Gather round my fellow Trump supporters

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Jeanne, they don’t WANT to see it. By the time they do, IF they do, it may be too late.

There is none so blind as he who WILL not see.
And I am really sick and tired of people touting how Biden “reaches across the aisle” to work with both parties.

Throughout the entire time that Mr. Trump was in office, the other “aisle” refused to reach across to him, refused to work with him on much of anything, and did everything it could to undermine him and deny him victories, even when those wins would have been good for the country. He was forced to go it alone much of the time. And the news media went right along with it.

The combined forces of an overly powerful left-wing machine, big tech, a blatantly biased news media and socialist brainwashing being done in our schools have pretty much left Constitutionalists out in the cold.

Mr. Trump wanted to be able to work across the aisle, and the aisle refused to work with him.

So much negative emphasis was put on his personality traits that the good he did during his term was overlooked, and I would say intentionally.

No reasonable person can fault Mr. Trump for not working across the aisle. He tried. They resisted in every way. He may have been willing to compromise a little if THEY had been willing to give a bit, too. They wouldn’t give an inch.

So, there you go.
Well said! God Bless President Trump.Never in my lifetime have I witnessed such dedication to this country and its citizens as with this POTUS.
Jeanne, they don’t WANT to see it. By the time they do, IF they do, it may be too late.

There is none so blind as he who WILL not see.
I just don’t buy these apocalyptic theories at all. People have been hypnotized by the great salesman of doom and they are trapped still by his menace. People give it some time and when the true conservative base returns to vote repub. we can all help with the deprogramming.
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Take PresidentvTrump out of the equation.Just look objectively at what the Dem party has become. If after serious reflection a a concerted effort at objectivity and critical thinking,you still think they are the way to go,I would be very surprised indeed.
What have the “true conservatives” that ran the party before Trump came along ever actually conserved?
Ironically, your use of the word “dereprogramming” is borrowed from those who thought they were rescuing people from “cults” in the 1970s… often literally kidnapping people from groups those people had joined with eyes open and were never pressured into, and applying brainwashing techniques to try to “deprogram” them out of an original alleged brainwashing that had never occurred. Many people kidnapped by such deprogrammers later rejoined the groups they had chosen, after being released from the “deprogrammers” who kidnapped them.

I definitely see a parallel here. People who think Trump tricked people into distrusting the media, instead of realizing that Trump spoke on behalf of people who already knew the media was untrustworthy because it had already been lying about them, to their faces, for years… still don’t get it. It’s sad.
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I think we all can agree a fair and clean election should be expected and is required for the good of our Nation.
What have the “true conservatives” that ran the party before Trump came along ever actually conserved?
Faith in democracy. Relations with the world at large. Respect for the greatest nation from their friends and allies. Take a look at the sighs of relief from around the world today. You can’t see it from your perspective right this moment but time and retrospect will show what a great hit the US has taken from 4 years of Trump.
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So all the Trump supporters on this thread who sincerely believe that Biden will become a socialist dictator and round up Christians en mass… in four years time when we’re all still here… will you eat some humble pie and admit you overreacted?
(Not supporting Biden - just saying there’s a lot of hyperbole going on here).
No one has said any of this.Biden hopefully won’t get much accomplished these next few years if he end up as potus.He can use the cover of a R senate as a reason for not pushing through the leftist agenda of the real powers that be in the Dem party.The machine behind him,for which he is merely a tool are the ones to be feared
Yes they have. I’ve seen at least one poster explicitly say that many of us here on the forum will be executed before Biden is done. I can find the post if you really don’t believe me. Others have said he will seek to establish a dictatorship. Maybe these aren’t your views but they are being expressed.

Trump wasn’t Hitler. Biden isn’t Stalin. Let’s at least start with that baseline agreement.
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Even more important than who gets elected. If Biden really wants to bring the country together he will be moderate, rely on his decades of relationships with Republicans and welcome their views.
No I’m talking about actual policies. They didn’t stop gay marriage, they haven’t stopped abortion, they’re not stopping the expansion of other LGBTQ nonsense. They’ve conserved nothing.

And I had that opinion before Trump was even on the scene.
Biden is past his best by shelf life.Again he will be nothing more than a figurehead for the real leftist in charge.Period.
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