Gather round my fellow Trump supporters

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First, it’s the duty of states to enforce their own laws.

Secondly, the court’s decision to deny enforcement when the states wouldn’t step in was a cop-out. It wouldn’t have been “interfering” with the states’ rights to pass their own election laws. The court wouldn’t have been trying to overthrow those laws. It simply would have provided proper action against the breaking of those laws and proper redress of grievances to those adversely affected by the illegal denials of access. The lower courts should have taken care of that, but since they didn’t, appeal to a higher court became necessary, and that court refused to do its duty.

Thirdly, when a lower judge issues an order that is blatantly defied, there needs to be serious consequences. Too many powerful entities today feel they can just ignore a judge’s order and thumb their noses at it. The more powerful the entity, the more they get away with that. It needs to stop.

The example was when the lower court judge ordered that sixty poll watcher from both parties had to be allowed meaningful access for monitoring ballots, six feet away behind a barrier, and then the election people just moved all their counters and machinery further across the room so that the poll watchers STILL couldn’t see anything. That was a blatant violation of the judge’s order, and swift legal action should have been taken. Court orders get largely ignored these days because people get away with violating them.

Unenforced laws are no better than non-existent laws. If the states aren’t going to enforce their own laws and make these entities comply with them, they might as well wipe those laws off of their books, because lack of enforcement has rendered them useless and ineffective.

These incidences of provable fraud and the refusal of our legal system to remedy them is just one more example of nonexistent justice in this country. Or, of two-tiered justice whereby the law is applied one way to one group or party and a different way to another, thus voiding equal application and equal justice under the law.

We are becoming a lawless nation, as a result.

The decision by the higher court to refuse to rule on the exclusion of legitimate poll watchers from meaningful access will only encourage this lawbreaking in future elections. Once they find they can get away with it, they’ll do it again and again to the watchers of the opposing party.

The court copped out. Shame on them!
It is not appropriate to ask half the country to “repudiate” what they just voted for. It is not appropriate to participate in pressuring people to “repudiate” what they actually support, as if holding political views different from yours is something they need to repent of (or hide underground with). It is the job of the new governing power to reach out to those who didn’t vote for them, and govern on their behalf too. It is not the job of 70 million people to “repudiate” their beliefs and votes.
I totally understand. Maybe I’m going a little too far on the hyperbole train. It is true that we are divided.

One could argue the Republicans and the Democrats are undergoing some upheaval or movement in their beliefs. I’m neither, so I’[m just watching. Neither is a good fit for Christians, quite frankly.
I’m in the same boat. Watching from afar! And don’t identify as politically partisan to any party I’ve heard of yet.
Please forgive my for this. You said “from afar”. I just have to add from a dumpster far.

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Psssh. Haha. Took me a solid second to get there. Had to sound it out to myself. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
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It is not appropriate to ask half the country to “repudiate” what they just voted for.
No, it is not.

Trump never understood that he did not have a mandate from the people. I hope Biden learns this message. He is in a position to. He has friends on both sides of the aisle in what hopefully will be a Republican Senate. The question is can he give in on what he needs to in order to bring Republicans in Congress, and in the U.S, along in supporting him, if not liking him. Can he truly be a moderate? He wanted the job. Now he has to take responsibility for leading the country forward, or failing to lead. The buck will stop in the Oval Office.

If he has some success, look for a Democratic backlash from the progressives in the party, and possibly a Republican moderate next time.
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I am not trying to fear monger. If the Dems control all branches and pack the court, what incentive do they have to hold another election?
Dude, this is spam and ridiculous. Even Russia and China hold elections.

If you’re concerned that policies may be established that impact the way future voters vote, or future votes are counted, feel free to take some time to think about it and come back with your specific concerns.

But as it stands, suggesting the USA is going to stop holding elections, is on-it’s-face ridiculous. Whatever your concerns may be, this shouldn’t be among them.
I do not know how old you are, but in the United States the presidential election is every four years, even when Trump won, even when Obama won, even when Bush won, etc.

I guess Jesus could return, but the idea that some how the party in power can bypass the Constitution is so absurd as to be fear-mongering.
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That is assuming there will be another election
If we lose the Senate, it’s all over. We shall be living under a socialist dictatorship from now on. No more free country.

Sad, we haven’t learned history’s lessons.

I never thought things would go this far, or that I would live to see it!

Heaven, Heaven, help us!
The radical socialists are already trying to bypass the Constitution, and if we lose the Senate, they’ll succeed in not only bypassing it, but ripping it up and throwing away the pieces.

We could be in for some real trouble.

I fault the moderates on both sides for going along with it.

Were they REALLY that blind?
You tell me,The Dems are defrauding the electorate by attempting to muddy the results through chicanery. JB has lied for 47 years…I don’t get it either how anyone supports the guy or really the Dem party as a whole
That is assuming there will be another election
If we lose the Senate, it’s all over. We shall be living under a socialist dictatorship from now on. No more free country.

Sad, we haven’t learned history’s lessons.

I never thought things would go this far, or that I would live to see it!

Heaven, Heaven, help us!
I’ve never met a Democrat voter advocate or desire any sort of dictatorship. I’ve heard plenty of far right people dream of absolute monarchy or the like.
You tell me,The Dems are defrauding the electorate by attempting to muddy the results through chicanery. JB has lied for 47 years…I don’t get it either how anyone supports the guy or really the Dem party as a whole
I couldn’t understand why Trump fans couldn’t see the true danger of his trying so deliberately to destroy peoples faith in democracy and the democratic system? That’s is exactly what the power hungry dictators of the world did to maintain their power. Using lies and conspiracy theories to make themselves out to be a savior when the reality was that they were enemy among the people.
How in the world has President Trump done any of what you assert? The LeftieDems are the ones in concert with the lefties media and big tech co.,trying to suppress our freedoms. Why so many don’t see this is maddingly frustrating :woman_facepalming:t2:
I find it hard to believe people are plotting to destroy the Catholic faith by electing a Catholic to the most powerful position in the country.
I just wouldn’t use Joe Biden’s Catholicism as evidence to anything.
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