You don’t have to convince him. You have the right and even the obligation to say “no” because he obviously has no clue what the word “no” means. Your life with this guy will be a living hell. There may be a distant chance in the future but if you go into business with him most likely he will take that as some sort of halfway-to-a-promise.
In more crude terms, he is letting his “biology” do the talking for him, and it is causing him to be rude, imposing, and basically I certainly cannot tell but I would be astonished if he didn’t also routinely sin with you in his mind… after all he seems to respect no limits on what he can get away with.
He isn’t pushing this on you, but he threw it out there for you to consider which is basically the same thing although I believe him in that he has likely fooled himself.
Trust me, young men aren’t all that sophisticated as you’re giving this guy credit for. He’s a snake oil salesman. Maybe he will turn out to be honest and true, but one thing he doesn’t seem to understand is respect for your feelings. It isn’t that he doesn’t care about your feelings; more likely he is completelyi clueless even though he pretends to be all knowing and caring. Yeesh. When I was on haitus from the Church, I found myself playing some of these mind games. It can get women into bed sometimes even as they think they have to “make sure” that they have no feelings. I’m not buying it, but then again I’m just a voice on the Internet.
The amount of vicious lies and hatred towards this person is appaling in this forum. How the truth can get so truely distorted and and blown out of proportion is amazing sometimes.
I don’t know how so many people here went down on so many tangents, but it is a real eye opener.
How do I know? Because apparently I am that snakeoil, I’m the one she talks of in this huge string of hatred here.
Would any of you actually ever try and give objective advice, or maybe take what was presented to ya, and not add your own BS biasness or taints on it.
Most of you seem to think this guy is a louse, evil, had hidden motives… and not nearlly one of you actually tried to place yourselves in that persons shoes, and give objective advice.
We had to resort to name calling, picking apart, tearing down and thinking the absolute worst in the situtation. I appaled by the display of “advice” here in a Catholic Forum.
I never told this girl i loved her, or I wanted to Marry her. I have no clue how it esclated to this? I said, and would go on the record for this:
I told her I had feelings for her… never once that I loved her.
I told her when I searched the bottom of my heart, I felt she was the one, and I kept praying about it, in hopes it would go away or maybe I was wrong. It did not.
I told her I feel really called to be there for her, whatever happens in the long run, as I feel she may need it. And I LEFT IT AT THAT.
I’ve absolutely tried to push aside and avoid talking bout this issue from that moment forward, because I ddid not wish to hurt her anymore, nor did I ever want to.
The most important thing to me is trying to get this Ministry off the ground, and its **** like this from half you people here, that deflates people, makes them feel worthless and places serious doubt on all good things they try and do.
I wish I had no feelings for her, they have been the absolute bane of my existance and the means to tear me apart. And I try to be open about it, and tell her whats wrong… and I find an entire massive thread with hatred and lack of understanding or sympathy running amuck in it, half of you truely should be ashamed.
I have been under non stop attack for weeks, and its unbeleivable how something I said to someone that conversation lasted 15 minutes, and a few email exchanges, which I told in confidence because I was trying to be absolutely open with her, has blow up into this massive mess I find before me here.
I guess from all of this, I’ve truely learned two things.
The first is to keep your feelings inside and DO NOT share them with other people, else you may find them on forums and discussion groups with people calling you vicous names and ripping you apart. Exactly like we have here.
The other is the new lows the devil goes to in attempts to tear a person and a ministry down.
And we are supposed to be Catholics here. This is not Salem, and I am not a witch. A lack of compassion from half you people here makes me ponder, who truely are my friends, and more importantly, who can you trust?