Gather round my fellow Trump supporters

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“The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep, one last time.” 👑

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I promise it is not baseless. Please please do not think I am just some stupid person.
I fail to see how it isn’t. Your intelligence doesn’t matter here, supporting your claims does. And you have yet to give them any support. Watch the video I linked you. The guy is an actual historian and he shows how various conspiracies were shown to be true with proper evidence. It is not trivial to accuse another nation of biological warfare, rigging elections, and intending to overthrow our government.
@(name removed by moderator), when they control all branches of government they will be able to do whatever they want.
How? They won’t even have a majority in the Senate to stack the court like so many fear! Every attempt thus far to increase the number of justices has failed because it was found to be a breach of checks and balances!
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I promise it is not baseless. Please please do not think I am just some stupid person.
You’ve become seriously ensconced in the ‘just because’ fallacy.

Description: Refusing to respond to give reasons or evidence for a claim by stating yourself as the ultimate authority on the matter. This is usually indicated by the phrases, “just trust me”, “because I said so”, “you’ll see”, or “just because”. The just because fallacy is not conducive to the goal of argumentation – that is coming to a mutually agreeable solution. Nor is it helpful in helping the other person understand why you are firm on your position. “Just because” is not a reason that speaks to the question itself; it is simply a deflection to authority (legitimate or not).

Logical Form:

X is true because I said so.
They are going to use the same strategy they used to steal this election to steal the senate.
You mean the mail in votes? It’s hardly a conspiracy. Go look at an election map. Biden is getting his support from large metropolitan cities with large populations. It takes a long time to count those votes. Rural counties, which are smaller and also more conservative, are thus able to report their numbers more quickly as a result. So it looks like the state has a surge of Trump support, until the metropolitan areas start getting their counts in.

I should also mention that right now, according to the Associated Press, the Democrats have 46 seats. The Republicans have 48. There are 2 Independents. There are 2 remaining undecided elections, not including the Georgia runoff, one in Alaska, and one in North Carolina. Even if the Democrats win both seats (which they won’t), they’ll be tied with the Republicans. Now, how do you think they’ll get a majority in the Senate? Even if Harris votes as VP (and she can only vote in the case of a tie), the two Independents are not Democrats.

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The mail-in ballots are easily made fraudulent.
Says who? How many ballots are fraudulent?
Republicans will win Alaska, the Democrats will steal Georgia and North Carolina.
Good luck with stealing North Carolina. They’re 98% finished.

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But of course, you’ll say they’ll just forge enough ballots to win it. Something which can neither be proven nor disproven. Funny that they can just wave their hand to rig North Carolina but couldn’t outright swing the Senate or even the Georgia Senate election from not being a runoff. Heck, they lost to a dead man in North Dakota!
The two “independents” are Bernie Sanders and Angus King, both of who are radical leftists and caucus with the Democrats.
And Bernie Sanders always sees eye to eye with the Democrats, and they with him.
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Republicans on November 2nd: Stop calling Trump a fascist and a racist every time he gets out of bed. Using over the top language makes it hard to take you seriously.

Republicans on November 5th: Joe Biden is going to turn the United States into one big gulag. He’s going to force all the Christians to become gay Satanists or be fed to wild dogs.
They need to make it look close.
And anger both their Democrat support and the Republicans? Not wise, especially since there were Democrats who thought they’d win in a landslide. They don’t need to do anything. See how conspiracy theory works? You just assign a motive to them based on how you perceive things to be, because to you, they must make it appear like it’s close so they can overthrow democracy in a country where almost 50% of the vote went to his opponent. It’s nonsense.
If North Carolina does flip, will you finally be convinced that I am not crazy?
No. Because in order to prove election fraud, especially on such a massive scale, you have to prove the number and which ballots are fraudulent. This country also runs on “innocent until proven guilty”, guilt which is proved beyond the shadow of a doubt. And you have no such proof.
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Yeah I didn’t realize that was you and not the other guy. My bad.
They do not need to because there will be no more elections. They need it to look close enough so as not to be so egregious as to appease the Republicans enough not to start a civil war.
Instead of starting a civil war by doing things outrageous to the ~50% who didn’t support him in the election. His opposition is not trivial.
More proof to my previous point. Make look like a “loss” because they didn’t live up to the fake polls which by the way the Democrats run.
I wasn’t referring to polls. I was referring to popular sentiment, the thing which Biden is supposedly fabricating to get into office.
Well the democratic cities hold the ballots, manufacturing them, and counting them. They refuse to be transparent and show us the process. How can we get evidence if they do not even let us see what they are doing?
They have, actually. Trump’s complaints were never that they weren’t allowed to look, but how close they could look. If they didn’t have representatives to watch the counting then they wouldn’t be settling their lawsuits or getting them thrown out.

Or would you now like to claim the judges are in on this too?

“The Trump campaign has not produced any evidence of cheating, but has alleged that poll watchers were being denied close-up access to observe vote counting at locations in Philadelphia and Detroit.

Here’s a livestream from Philadelphia of the counting:

What kind of secret voting fraud livestreams their misdeeds?
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Please, just keep an open mind going forward and please do not think I am stupid or crazy.
As I said, your intelligence nor your sanity matters. Evidence is what matters. You have none. You bend things to suit your theory, instead of your theory to suit facts.
If you are not a Republican and not a conspiracy theorist, who are you?
Are you saying the Republicans running the count in Georgia and Arizona are crooked or just in Nevada and Pennsylvania because the have Dems.
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