It is simple. We are sure that we are rational beings without any doubt. We however are not sure whether we have free will because the topic was subject of debate for a long time. The next question is how we treat a situation when we have a prioritized set of options? We of course pick up the best option since we are rational being. What if we don’t have a set of prioritized options? We pick up randomly if we are forced to decide otherwise we look forward to see whether we can form set of prioritized options. There is no room left for freedom.
I see…
How do you call this?: “We are sure that we are rational beings without any doubt. We however are not sure whether we have free will because the topic was subject of debate for a long time.” Is it an instance of one of your reasoning principles, or is it one of your axioms, or a postulate? What is it?
Actually, human rationality has been subject to debate too; so, applying your “principle”, you should not be sure of your rationality either. But let me be more specific so that you can realize how weak your basis is: Every “argument” that you, Bahman, have presented in this forum has been subject to debate; therefore you, Bahman, should not be sure of the truth of any one of them.
Secondly, you have been unable to describe -so much the less to explain-, how is it that you prioritize your options “rationally”. All you have been able to say is “We do”, which is not rational enough, so to say. Therefore, your statement “we prioritize our options using our reason” is not well founded.
Thirdly, it is true that some persons sometimes use to make some decisions randomly. In an exam where you have to select the right answers from a number of options, some guys who did not study enough the night before use to select their options closing their eyes and pointing to the exam with one of their fingers. When they open their eyes and see the pointed option, they choose it. After all, all of the options have the same weight to them. If that is the way in which you make your decisions, I will not debate it (some software programs do it that way). You know yourself, and I don’t. However there are some persons in this world who do not make decisions using those “techniques”. When I say that there is free will, I am thinking on this kind of persons, not on the other.
Fourth, if you need random processes in your decision making because your rationality cannot prioritize your options, it means that your rationality does not possess the energy to determine your actions. Therefore, your rationality is not an impediment for free will. But if you insist and say: “I, Bahman, are not free”; I am ready to accept it as true; you, Bahman, are not free.
Fifth, the statement “human beings are not free” has been subject to debate for a long time, therefore, according to your principle you should not be sure of its truth.