Former/Non Catholics: What do you practice now?

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Usually the argument is that Catholics are not Biblical and take it out of context.
I believe that is sometimes the case as well. However, when offering “proof” that the Catholic religion is the “one, true” religion, many Catholics have tried using the Bible as the proof.
Originally Posted by Catholic4aReasn
What sort of proof would convince you?
BlessedBe13 said:
You are evading the question. 🙂
If there was objective truth, it could be presented to me without needing to know what would convince me. I can say that the Bible would not convince me because it was written as part of the Catholic religion, and would obviously be biased towards Catholicism being true.

It’s not an evasion at all. It’s a request for clarification. You narrowed down my options by telling me what you would not accept (the Bible) so what would you accept?


In Christ,
BlessedBe13 said:
I may be denying the Bible’s description of the Divine, but I am not denying the Divine. I still have faith.

Spirits have not told me anything regarding God. And I don’t believe in hell.


Hi BlessedBe13,

I am just trying to understand a few of the things you posted.
  1. What do you understand as the Divine?
  2. You posted “I still have faith.” What do you have faith in?
  3. These “spirits” you’re talking about. Have they ever told you why they’re there? Since God is described as pure Spirit, have you asked your spirits if there’s God?
  4. Why don’t you believe in hell? Do you believe in Heaven?
  5. What is the significance of the number 13 that is part of your pseudonym?
Thank you for your answers.
Jay. It must be the Anti-Christ spirit that you discerned in me? Jesus Christ left us the Holy Spirit. That Spirit lives in me. There is only one way into the Kingdom and that is through Jesus Christ,My Lord and Savior.
If that is all He left you, then you may as well throw out the Bible. You don’t need it. The Spirit will teach you everything. But i will assume you believe that Jesus also left you the written word only. Now who else taught you this except your protestant companions who have no proof whatsoever that the early christians behaved like this.

This is a very erroneous assumption spoken word and I pray you will one day come back to the flock.
Mortimer Adler, the most influential philosopher and thinker of 20th century America, finally became a Catholic in 1999 at the age of 97.

There are only two God-made religions in the world: Judaism and Catholicism.

All Protestant denominations are built on the false premise that the Bible (as Martin Luther defined it) is the sole rule of faith and practice.

If I were not absolutely convinced of the Truth of Catholicism, I’d be an orthodox Jew.

Ex-Southern Baptist, ex-agnostic, ex-atheist – by the grace of God, Catholic!
If that is all He left you, then you may as well throw out the Bible. You don’t need it. The Spirit will teach you everything. But i will assume you believe that Jesus also left you the written word only. Now who else taught you this except your protestant companions who have no proof whatsoever that the early christians behaved like this.

This is a very erroneous assumption spoken word and I pray you will one day come back to the flock.
These folks forget that the Church came before the Bible and that the Catholic Church put the bible (New Testament) together ( they do not know their History). The printing press is just about 500 years old and now there are 25,000 - 30,000 protest-ant groups…why all the splintering ???… does the Holy Spirit teach conflicting things !!! Is God a God of confusion…I do not think so !!!
If that is all He left you, then you may as well throw out the Bible. You don’t need it. The Spirit will teach you everything. But i will assume you believe that Jesus also left you the written word only. Now who else taught you this except your protestant companions who have no proof whatsoever that the early christians behaved like this.

This is a very erroneous assumption and I pray you will one day come back to the flock.
Catherine S.:
These folks forget that the Church came before the Bible and that the Catholic Church put the bible (New Testament) together ( they do not know their History). The printing press is just about 500 years old and now there are 25,000 - 30,000 protest-ant groups…why all the splintering ???… does the Holy Spirit teach conflicting things !!! Is God a God of confusion…I do not think so !!!
I agree with you catherine about the splintering but i dont think they have 25 000 - 30 000 confilicting doctrines. However, whatever it is that is causing this is not the will of God.
If that is all He left you, then you may as well throw out the Bible. You don’t need it. The Spirit will teach you everything. But i will assume you believe that Jesus also left you the written word only. Now who else taught you this except your protestant companions who have no proof whatsoever that the early christians behaved like this.

This is a very erroneous assumption spoken word and I pray you will one day come back to the flock.
Please do keep me in your prayers and that you stop assuming.God bless :confused:
  1. What do you understand as the Divine?
To put it simply, I suppose, the infinite creator of us all, that many refer to as God. I used the word divine, because while most here believe in it as “God”, I view it as a God and Goddess.
  1. You posted “I still have faith.” What do you have faith in?
The Divine.
  1. These “spirits” you’re talking about. Have they ever told you why they’re there?
If you will notice my post that you quoted I said:

BlessedBe13 said:
Spirits have not told me anything regarding God.

As in, there aren’t any spirits telling me anything about God.
  1. Why don’t you believe in hell? Do you believe in Heaven?
Because I believe in all-loving creators, I don’t there is no room for the belief that these creators would send anyone to a place of eternal torment. People here have told me that God doesn’t send people to hell and that people go there by choice. However, no-one would choose to go to such a place, and by god sending/allowing people to go there because of their rejection of him/her/it, that contradicts an all-loving creator idea. I do believe in an afterlife, however.
  1. What is the significance of the number 13 that is part of your pseudonym?
I like the number. I’ve used in a lot of my names, so it’s a habit. It is the date of my boyfriends birthday, and half of mine 😛
Thank you for your answers.
You are welcome. 🙂
Mindy Mae:
I’m interested in hearing what religions (if any) former Catholics took up after they left the Church, or what is practiced by the majority of non-Catholics with intention of converting. I was raised Methodist but have lately began seriously questioning it. After much investigation, I’ve decided not to become Catholic. However, there are so many other Christian and non-Christian faiths that I don’t know where to go from here!
Im a non denominational, love it.

Gen 3: Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They wanted to be as God and decide what is right and what is wrong, The same thing the both of you want to do.
How can the creature judge the Creator? arrogance.
The God of Abraham, The God of Isreal is different than all other gods. He says He alone is God. He says there is only one way. He says there is salvation only in the name Jesus. That is what is different between Christianity and the others. You may choose to follow others but they are opposed to the God of the bible. It is your choice, however it is a lie that all paths lead to the same destination –they do not.
Gen 3: Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They wanted to be as God and decide what is right and what is wrong, The same thing the both of you want to do.
That is making assumptions since you do not know me at all. Of course, I should decide what is right and wrong. That is how we make decisions in everyday life. That is not pretending to be God. However, if we are created in the image of God in that God is able to be logical and reasonable, and therefore, so are humans, then it would make sense that we should be able to use logic and reason to determine right from wrong.
How can the creature judge the Creator?
Since when did I judge my creators? Making assumptions again?
The God of Abraham, The God of Isreal is different than all other gods. He says He alone is God. He says there is only one way. He says there is salvation only in the name Jesus. That is what is different between Christianity and the others.
That is true. Although it is claimed that the Christian God is all loving, he also seems to be a very jealous God, which does not really fit in with the “all-loving” concept.
You may choose to follow others but they are opposed to the God of the bible.
They are different from the God in the bible because my creators are all-loving, while the God of the bible does not seem to be.
It is your choice, however it is a lie that all paths lead to the same destination –they do not.
And where is the proof of that? There can be only one truth in the end, there are just many paths to reach that end.
That is making assumptions since you do not know me at all. Of course, I should decide what is right and wrong. That is how we make decisions in everyday life. That is not pretending to be God. However, if we are created in the image of God in that God is able to be logical and reasonable, and therefore, so are humans, then it would make sense that we should be able to use logic and reason to determine right from wrong.
Since when did I judge my creators? Making assumptions again?
That is true. Although it is claimed that the Christian God is all loving, he also seems to be a very jealous God, which does not really fit in with the “all-loving” concept.
They are different from the God in the bible because my creators are all-loving, while the God of the bible does not seem to be.
And where is the proof of that? There can be only one truth in the end, there are just many paths to reach that end.
The eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the original sin. It is in all of us, this is the point of my conversion, once I was lost into New Age philosophy. God has told us what is right and what is wrong, but we chose to to set up our own "reality" our own beliefs. That is where we put our faith , believing in our own abilities reather than trust in God.
We are created in Gods image as a spiritual being. We have souls which are rational and logical (hopefully LOL) intelectual. In order for our souls (mind, body, emmotions) to be saved it is necessary that the Spirit regenerate our soul.
Logically we can see that there is a God—how can all of creation be happenstance? But which God.
The God of Isreal is different than all other gods. It is at this point that we must chose either Him of some other God.
I say we judge God when we say the God of the Old Testament is unloving or harsh so we gravitate towards a “more loving” god.
I contend that the God of the Old Testament is a longsuffering and loving God who in order to wake us out of our sleep came Himself to us in the person of Jesus to show us the way ,the truth , the light.
Im a non denominational, love it.
So you are the denomination which calls itself non-denominational. Like I used to be. The Spirit led me to the Catholic Church
John of Woking:
So you are the denomination which calls itself non-denominational. Like I used to be. The Spirit led me to the Catholic Church
Hi John, so you are the one who took my place.? 😃 And I thought I was going to be missed. 😃
Good post MTR01 👍
I completely agree with this post. The truth is the truth, whether one believes it or not…it’s still the truth. Religion is not (and should not) be like Burger King. You don’t get to have it “your way”. It seems all to common these days to hear people say “well I don’t agree with that,” so they go look for a church that conforms to their views. If they don’t end up liking that church, they go and find another. Unfortunately this is backwards. People should be willing to let go of their personal preferences if they are contrary to truth, especially when one’s eternal soul is on the line.
The eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is the original sin. It is in all of us,
I do not believe that humans are born flawed and sinful. People have the free will to do “bad” things, but I don’t think that humans are naturally evil.
That is where we put our faith , believing in our own abilities reather than trust in God.
I do trust that God and Goddess will watch over me and lead me in the right direction, but as a being with free will, I still need to make day to day decisions between right and wrong - which are based on the beliefs of my religion.
I say we judge God when we say the God of the Old Testament is unloving or harsh so we gravitate towards a “more loving” god.
I believe that the God and Goddess are all-loving. My “judgment” about the God of the Bible, is that while it is claimed he is an all-loving God, he is also a jealous God wanting people to follow only him and rejecting/punishing those who do not. That is very contradictory. That is one of the things that turned me off from Catholicism.
Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
It never happened, bub. Educate yourself about the true story here.
They wanted to be as God and decide what is right and what is wrong, The same thing the both of you want to do.
Hmmm, OK. Better that than be like Abraham, who was willing to murder his son just because God told him to do it.
The God of Abraham, The God of Isreal is different than all other gods. He says He alone is God. He says there is only one way. He says there is salvation only in the name Jesus.
And I don’t believe those things.

That is what is different between Christianity and the others.
Nope nope. Christianity is exactly like another religion in this respect: Islam. Islam too says there’s only one God, only one way and only one means of salvation. And Islam has it that you are going to end up in hell.
It is your choice, however it is a lie that all paths lead to the same destination –they do not.
It is a lie that all non-Christians end up in hell. It’s a lie and a blasphemous one at that. You’ll see I’m right in the end.
I do not believe that humans are born flawed and sinful. People have the free will to do “bad” things, but I don’t think that humans are naturally evil.
I do trust that God and Goddess will watch over me and lead me in the right direction, but as a being with free will, I still need to make day to day decisions between right and wrong - which are based on the beliefs of my religion.
I believe that the God and Goddess are all-loving. My “judgment” about the God of the Bible, is that while it is claimed he is an all-loving God, he is also a jealous God wanting people to follow only him and rejecting/punishing those who do not. That is very contradictory. That is one of the things that turned me off from Catholicism.
The original sin is that we humans want to be as God and decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong rather than obey God.
God is a zealous/jealous God, he made us to be His own.
He hates evil and the deceptions and the lies and the harm it does. He knows and sees that we creature reject Him and follow after something that will cause us harm (just as Eve and Adam lost out) He is hurt. We are created in His image He also has emmotions.
Were Eve and Adam punished? I guess you can say they were. They lost out on all that was given to them because Eve was deceived. God told them the truth when he said you will die—they suffered spiritual death. The lie Eve believed is the lie you have believed. There is a heaven and there is a hell. God wants you to chose life and light and heaven not death and darkness–He has given you all that you need to make this choice but if you chose deception rather than truth then He not take that decision from you.
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