There is no potency in physical and therefore it is all actuality.
If by “physical” you mean “physics” then I’d have to disagree, for the science of physics is based on descriptive understanding of the natural ways the universe operates, and not a set of prescriptive dictates on how the universe must operate. In that case, the way in which phenomena in the scientific lens function is indeed in a state of potentiality, for it could act in a different manner.
Now if you are talking about the laws of physics themselves as descriptions, then yes, they have no real “potentiality”, but then again, no definitions, or essences more broadly, have potentiality, for such a term is applicable only to those things which hold definitions and essences (so the definition of a triangle may not have potency, but a triangular figure does, as it could be quadrilateral).
Material just seems to change but the truth is that just their properties that change over time.
What do you mean by their properties? The things they hold? Or their manifestation in form? Either way, I don’t think its unreasonable to say that any material can and does change in reduction from potency to act or vise versa, even if not in a deep atomic sense (though, these too occur).
An electron goes from A to B. The electron is the same electron but just its position changed so as you can see there is no potency in electron itself.
Yes, that is what we call a change in motion, and it doesn’t change the electron itself in terms of material, indeed. However, to say that there was no change of the electron at all can’t be true, for it had potency to B, and it actualized said potency, which thus caused A to be its new state of potency. This does follow that there is potentiality in the electron; potentiality of location, to which only an infinite being who is everywhere can be in total actualization of. Furthermore, I’m not entirely sure, but if I remember correctly from my chemistry class, I do believe that depending on the state of the quarks inside said electron it can change to a proton or neutron, though I could very well be wrong (to which, if were the case, feel free to correct me).
There are infinities larger than infinity according to Cantor.
That is true, isn’t it. Isn’t the biggest infinity aleph null? Or… no, thats the smallest, yes? In any case, it doesn’t take away from my example, which is that adding any number to what is infinite well not alter infinity one bit, in the same way that using actuality to reduce actuality in a purely act being alters it not one bit.