Now, I think, Bahman, that instead of starting with definitions from I don’t know where, we should start with our own experiences, and so, I propose you to focus on this kind of reflections. In his post 59, Nyx already presented something in this direction, but probably it was not appealing to you.
Let’s take as an example an adult “A” who lives in a society “X”. Society “X” is characterized by a certain normal set of promoted, accepted and tolerated behaviors “x”, plus a set of disapproved behaviors ("x’ "). In his turn, adult “A” could be characterized by a subset of those behaviors (“a”) plus a set of unacceptable behaviors ("a’ "). The life of “A” goes smoothly until something really unexpected happens to him. Then we say that “A” is facing a problem. It might be that some behaviors which are not normal for “A”, but which belong to the set “x” might solve the problem; it might be that other person, not necessarily belonging to the same society could visualize a solution difficult to realize for a member of society “X”.
First thing we can observe is that “A” could pass through some of the following states:
- He is in panic because he doesn’t see any acceptable exit to his problem.
- He visualizes some options, and though no one of them is aligned with his usual behaviors, none is entirely unacceptable to him.
- He visualizes some options: some of them are aligned with his usual behaviors, and some are unacceptable to him.
- He visualizes some options, but all of them are unacceptable to him.
Let’s suppose also, as sometimes happens, that for all cases the possible options have certain disadvantages that involve him and others.
That would be my description for a general situation of “A”.
Before continuing though, I think we should reflect on this: what does it mean that “A” is in trouble? Inanimate beings are never in trouble. I would say vegetables aren’t either. Animals sometimes are in trouble and if their problems are relatively simple (to us, of course, when we consider their abilities), they go ahead successfully. And, finally, we are in trouble many times as well.
Why is it that a being can be in a problematic situation? What is the basic condition?
The simplest answer I can conceive is this: a being can be in trouble if he desires something. Then, if its circumstances represent an obstacle to the consecution of its desires, it faces a problem.
Do you agree, so far?