My computer froze immediately after I posted last week’s report, and before I could email it to other prayer warriors. So thank you so much for your prayer support! Four evangelists were available.
A 6- or 7-year-old boy brought back to us a black Rosary he’d found. He then gladly traded it in for a bright orange one, while his mother stood approvingly by.
A visitor named “Tom”, as well as a repeat visitor named “John”, each had a long conversation with evangelist Mike.
Another visitor, “Mike” with a traditionally Catholic surname, identified as a Catholic from the other side of our country. However, he wasn’t connected with any local parish and couldn’t seem to tell the difference any more between the Christian Mysteries and those of other religions. We gave him a map to local parishes, which lists Mass and Reconciliation times, and encouraged him to get reconnected.
Fr. Tom went over to a man seated at a picnic table to offer him a Rosary . But the man was unable to speak coherently. Please pray for him?
Evangelist Chuck talked with several people.
A group of people cheerfully proclaimed their belief in the nonexistence of God. Lord, have mercy!
Two women in their late teens or early 20s walked by. Then they returned and each claimed a pink Rosary and the pamphlet on how to pray it.
A group of teenagers, 2 boys and a girl, stopped and got Rosaries and its pamphlet.
A man taking photos stopped, said he was Catholic, and that he had lot of Rosaries at home. We asked him to bring them down so we could distribute them
A man rode by on a bicycle. In response to our offer of a free Rosary, he angrily accused us all of being criminals.
Another family walked by. The mother said she was Catholic and had lots of Rosaries. We try to always ask our fellow Rosary-owning Catholics to pray it once for our apostolate.
A traveling man, with plastic bag over his shoulder, took a Rosary and its pamphlet. He told evangelist Mike that he has been traveling around the country on mopeds.
We four evangelists were able to give away 12-15 Rosaries, 2 copies of the kerygma, 2-3 maps to area parishes, and 2-3 Miraculous Medals.
Please pray for us again today? We plan to meet downtown at our slightly earlier time. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Despite things not going as smoothly as I’d like last week, we offered a Catholic presence to Boiseans. So thank you again so much for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and yours!
God sent us many people last week. So thank you so much for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort!
“Ezekiel” came by 3 times. Homeless and a believer, he talked at length with Chuck. He believes he is a prophet since he is always hearing voices, having dreams, etc. He took a Rosary.
Early in the session, a drone noisily started buzzing around the Grove. Coincidentally, when one of the evangelists started praying the St. Michael prayer, it disappeared and peace returned.
Two nicely dressed senior ladies stopped and accepted a Rosary apiece. Non-Catholic (or, sadly, perhaps "used to be “Catholic”), they also accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it and the encouragement to sit down and try it. They passed by again toward the end of the session.
A non-Christian man from another continent stopped out of curiosity about the Rosary. He remained polite, but started backing away as the evangelists enthusiastically offered him other materials as well.
The man who had trouble communicating with Fr. Tom last week came by to visit with us this week. He visited awhile with evangelist Chuck, and ended up accepting a copy of the Gospel according to Luke.
A 20-something woman on a bicycle indicated that she was deaf, but evidently wanted to know what we were doing. After trying to explain that she could have a free Rosary, she opted not to, but evangelist Mike did give her a Rosary pamphlet before she left.
A group of 3 teenage women each had little stuffed animals all cuddled in their coats. They each chose a Rosary and accepted its pamphlet. They professed to be Christian and were very appreciative.
Two other women in their 20s stopped by. One was interested and took a Rosary, but the other did not. The latter was raised Catholic and carried 2 Saint medals on her necklace, one given to her by her dad and the other by grandparents. She told evangelist Chuck that the Church “just isn’t for me”. When asked why, she said she had nothing against it, but “it just wasn’t her thing”. Please pray for her?
A lady who is a CNA at nursing homes came over because she recognized the Rosaries as something that some of her patients prayed with. She had no religion of her own.
It sounded like she liked them all and was “open” to hearing what others had to say but was not interested herself. She took a Rosary and perhaps its pamphlet.
God granted us sunshine and lots of foot traffic. People were in a good mood despite the time change. The 3 evangelists gave away 20-25 Rosaries and its leaflet, 5-6 copies of the kerygma, 1 or 2 Miraculous Medals, and 1 copy of the Gospel according to St. Luke.
Please pray for these and for us again today? Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of the effort.
God is in charge and sent lots of people to us. So thank you again for your support of this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and yours!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. For more stories from this session (and photos), please visit our blog.
A huge flurry of activity blurred the details, I’m afraid. But thank you so much for your continued prayer support for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Your notes and words of encouragement are also greatly appreciated! Last week, we gave away almost a record number of Rosaries!
God granted us cheery sunshine, so there was lots of foot traffic. Many people were wearing green for St. Patrick’s Day, and happily took us up on our offer of a “free green Rosary”.
None of our visitors said they were not Christian. Several non-Catholic Christians felt encouraged to accept a Rosary and perhaps even to learn to pray it.
One person said she was Catholic and had lots of Rosaries at home. We asked for her prayers.
Some people pointedly were not wearing green. One woman had politely declined to receive a Rosary and, after she passed by, we saw she was wearing a blatantly anti-Christian sweatshirt. Please pray for her?
Two brothers and a wife talked a while with evangelist Mike. The wife’s name was “Evangelica”. Her husband’s brother is going to join RCIA this fall. Each got a Rosary and its pamphlet. At least one of them accepted a Miraculous Medal as well, and the card containing its history in brief. Father Tom gave the man a blessing for his journey into the Faith.
Three teenage boys on skateboards stopped at our table. Evangelist Mike thinks that all three of them accepted a Rosary, or maybe only two of them did.
Evangelist Mike visited with a middle-aged man for a while, but no longer recalls any details of the conversation. He thinks, though, that the man accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
There was a mother and father and three children under six years old. The kids were dressed in green, sporting plenty of green costume jewelry. The youngest, under two, was wearing a little, very bright green hat. All three children chose a Rosary and took its pamphlet, although their parents declined.
There was a little girl with her mother. The girl came over, and her mother gave her permission to get a Rosary. Then the mother came over, and then the father joined them a little later. Neither parent, though, wanted a Rosary or pamphlet.
Several other families allowed their children to accept a Rosary.
The three evangelists gave away 25-30 Rosaries (including every green one we’d brought) and its pamphlet on how to pray it. We also gave away at least 1 Miraculous Medal.
Please pray for us again today? We plan to head downtown in just a couple of hours from now. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
God remembers the details even when we don’t. So thank you again for your prayers and other support of this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and yours!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. For some photos of this session, please visit our blog.
Many didn’t, but a few people did show interest in what we offer. So thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Three evangelists were there: Fr. Tom, Mike, and Lucy.
After heavy rain throughout the day until the moment we arrived to set up, the rain stopped when we arrived. The sun even peeked out for a moment now and then during the session. (Thank you, God!) A flower and garden exhibit was going on inside the convention center and accounted for about half the foot traffic going by.
One exhibitor stopped by on her way back from a break. Identifying as a non-Catholic Christian, she accepted a Rosary, its how-to booklet, and a brief explanation of the devotion.
A Catholic family came to the table so their children could each choose Rosaries for themselves. We encouraged them to pray it as a family.
A man stopped by early in the session. He said he’d attended a non-Catholic Bible College where they taught him that Jesus approved of burning(!) those caught in sin. He said he didn’t agree with that (but seemed to believe his college teachers anyway and let their misstatements become an excuse for him to stop following Jesus). I reminded him of the Gospel story that tells how Jesus treated the woman caught in adultery, as well as other stories of His mercy. The man walked away. Pray for him?
Two boys, about 7 and 10 years old, were each carrying a very small flower pot containing a living plant. Their parents had passed us without showing interest, but the older boy wanted a Rosary. We said he could have one if his parents gave him permission. They did, so the boy and his little brother each accepted a Rosary and a copy of its pamphlet. The family were non-Catholic Christians.
A woman in her 20s had purple-shaded hair. She chose a Rosary to match and smilingly accepted its pamphlet.
More people than typical told us they had Rosaries at home. One woman happily claimed to be carrying one with her in her purse! We asked each of these to pray it once for us.
A nicely dressed woman thanked us for being there as she walked by. Then she came back to ask how much the Rosaries were. Evangelist Mike asked her to put her contribution in the collection basked at church. She accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet, and thanked us again.
A man and his wife stopped at our table. Catholic, they didn’t get a Rosary for themselves, but got one for their daughter.
People seemed to be in a hurry and many of them told us no thanks. Still, the three of us gave away 12-15 Rosary and its pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? We plan to set up downtown in just a couple of hours from now. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Please ask God to grant that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
Each week we reach a few more people. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and yours!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. For at least one photo of this session, please visit our blog.
God is love, and we believe charity will pay off in the long run. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. The sun was shining and three evangelists were available.
Return visitor “Walt” bent evangelist Chuck’s ear for the entire session. Walt has a prodigious memory for detail, but seems to be able to only tell a story by starting from the beginning and reporting it detail by detail. No “random access” capability. Evangelist Chuck barely got a word in edgewise, but remained attentive and kind throughout the encounter.
Then “James”, a friend of Walt, stopped by. He joined Chuck and Walt for a while, then crossed in front of the table and spent the rest of the session talking with evangelist Mike. James has convinced himself that all religions “are the same” and couldn’t hear anything that shows that’s not true. Evangelist Mike reported that James talked mostly about his cameras because of his web-design business.
Toward the end of the session, Chuck did get a chance to introduce the Rosary to a 20-something woman who approached while Walt was still talking. Evangelist Chuck reported that she accepted the booklet describing the devotion, but not a Rosary, because she knew she “wouldn’t have time to try to learn it any time soon”.
A boy, about 7 years old, got permission from his parents to receive a Rosary. Asked if they were Christian, he said no. So evangelist Lucy handed him a copy of the one-page presentation of the kerygma as well as the Rosary brochure to go with the Rosary he chose. Then he dashed off to rejoin his family.
An actively Catholic man stopped by to encourage us. Evangelist Lucy asked him to pray for us.
A dad and his young special-needs son, perhaps 3 or 4 years old, had declined our offer of a free Rosary. A little later, though, they came back accompanied by the mother and a girl who was perhaps about 10 years old. The mom and the two children accepted Rosaries, the dad standing at a slight distance. As they were leaving, they were joined by 3-4 older teens (also special needs) on scooters. May God bless those generous parents!
The three evangelists gave away 10-15 Rosaries and its booklet, as well as one copy of the “Good News”/kerygma pamphlet.
Please pray for us again today? We plan to head downtown in just a couple of hours from now. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Please ask God to grant that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts!
We try to treat everyone with kindness, even when there’s no chance to “use words,” trusting that it’s God Who is growing the crop. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and yours!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. For some photos from this session, please visit our blog.
Seekers still seek. So thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Three evangelists were available.
Most of our session was spent in talking with “Grayson”, a seeker in his late 20s, who has developed a desire to know the Truth. He was raised a non-Catholic Christian, became an atheist in his teens, and now realizes that atheism is illogical. He has many questions about the Catholic Faith. Evangelist Chuck addressed some of his concerns about the inadequacy of non-Catholic denominational beliefs. The three of us let him know about the Real Presence in the Eucharist, the historical continuity of the Church, and the reality of absolution in Reconciliation. We pointed him to a parish that is reopening Inquiry Class this coming week. Since he admitted struggles with impurity, evangelist Mike invited him to look into the Theology of the Body teachings from St. John Paul II. Besides a Rosary and its pamphlet, Grayson accepted a copy of the Catechism, a Catholic Bible, and a map to local parishes. Please pray for him?
A girl, about 10 years old and wearing a bright green shirt, got permission from her mom to get a Rosary (same color as her shirt) and the pamphlet describing the devotion.
A man in his late 20s initially refused our offer of a free Rosary. He went about 10 steps away, and then returned saying that a voice told him to come back. He took a Rosary and said he believed in God but was not necessarily a Christian. He has a girlfriend currently living in Africa. She and her daughter are Catholic and he is trying to get them into America.
Two women, also in their 20s, were traveling back to Portland. They stopped at our table and one of them accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. We wished them a safe trip home.
A semi-annual convention for a non-Christian sect was going on in the sports arena. Guards were stationed around the entrance keeping an eye on us. None of their members stopped at our table. May God bless them and lead them all to Jesus Christ and His Church!
Altogether, the three 3 evangelists gave away about 10 Rosaries, 1-2 copies of the Kerygma, a Catholic Bible, a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and 1-2 maps to area parishes that list Mass and Reconciliation times.
Please pray for us again today? We plan to head downtown in just an hour or two from now. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. Please ask Him to grant that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts?
God continues to draw hearts to Him. And, because of your prayers and other support, we are there to talk to some of them. Thank you so much! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and your loved ones!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. For some photos from this session, please visit our blog.
Drawn by the Rosary, people have a way to draw closer to God. So thank you for your ongoing prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Three evangelists were available.
Three young teenage women stopped. They chose matching yellow Rosaries, and each accepted the booklet describing the devotion.
“Andreas” visited us, a nicely dressed 30-something man wearing a gold square medallion of the Miraculous Medal. He asked evangelist Mike to take pictures of him coming and going, for a job interview or some such. He identified as Catholic but said he didn’t care to go to church, believing that he had a right relationship with Our Lord. He did get a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A down-and-out-looking couple stopped. They had been preceded on the sidewalk by an older man of similar economic status, who had declined the offer of a free Rosary. After the couple stopped, though, he came back and stood near enough to listen. The woman seemed fearful to show interest in the Rosaries, but the man chose a Rosary and then asked for a Miraculous Medal to go with it.
A family had passed by earlier – mom, dad, two children under 8. Not interested the first time, the dad now asked about the Rosary and what the beads were for. We explained the Rosary as a series of meditations on the life of Jesus, the beads helping you time it so you spend about 5 minutes thinking about each story. People, even if all they have is questions, find an unexplainable sense of peace when praying it. The man was all over that! Evangelist Mike offered the woman a Rosary as well, but she, in a loud brassy voice said she had enough peace, that it was her husband who needed the Rosary. Their older son asked for a Rosary, too, which his parents permitted.
One bicycle-riding man snatched the Rosary from evangelist Chuck’s hand as he zoomed by. He didn’t stop for the pamphlet. Kind of a spiritual drive-thru.
A woman and her husband stopped and wondered how much the Rosaries were. Free. They had some at home, so evangelist Mike offered her one for any children they might have. She got one for her older daughter who was outside the Faith.
One man, in his late teens or early 20s, said he was an atheist when offered a Rosary. Please pray that God grants him the grace of conversion.
A good day in all. Lots of Rosaries put into the hands of God’s children. Pray that they use them. Altogether, the three evangelists gave away 15-20 Rosaries and its booklet, 2-3 Miraculous Medals, 1 copy of the Gospel according to St. Luke, and 1 copy of the kerygma.
Please pray for all these and for us today? We plan to set up downtown in just a couple of hours from now. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Our Risen Lord and the Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.
People accepting a tool for prayer gives us hope. So thank you again for your prayers and support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and your loved ones!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. For some photos from this session, please visit our blog.
He is Risen, Alleluia!!! Two evangelists proclaimed Easter last week, so thank you for your prayers and encouragement for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort.
Easter Sunday gave us bright sunshine but strong breezes. We found a spot that was protected enough from the wind that none of our pamphlets blew away (although our signs blew over every once in a while). Praise God!
“David James” and his sister “Kayla” were our first visitors. Non-Catholic Christians, they were celebrating Palm Sunday that day rather than Easter, and happily chatted with evangelist Mike about our common Christian heritage. They have great respect for Our Blessed Mother, the Theotokos. Each chose a Rosary and accepted the pamphlet on how to pray it.
Two women in their early 20s stopped so one of them could get a Rosary and its pamphlet. She told us she was Catholic and had moved here from another state. She was out with her best friend.
A couple stopped because the woman was curious about Rosaries. They each accepted one after evangelist Lucy explained that people who sit down and actually try to pray it experience an unexplained sense of peace.
Evangelist Mike talked with a visitor who may not have been Christian, but accepted a Rosary and pamphlet. Another claimed to be Catholic, but didn’t seem connected with a local parish.
A woman in her early 30s, dressed all in black, was on her way to work. She accepted our last black Rosary, the pamphlet on how to pray it, and encouragement to sit down and try it.
One teenager briefly left her group, came over, and chose the blue chain Rosary held by evangelist Mike. She also accepted its pamphlet.
Two women in their early 20s stopped in answer to evangelist Lucy’s hail of “Happy Easter! Would you like a free Rosary?” They each chose one. Were they Christian? One of them hesitated a beat too long before saying yes. Lucy gave her the kerygma, saying it was a one-page summary of the basic Christian message from a Catholic point of view.
A group of 4 more women in their 20s stopped. Three out of the four accepted a Rosary; the other had one at home. The three non-Catholic Christians listened with interest to the brief explanation of the Rosary and the encouragement to pray it because people found “it really helps their walk with Christ”.
Foot traffic was surprisingly light, perhaps due to the blustery wind. Still, the two evangelists gave away maybe 15-20 Rosaries and its pamphlet, as well as one copy of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today, Divine Mercy Sunday! We plan to head downtown in less than an hour. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, and that He grant much good fruit for His Kingdom from today’s efforts.
Jesus is as alive today as He was on the Day of Resurrection! We try to proclaim that. So thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and your loved ones!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. For photos from this session, please visit our blog.
Through the mercy of God, three evangelists were available to offer the Good News about Jesus Christ to whomever stopped by. So thank you again for your ongoing prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. We rely on them!
“Brandon”, perhaps in his mid-20s, was sporting a fluffy blond beard, riding a skateboard, and carrying a mostly empty bottle of amber-colored liquid. He claimed to be Christian. so evangelist Mike asked him to pray with us for the ministry. We circled up and Brandon took the lead. From his prayer, his belief system seemed to a syncretist religion of “nice”. He accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet, as well as a copy of our one-page presentation of the kerygma. Please pray for him?
Several people called to us that they already had a Rosary (or Rosaries). We asked for their prayers.
Our repeat visitor “John” maintains the parking garage for “our” business park. He stopped by and exchanged pleasantries with evangelist Mike.
A woman hurried by, calling out that she was a “recovering Catholic”. She didn’t give details, but one team member guessed that she had been badly hurt by someone in the Church as was still trying to heal and “recover” from the damage. Please pray for her?
A young man in his late teens stopped and selected a Rosary. He told us he was Catholic, but when asked what parish he belonged to, he was a unsure of its name.
A woman stopped by as we were packing up (a few minutes early, so we could get to our respective parishes on time for their Divine Mercy liturgies). The woman accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet.
Foot traffic was light on that sunny but breezy Sunday. We had been given 8 black Rosaries, from several different Rosary makers. They each found a home! Altogether, the three evangelists gave away 9-12 Rosaries and its pamphlet, and 2-3 copies of the kerygma.
Please pray for us again today. We plan to set up downtown in just a couple of hours from now. Please ask God to send people to us prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Please ask God to grant the evangelists all they need to reach each soul for Him and that much good fruit for His Kingdom will come of today’s efforts.
We just got word that one of our regular evangelists is facing back surgery in the near future and so will not be able to come and stand with us! Please pray for Fr. Tom!
God’s Mercy is indeed boundless. So thank you again for your prayers, encouragement, and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and your loved ones!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. For photos from this session, please visit our blog.
A near-record response to the Rosaries! So thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. You make a positive difference!
A well-dressed couple ignored our offer of a free Rosary. Then, having gone a good 50 paces more, she turned and came back to the table. He followed. She chose a Rosary.
A woman went by, heroin-skinny, missing a tooth or two. Asked if she wanted a Rosary, she declined by declaring an active relationship with the enemy of humankind. May God free her!
One girl, about 8 years old, accepted a Rosary. A few minutes later, she came back with a 3-year-old cousin, whom she helped choose a Rosary.
A woman in her early 20s expressed interest in Christianity. Besides giving her a Rosary, its pamphlet, and a copy of the kerygma, we invited her to contact a local parish that is already hosting a new Inquiry Class.
Some buskers set up at a picnic table across the square from us. Evangelist Chuck went over and talked to one of them about his pole-twirling act. “Zachary” refused a Rosary at that time, but said he would come over when they finished singing. He did, and took a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A couple in their mid- to late-20s stopped by. He was a smoke jumper, and visited briefly with evangelist Chuck. The woman selected a Rosary.
A family from a farm community about 30 miles away were in town for the afternoon. The mother accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet. Then the kids did, too.
A group of young people were dressed like punk rockers, with many tattoos and piercings. One young woman from the group came to the table for a Rosary.
A girl, about 6 years old, broke away from her family and came to us. She almost accepted the yellow Rosary held by evangelist Chuck, then spotted the Rosaries of different colors on the table and chose one of those. Her mom followed her and got a Rosary and its pamphlet, too.
A woman in her early 20s stopped by on her bicycle. She told evangelist Mike that her mother was an inactive Catholic, and so she had never attended a Catholic service. Mike gave her a pamphlet about being Catholic, as well as a Rosary and its pamphlet.
A man with a prosthetic leg and what appeared to be his daughter (both dressed in orange) stopped and got an orange Rosary for the girl.
All 8 of our black Rosaries were chosen within the first few minutes of the session. Altogether, the three evangelists gave away 30-35 Rosaries and its pamphlet, 3 copies of the kerygma, 2-3 maps of area parishes, and a pamphlet called “Why Be Catholic”.
Please pray for us again today? We plan to set up downtown within the hour. Please ask God to send us people prepared to perceive their need for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s efforts.
God heard you and sent many people to us last week! So thank you again for your prayers! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and yours!
“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
P.S. Space is limited here. For many more notes from the session, as well as photos, please visit our SPSE journal/blog page within a day or two.
“Mother’s Day” is a US holiday that encourages people to buy presents for their mother or take them out to a restaurant. Many, many groups of people passed our table, but there was mostly a response of “no, thank you” to the offer of a free Rosary. Still, our one available evangelist did have a few takers. So, thank you again for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort!
Our first visitors were a group of 3 men, casually dressed and displaying lots of tattoos and symbols. One was also wearing a large, unevenly shaped, translucent crystal. Each of the three chose one of our fancier Rosaries. May Our Lady obtain for them freedom from bondage and new life in Christ!
A couple of people, from different groups of passersby, stopped when they recognized the Rosary as something important to their grandmothers. You go, grandparents! Your visible devotion to the Rosary does bear fruit!
“John” the parking garage attendant stopped briefly to ask where the other evangelists were. “It’s Mother’s Day.” He didn’t stay to chat.
Two women stopped. Perhaps still in their 20s, both seemed housing challenged. The first happily declared she was Catholic and accepted a Rosary. The second didn’t seem to know much about Christianity. The second woman accepted a Rosary and its pamphlet, as well as a copy of our one-page presentation of the kerygma.
A group of 3 non-Catholic Christian men, in their late teens or early 20s, stopped out of curiosity. Once they understood that the Rosary was about Jesus, they each accepted one, as well as the encouragement to actually spend time praying it in order to grow closer to Our Savior.
One (about 10-year-old) boy, out of a family group of 4 or 5, wanted a Rosary. His father told him no. The boy started to take one anyway. The evangelist reminded him that his dad had said no. But the man seemed to be wavering in his decision, so the evangelist again asked for his permission for his son to have a Rosary. This time, the man’s no was firm and the group walked away. Although no Rosary made its way into their household, could it have been a healing moment for the father to have his authority affirmed? Please pray for them and for all those who encounter us?
Altogether, the evangelist gave away 12-15 Rosaries and its pamphlet on how to pray it, as well as 1-2 copies of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet. Were so few interested in a Rosary that day because, since they had paid some honor to their earthly mother, they felt they had done enough “spiritual activity”?
Please pray for us again today? Please ask God to send people to us prepared and able to receive the Good News about Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. Please ask God to perfect our efforts and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s session.
“Do not be afraid to take Mary into your home” (cf. Matt 1:20). Some people accepted the invitation, so thank you again for your prayers and other support for this apostolate. In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and your loved ones!
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