Gather round my fellow Trump supporters

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Trying to destroy the Catholic faith by…electing a Catholic to the most powerful position in the country?
Are we talking about destroying human beings?

EWTN - Catholic Voter's Guide - Moral Cooperation in the Evil of Another.

Moral Cooperation in the Evil of Another​

I can not judge others, I can read the Catechism.

All of this is talking about cooperation with evil, indeed taking part in the evil.

I’m not going to be standing outside an abortion mill say and the worker says, “hey, we need some help on this, could you help us out??”. It almost is like the Catechism is telling us, this is a level of cooperation that involves voters.
All of this is talking about cooperation with evil, indeed taking part in the evil.
Do we undervalue to moral evil of compulsive lying?
Do we cooperate in it when we unquestionably support the liar?
Some of just happen to think progressives will do so. And hence, this country will never be unified again.

The democrats showed how they felt about us over the last four years. I suspect they will find out how we feel over the next four, we just won’t destroy as much property in the process.

A unified America will never happen again, save for a national emergency like 9/11 for a brief period.
The democrats showed how they felt about us over the last four years. I suspect they will find out how we feel over the next four, we just won’t destroy as much property in the process.
This is seriously wrong. Trump was not a Republican. He co-opted the party, but he was not a Republican. The Republicans have a chance to get back on track and repudiate the last four year.
Some of just happen to think progressives will do so. And hence, this country will never be unified again.
I certainly hope that we can become united with a tragedy.
The Republicans have a chance to get back on track and repudiate the last four year.
Apart from bad tweeting manners, what would you like someone to ‘repudiate’ about the last four years?
This is seriously wrong. Trump was not a Republican. He co-opted the party, but he was not a Republican. The Republicans have a chance to get back on track and repudiate the last four year.
No thanks. They have a much better identity than the milquetoast loser mentality of the McCains and Romneys of the world. Take out Trump’s insults, and you have the ideal party IMO.

The party of Trump destroyed every polls’ expectations, and moved that much closer to reclaiming the House. The Senate is still unlikely to flip blue.

The Democrats have to deal with a . . . man with the fortitude of a wet noodle, and the incessantly unliakble VP serving as their flagbearers, with no ability to move legislation in COongress, and a virus they cannot control one way or another. Even the MSNBCs of the world have said this was a harsh day of reckoning for the Democratic party.

The party of Bush, McCain, and Romney is dead forever, hopefully.
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You know, I’m not going to relitigate the past four years of this impeached President.

There are too many reasons to list. But, it appears it’s over.
The party of Bush, McCain, and Romney is dead forever, hopefully.
The Democrats have to deal with a senile man with the fortitude of a wet noodle, and the incessantly unliakble VP serving as their flagbearers, with no ability to move legislation in COongress, and a virus they cannot control one way or another. Even the MSNBCs of the world have said this was a harsh day of reckoning for the Democratic party.
I’m seriously surprised that this is your view.
I’m seriously surprised that this is your view.
I’m seriously surprised whenever I learn that someone is incapable of understanding the perspective of other people. Incapable of actually looking through the eyes of another, without strawmanning them or projecting one’s own preconceived notions onto their position, even for a solid 60 seconds.
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You know, in all Christian love and brotherhood, that’s not really on my radar.
Honestly, the saddest tragedy coming out of this whole thing, for me, is that the anti-Trump side never learned the problem with their scorn. Never outgrew the hysteria and contempt they have for those they consider “deplorable”, “ugly”, etc.

Anyone who thinks a Biden presidency ‘solves’ the underlying problem to begin with, and hasn’t learned to actually understand why Trump voters have voted for Trump… it’s sad. Because that fundamental misunderstanding of tens of millions of their countrymen hasn’t gone away. The deliberate persistence in contempt for those who think differently, it’s driven a deep wedge, and that’s doesn’t disappear just because a few offices are filled differently in Washington far away.
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The Republicans have a chance to get back on track and repudiate the last four year.
Also, I’m going to say one more thing about this, because I’ve already heard this sentiment in multiple places: please don’t say things like this. It’s dangerous.

Biden won: That’s great, he can govern.

But almost the same number of people voted for Trump. Both men received votes from over 70 million people. (At the moment votes stand at 50.6% for Biden, 47.7% for Trump, according to AP. Yes, I realize there’s an absolute-number difference of approximately 4 million people right now – but that’s related to the population concentration of cities that tilt a certain way, etc.)

My point is, over 70 million people voted for Trump – and 8 million new people voted for Trump in 2020 than voted for Trump in 2016. After observing the last four years of Trump’s governance, more black people voted for Trump this time than last time. More Latinos voted for Trump this time than last time.

It is not appropriate to ask half the country to “repudiate” what they just voted for. It is not appropriate to participate in pressuring people to “repudiate” what they actually support, as if holding political views different from yours is something they need to repent of (or hide underground with). It is the job of the new governing power to reach out to those who didn’t vote for them, and govern on their behalf too. It is not the job of 70 million people to “repudiate” their beliefs and votes.

My suggestion to those who are happy with the new governing party, would be to try to be gracious winners. And try to reach out to understand and represent (not misrepresent) those who didn’t vote the same way – rather than asking them to repudiate what they voted for.
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I do see contempt for Trump supporters from “the Left”. Without a doubt it’s there. But can you truly not see the contempt for Democrats from Trump supporters? It’s there too. “May the Lord cast out the demonic Joe Biden” was a post here on CAF.
You are both baptized Catholics (I believe) and thus are obligated under pain of mortal sin to love one another even if the other goes so far as to attempt to take your life… just saying.
I do see contempt for Trump supporters from “the Left”. Without a doubt it’s there. But can you truly not see the contempt for Democrats from Trump supporters? It’s there too. “May the Lord cast out the demonic Joe Biden” was a post here on CAF.
I agree with this. Contempt is toxic, on all ‘sides’. We should all seek to repent of it and ask God to help us approach each other more constructively.
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