped by. He asked for a Catholic Bible. He also accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
  • A man walked by, scowled, and said something. The only word I caught was “pedophile.” “You’re a pedophile?!?” I asked, incredulous at his public confession. “No, the Catholic Church is,” he responded. An ineffective no-she’s-not/yes-she-is exchange followed. Please pray for him that he gets past his real objection to the Church and becomes actively Catholic?
  • A man came up and asked for a green Rosary. I pointed to the end of the table which held a small selection, and he chose the bright Kelly-green one.
  • The evangelist ended up giving away, 10-12 Rosaries, 1 copy of the Catechism, and 1 Catholic Bible.
Please pray for us again today? Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort?

Praying the Rosary changes things for the better, so thank you again for your prayers, your encouragement, and other support for this apostolate, which puts them in people’s hands. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and those you love!​

Go with the strength you have ” (Judg 6:14).

P.S. For a photo that includes the logo, please visit our blog page.
The battle for souls still rages, so thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Three evangelists were available.
  • Repeat-visitor “Walt”, and his companion “Hosea”, stopped to visit at length. Hosea is also disabled, also feeling victimized, also believes that violence is a viable solution to interpersonal problems. Understandably, he was also without employment or steady housing. Asked what work skills he had, he proudly listed computer game “achievements.” When he expressed the desire to move back in with his mother, who is also severely disabled, the evangelist tried to get him to commit to sharing the household workload, if he did move back home. But one also wonders if his mom would even be safe with Hosea in the house. Prayers, please?
  • A woman, in her 20s and wearing a large 5-pointed star pendant, chose a Rosary. She declined the booklet.
  • The parents of “William” stopped at our table. They were downtown looking for him, their oldest son. He’s homeless, having gotten in with the wrong crowd, which includes some who profess loyalty to the enemy of all humankind. His mom accepted a copy of the 12-year prayers of St. Bridget on the Passion of Christ. They have other children at home. Please pray for William and family?
  • Two nicely dressed children, both under 8 years old, came and chose Rosaries. They each accepted a copy of its pamphlet. Their parents were not in sight.
  • A man sporting many facial piercings, in his late teens or early 20s, stopped for a Rosary. Vaguely Christian but not connected with any church community, he accepted a copy of the map to area parishes and the invitation to get connected with RCIA.
  • Two women in their 20s stopped to receive their free Rosary and its booklet. One of them vaguely remembered who Jesus was. She accepted a copy of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet.
  • “Hope that works for you,” the Catholic woman responded as evangelist Lucy explained the protection that God provides those who pray the Rosary. It led to a discussion of the power that the Blessed Virgin Mary has been granted over even the fallen angels. Truly, Our Blessed Mother is Queen of Angels.
  • A man in his 20s was carrying drum sticks in his belt. Evangelist Chuck called him “Drummer Boy,” and he came over. He took a Rosary, but was more interested in talking about music. Chuck forgot to give him the Rosary pamphlet, so ran it to him, saying, “the Rosary is the instrument and the pamphlet the sheet music.” He smiled.
  • Altogether, the three evangelists found homes for 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 3-4 maps of area parishes, 1-2 copies of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet, and 1 St. Bridget prayer folder.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and His holy Catholic Church. Please ask Him to grant that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.

Many souls are in danger, so your prayers and other support for this apostolate is critical. Thank you! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and those you love!​

Go with the strength you have ” (Judg 6:14).
For the Boise Team…
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Fatima, Amen!
Challenges made it difficult for several of us to arrive on time for the session. As St. Jean Vianney said, “Big fish today!” Indeed. So thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Three evangelists were available.
  • A man in his early 20s, sporting a full beard, seemed a bit down on his luck. He gratefully accepted a Rosary, its explanation, and the encouragement to begin praying it. A nonbeliever, he also accepted a copy of our kerygma pamphlet.
  • Two women were in town for a few days, trying to decide if they should relocate here. They each accepted a Rosary and its booklet. They also accepted a map to area parishes, and the invitation to check out the tour of the historic cathedral a few blocks away.
  • Then “Sam” arrived. A man in his early- to mid-20s and carrying a smallish backpack, Sam had been raised a non-Catholic Christian by a devout mother.
    • … Then, in college, he had gotten talked out of his Christian faith. It was damaged first by listening to non-believing college professors, and then by reading works by deconstructionist authors.
    • … Convinced at that point that religious faith was nonviable, Sam decided he must renounce it despite disapproval from family and his circle of believing friends. (He told us he hasn’t yet broken the news to his mom.) Sam now says he believes only what can be “proven by the scientific method”.
    • … When evangelist Lucy tried to point out that scientific experimentation is highly disrespectful within the context of human relationships, he acted shocked at the personal nature of such a subject.
    • … Evangelist Chuck recognized that Sam’s problem in believing in transcendent reality stems from the non-Catholic worldview of his youth, namely, “I get to decide for myself what truth is.”
    • … Sam hopes that God will prove Himself to him, although he can’t imagine what an irrefutable proof would look like. He seems unwilling to accept any third-party testimony from witnesses about matters of religious faith.
    • … Evangelist Mike quipped that being a nonbeliever is at best temporary, referring to the Last Judgment. Please pray for Sam? He seems to still hope for a reason to believe again. May God grant it to him!
  • Altogether, we gave away 10-15 Rosaries and the booklet on how to pray it, as well as 2 copies of the kerygma, and at least 1 map of area parishes.
Please pray for us again today? Ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Please ask that He grant that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.

Working to bring the straying sheep home, we thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and all of your loved ones!​

Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).

P.S. SPSE headquarters replaced our old blog page with one from a different server. (Hope you got to see some of those past photos!) The address of the new page (with a photo from this session) is
We live the alternative to religious indifference, thanks to your ongoing prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort! Two evangelists were available.
  • A Catholic couple asked us to pray for the happy repose of the soul of their friend “Bill”, who died here one year ago. “Eric”, a 20-something Catholic, expressed interest in joining us.
  • Meanwhile, another “Eric” passed by on his bike, then returned to take a Rosary and its pamphlet from evangelist Chuck. Eric and his Catholic-deacon friend go together on “theology walks” as Eric considers becoming Catholic. He plans to bring the Rosary on their next hike and surprise his friend.
  • A man, missing his front teeth, said he was planning to kill himself. He admitted his drinking problem, and wanted to buy a drink to stop the shakes. Evangelist Lucy said the real answer was the power of God, and gave him directions to a recovery meeting nearby. Before he left, we prayed together. Evangelist Chuck recognized him as visiting with the same story last winter.
  • Two women stopped. One accepted a Rosary, the other (who had grown up Catholic) politely declined. The first woman told the other, “We can put it in the car.” Feeling drawn to the Catholic Church, she attends Mass nearby. Pray for them? Both evangelists suspect they are tempted to a lifestyle incompatible with Christianity.
  • A woman accompanied by a young child (boy? 3-4 years old?) stopped so the child could choose a Rosary. The mother sported dreadlocks and lots of “skin art” of snakes and blood. She said her husband’s family were all Catholic, which she seemed to shrug off as not for her.
  • A man, wearing a leather cowboy hat and carrying a thick library book on the history of war, said he’d like to be Catholic, but had a problem with the current pope because of how he perceived his politics, and because he didn’t like the present scandals in the Church. Both evangelists said we, too, were angry over the scandals. Evangelist Lucy then pointed to the existence of corrupt members of the hierarchy through the ages, how the Church has always traveled a path of corruption and reform, and how we can still find real helps to holiness within her. Our visitor responded, “Oh yeah, I guess that’s true.” Lucy offered him the Catechism. He declined, but asked for the Catholic Bible next to it. He also accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet, and walked away seemingly less belligerent toward the Church.
  • Altogether, we gave away 15 or so Rosaries and its booklet, 2-3 copies of the kerygma, 2-3 maps of area parishes, and 1 Catholic Bible.
Please pray for us again today? Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.

Our visible presence challenges the culturally accepted indifference to Jesus Christ. So thank you again so much for your prayers and other support for this apostolate! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and those you love!​

Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).

P.S. Space is limited here. Please visit our new blog page for the other half of the stories.
Fish, families, and dishonor? All part of the mission, so thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort! Two evangelists were available.
  • A dad was pushing an over-sized stroller, filled with three girls (maybe 5-8 years old). He winced at their high-pitched squeals as he ran the stroller through the fountain. Then he stopped at our table when the girls cried out that they wanted a Rosary. (Perhaps, he was hoping to avoid more pain.) He told them, “Okay, but just get one and share it.” Each girl, though, chose her own color of Rosary. They did accept only a single copy of the accompanying pamphlet, so they could share that.
  • A mom and baby stopped. She accepted a Rosary and its booklet. Although the baby was dressed in pink and flowers, the mom referred to the child as “him.” God help us all!
  • “Mr. Cowboy Hat” from last week, returned. He thanked us for the Bible, we had given him. He especially appreciated its commentary on some of the words in their original language. Some positive events had happened since he talked with us, so he thought God was affirming his openness to the Catholic Church. He asked about conduct at Mass, and evangelist Chuck advised, “At first, don’t try to follow along.Just take it in! So much is happening there!” We encouraged our visitor to find an RCIA class. Then he asked whether homosexuality was a sin, since that’s how he interpreted the Bible. We gave him a copy of SPSE’s “Homosexuality” pamphlet, as well as a summary of the Catholic teaching: It’s not a sin to experience same-sex attraction; it is a sin, though, to act out on it; therefore, people with same-sex attraction are called to live a celibate life.
  • Another man stopped, asking about Bible translations. Turns out he’s a cradle Catholic, but had studied the Bible with non-Catholic Christian groups (before good Catholic Bible studies became widely available). He complained about the sound system at his parish and about their choice of missalette. We encouraged him to look up the readings and become familiar with them before Mass .
  • Another family went by. One boy, perhaps 10, lagged back, wanting a Rosary. His dad said no. We told the boy, “Sorry, but you have to do what your dad says.” He stuck out his tongue at us. Does that count as “dishonor for the sake of the name” (Acts 5:41)?
  • Altogether, the two evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as a copy of the “Homosexuality” pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Please ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. Please ask God to grant that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.

God continues to protect and encourage us. So thank you again for your prayers and support for this apostolate! In turn, may He protect and bless you and those you love!​

Go with the strength you have ” (Judg 6:14).

P.S. Our new blog page should be working soon (they said), so please visit it for recent photos.
Thank you so much for your efforts to evangelize
It is not an easy task for sure.

I pray daily for your group.
God bless,
Katie ✝️
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Jesus remains relevant. So thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. A particular shout-out to @Katie777 and to Barbara for your prayers and your encouragement. Three evangelists were available.
  • Two separate people stopped at our table, claiming to know nothing at all about religion and asking evangelist Lucy to explain Catholicism. She gave the first one, a man, a Rosary and its booklet, a Good News/kerygma pamphlet, and a “Why Be Catholic?” pamphlet. Immediately afterwards, a woman stopped with the identical question. Besides the materials just mentioned, the woman also accepted a copy of the Catechism, and (by request from her) a copy of our “Sexual Purity” pamphlet. Our evangelist also said, “Know this: Jesus is real. He is as alive today as He was on the Day of Resurrection. And He’s worth getting to know.”
  • A convention was celebrating an art genre that lends itself to costume wearing. Thus, several groups of people, in their teens and 20s and dressed in costume, passed our table. Very few, though, seemed open to Christianity. One group accepted a Rosary apiece, but not its pamphlet. One proclaimed herself divine, while another professed to serve her enemy and that of all mankind. God, save them!
  • One woman brought to us her aged mother-in-law, who was delighted to receive a Rosary. The elderly woman kissed it, and our hands, over and over. Though she spoke no English, her actions told us how much she loved the Lord. It was because of her devotion, and that of the daughter-in-law’s own mother, that the younger woman and her family are people of Faith.
  • As we were packing up, 20-something skateboarder “Josh” stopped with questions. He shared his theories about the origins of Jesus, who He might really be, and other speculation about the nature of the Trinity and of mankind. We explained Catholic teachings to him and why staying with orthodoxy was important. He accused us of trying to put the infinite God in a box; we responded that divine revelation was God’s way of helping us to know and love Him, and spoke of the importance of understanding as much as we can of God, while acknowledging the impossibility of fully understanding Him.
  • We received a particular prayer request: for “Marilyn”, a non-believer diagnosed with aggressive cancer, and for “Joy”, her non-Catholic Christian daughter.
  • Altogether, the three evangelists gave away 25-30 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 1-2 maps of area parishes, 1-2 copies of the “Why Be Catholic?” pamphlet, 1 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1 “Returning Catholics” packet, 1 “Sexual Purity” pamphlet, and 2-3 copies of the “Good News”/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? Please ask God to grant that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.

We still need a Savior. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and those you love!​

Go with the strength you have ” (Judg 6:14).

P.S. Space is limited here, so please visit our blog page for the rest of the stories.
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You!

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. x10

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

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